
2017 Sharp AAA Platinum Service Provider

2017 Sharp AAA Platinum Service Provider
[cz_image id=”cz_34725″ image=”11614″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_85211″ cz_title=””]Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America (SIICA), a division of Sharp Electronics Corporation, announced that it has recognized Les Olson Company as a Sharp AAA Platinum Service Provider for their high level of achievement in critical areas of service delivery. The Sharp program was designed to distinguish service organizations that not only meet, but also exceed performance benchmarks and the implementation of industry best practices in this area.


To qualify for the program and be eligible to receive the Platinum Level Service Provider Award, an organization must meet several criteria that demonstrate excellent training, education, service support, and customer satisfaction. The recognized companies must show commitment to training by having archived certification on all current models, as well as a certification in a Network discipline. In addition, the organization needs to have written service escalation processes ensuring their commitment to customer satisfaction. They must also follow all preventive maintenance guidelines and practice written total call procedures to maximize copies between visits.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”]

[cz_title id=”cz_78797″ cz_title=””]While only 17 of the 429 Sharp dealers in the United States were recognized by Sharp as Platinum Level Service Providers, Les Olson Company is one of only 7 dealers (the only in the Western region of the U.S.) to achieve the elevated AAA status.


Richard Klug, Associate Director, Western Svc Support at Sharp Electronics said while presenting Les Olson Company with the award, “It was with the greatest of pleasure that we were able to present the Les Olson Company team with our coveted Platinum Level Servicer Award. Your years of dedication to your customers, along with outstanding levels of training, professionalism, customer service and teamwork are certainly reflected in this award.”


As a Platinum Level Service Provider, Les Olson Company has demonstrated superior customer support by ensuring that all reasonable efforts have been made before opening a support ticket with Sharp’s technical hotline, timely updating tickets, and leveraging remote diagnostic technologies. In addition, Les Olson Company has delivered consistent performance and quality by only using genuine Sharp parts and supplies.[/cz_title]

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[cz_image id=”cz_98688″ image=”11620″][/cz_image]
[cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″][cz_title id=”cz_72061″ cz_title=””]It is an honor for Les Olson Company to receive the Sharp Platinum Level Service Providers Award, and they are proud to be a long-time partner of Sharp Electronics. Les Olson Company is dedicated to providing an unprecedented level of customer service with best-in-class technicians and knowledgeable sales personnel who ensure each piece of Sharp equipment purchased from Les Olson Company perfectly fits the client’s needs.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]
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