Outsourced IT, Tips

3 Reasons to Partner with a Great Outsourced IT Company in 2022

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You were not alone in finding it difficult to hire and even retain talented IT professionals in 2021.  The phrase “Outsourcing IT” had a 200+ increase on Google Trends in 2021.  Also, the Gartner Group, stated “A lack of talent availability was cited far more often than other barriers this year, such as implementation cost (29%) or security risk (7%).” https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2021-09-13-gartner-survey-reveals-talent-shortages-as-biggest-barrier-to-emerging-technologies-adoption

And finally forecasts predict this trend will continue into 2022 as demand for office technology rises and the availability of IT talent remains low.  So, what are you to do?  Keep in mind these 3 things that can be helpful to you in 2022 regarding your IT workforce needs.



1Outsourcing IT will fill gaps due to missing expertise. A good IT partner will have a large staff of individuals with vast credentials spread amongst their team.  When you partner with an outsourced IT company you get a collective of experience, that when added up, could be centuries worth.  That means, they’ve probably worked on a problem similar enough to what you are facing and have a solution that will work.


2Outsourcing your IT will provide the missing bandwidth (lack of staff) your IT Department has. It’s not always about credentials and experience.  Very often it’s simply a matter of your labor force and the workload heaped upon them.  A good IT partner understands this and will help you with projects that are routine, all the way to complex.  Imagine what projects you could be freed up to work on if your helpdesk was handled by an outsourced partner.


3Periodic Demand Peaks can be one of the most stressful times for any department. It’s no different for IT.  You don’t have to work around the clock and worry that you’re still not going to meet your deadlines.  Having a relationship with a great Outsourced IT partner in your back pocket will be handy when these periodic demand peaks arise.  In fact, if you have months of the year planned out in advance that you can reserve their services, they will be ready to assist you in getting your job done when these months roll around.  If it’s impossible to predict when these peak times will arise, that shouldn’t be a problem either.  Just let your IT partner know that you plan on reaching out to them when these projects come about, and they should be able to make it work.


One of your goals for 2022 should be to interview IT firms and establish a partnership with the one that fits your needs.  Whether you need a fulltime partner, or someone to help during your busy times, having this relationship will pay dividends.  We suggest partnering with someone local that can come in person if you need them.  Our service area includes the entire state of Utah as well as Clark County NV.  To begin a relationship with us at Les Olson IT, simply fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.  We’d love to partner with you and help you achieve your 2022 goals while hopefully reducing your stress at the same time.


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