Barry Preusz, Author at Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:44:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Barry Preusz, Author at Les Olson IT 32 32 Outsourcing IT Services: Finding Expert Technical Support in 2023 Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:41:59 +0000 Date: June 6, 2023 Author: Barry Preusz     The Case for External IT Support Outsourcing IT services is a

The post Outsourcing IT Services: Finding Expert Technical Support in 2023 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Date: June 6, 2023
Author: Barry Preusz



The Case for External IT Support

Outsourcing IT services is a strategic move for businesses looking to reduce costs, access specialized expertise, and focus on core competencies. Subcontracted IT services are not a small company phenomenon due to a lack of staffing or expertise within the business. Outsourced IT services play a significant role even among the largest companies. In fact, 92% of the Forbes Global 2000 companies use IT outsourcing.1 So when companies look outside their business for specialized services, what is the best process to employ? This article examines the steps to follow when searching for an outsourced IT company.


Best Practices for Hiring the Right IT Company – Step-by-Step


First, define company goals.

Before outsourcing IT services, define the objectives needed. For example, do you need network security, anti-virus management, server support, network administration, desktop care, data cabling, or server migration? Then, identify the specific knowledge and competencies you have in-house and what is lacking within that you can derive from an external source. Also, determine the information and communication outcomes you expect and the timeline for completion.


Second, identify the right outsourcing partner.

Look for an outsourcing provider with expertise in the services you need. Consider the prospective partner’s experience, reputation, track record, proximity, pricing, and cultural fit. Will working with this partner create a synergy between the two companies to meet your needs and promote your business? A study by Elfring and Baven found that outsourcing technical services can reach an autonomous status in which the eternal partner can do more for the company than they could do on their own. This new autonomy allows the company to close or redelegate some in-house functions and reroute them to the outsourced company for improved performance and cost savings. 2


IT Networking


Next, develop a detailed service-level agreement (SLA).

A comprehensive SLA ensures both parties understand their roles and responsibilities and manage expectations. The SLA should provide details such as scope, timelines, service levels, escalation procedures, confidentiality, and security measures.


Establish communication protocols.

Clear communication is essential for a successful outsourcing relationship. Therefore, establish communication protocols such as regular meetings, reporting requirements, and issue escalation procedures.


Manage the relationship.

After establishing the outsourcing relationship, it is crucial to manage it effectively. For example, monitor performance against the SLA, address any issues promptly, and maintain open communication channels. Along with the communication protocols above, working through the inevitable challenges cohesively is part of the process.


Information Technology Networking


Finally, evaluate the results and adapt.

Regularly evaluate the outsourcing relationship to ensure it meets the company’s goals and objectives. Employing metrics such as cost savings, service quality, communications interruptions, information security, document flows, and customer satisfaction can allow you to measure the success of the outsourcing arrangement. Often some plans will change as more information about your evolving IT system comes to light. Be flexible and adapt to the changing situation, always moving forward to improve the information process.



The steps above lead business executives and owners to successfully outsource IT services that are extremely difficult to manage on their own. Subcontracted IT services can help businesses realize cost savings, specialized expertise, streamlined operations, and, most importantly, allowing your company an increased focus on your core competencies.









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Top 6 Benefits of Sharp Interactive Displays in the Classroom for 2023 Wed, 24 May 2023 17:33:11 +0000     Date: May 24, 2023 Author: Barry Preusz       Educators are always seeking the best ways to

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Date: May 24, 2023
Author: Barry Preusz



Participative Learning with Interactive Displays


Educators are always seeking the best ways to engage students in learning. The advent of technology plays a significant role in advancing student engagement. As in the picture above, getting students to actively participate in learning is key for their development and understanding of complex concepts. Laptops and tablets in the classroom offer many personalized learning experiences. 51% of students in the United States use tablets on a regular school week within the classroom. (Deloitte, 2016)1  The usage of interactive whiteboards within the classroom in a typical school week is 45% (Deloitte, 2016) Studies find that touch interaction provides a higher level of usability for more effective learning.2  Researchers find that interactive displays are more likely to captivate pupils' attention when they have to do something with it, rather than passively looking at it. The interaction with the display is the learning catalyst.3


What Is Cooperative Learning?

Over time, classrooms have evolved from using traditional tools like chalkboards and overhead projectors to more interactive displays. Large touch sensitive screens or multi-touch displays provide cooperative learning opportunities for students. This article will examine the six key benefits of incorporating Sharp Interactive Displays in the classroom.


Sharp Classroom Display Board


Student Engagement

Interactive displays can effectively engage students in learning. Hands-on activities, like interactive displays, enable students to interact with the material by touching, drawing, and writing on the board. This type of immediate feedback can be useful in assessing student progress and identifying areas of strength and weakness for both students and teachers.


Accessible Learning

These display boards cater to different learning styles. Interactive displays can help students with varying learning applications. They can see, hear, and touch the material, accommodating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Teachers can enhance learning by incorporating multimedia elements, including movies, PowerPoint presentations, and graphics. Accessibility features such as text-to-speech and screen readers can help students with learning difficulties or disabilities access content more easily. Learning becomes more personalized, expands boundaries, offers greater stimulation, and forms connections with students.4


Student Math on a Sharp Interactive Display



Interactive displays are user-friendly and low maintenance, allowing for marking of data using a stylus or finger. This eliminates the need for extra tools and makes it a practical choice for teachers seeking to simplify their classroom setup and maintain a tidy environment.


Online Resources

One advantage of interactive displays is their internet connectivity, which allows teachers to access a wide range of resources including content, videos, games, programs, and lessons. This enhances the learning experience for students and saves teachers time by eliminating the need to write, read, and work from physical materials.


Engaged Student Learning with Aquos Board from Sharp



Interactive displays can promote group work and collaboration among students as they can work on the same display at the same time, leading to the development of important social skills. Large interactive displays provide a clear advantage over the use of classic forms of collaboration such as laptops which constitute single-user learning environments.5



Interactive displays provide versatility, accommodating various graphics such as photos, illustrations, graphs, charts, Venn diagrams, tables, and videos. Teachers can customize the content to meet their students' needs. Moreover, the Sharp AQUOS BOARD® interactive display supports plug-and-play connectivity with different cloud-based platforms, including Google Classroom, for effortless integration with current classroom technology.


Student Engagement in Learning with Sharp Interactive Displays



Sharp Presentation Boards are a useful tool for teachers and students. They can improve student engagement, accommodate different learning styles, simplify classroom setup, provide access to endless resources, and offer flexibility. Embracing new technology and teaching methods can help students reach their full potential and prepare for success in the modern world.









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Copper Vs. Fiber Optic Cabling – Pros and Cons for 2023 Tue, 09 May 2023 21:12:30 +0000 Date: May 9, 2023 Author: Barry Preusz     Copper wire and fiber optic cables are common cables for modern

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Date: May 9, 2023
Author: Barry Preusz


Copper wire and fiber optic cables are common cables for modern data transmission. For decades, copper wire ruled as the standard for Network Cabling. Fiber optic wiring is the newcomer that increasingly becomes the cable of choice for many businesses. However, some companies transmitting large amounts of data find that older copper systems are no match for the requirements of modern technology. Both approaches have positive and negative considerations.

Numerous studies have examined the advantages and disadvantages of copper and fiber data wiring. For example, one study in Mdantsane, South Africa published in the Journal on Innovation and Sustainability found the initial cost of deploying fiber optic networks was the biggest hurdle in choosing fiber cabling.1  Another study by Logeshwaran in the Journal on Communication Technology indicates some essential considerations in choosing the best network cabling system—first, versatility in accommodating data, voice, and video, second, compatibility with active equipment, third, ease of maintenance when updating the configuration, and 4) reliability during the entire service life of the system.2  In our research of the two cable network systems, most indicate the high cost of fiber as a prohibitive factor for implementation. However, a study by Jim Hayes published in the Electrical Contractor concluded that you should consider the cost of a complete network, not just its cabling costs to determine its cost-effectiveness. When doing so, fiber cabling systems are comparable to those of Cat 6 copper cabling.3  This article explores the pros and cons of fiber and copper and the virtues of using one cabling system over the other. Below are the pros and cons of the two wiring systems.


Copper Ethernet Cabling


Top 4 Pros and Cons for Copper vs. Fiber


Best 4 Copper Wire Pros



Copper wire is less expensive, making it more economical for small businesses or home networks.


Copper wire is reliably available from local retailers, making it a popular choice for network applications.


Copper wire is compatible with most existing infrastructures, providing an easy upgrade for outdated networks.


Copper wire is durable and a reliable option for outdoor applications.


Top 4 Copper Wire Cons


Limited bandwidth

Copper wire has a restricted bandwidth, which is unsuitable for transmitting large amounts of data over long distances.

Electromagnetic interference

Copper wire is susceptible to electromagnetic interference, which can cause data loss or corruption.

Signal degradation

Copper wire can experience signal degradation over long distances, which can cause data loss or errors.

Limited transmission distance

Copper wire has a short transmission distance, often less than 300 feet, which is unsuitable for long-distance data transmission.


Best 4 Fiber Optic Pros


High bandwidth

Fiber optic cables possess an elevated bandwidth over copper wire, making them desirable for transmitting large amounts of data over long distances.

Immune to interference

Fiber optic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference, making them more reliable in noisy environments.

High signal quality

Fiber optic cables provide high-quality signal transmission, reducing the risk of data loss or errors.

Distance transmissions

Fiber optic cables transmit data over long distances without signal degradation, making them superior for long-distance transmissions.


Top 4 Fiber Optic Cons



Fiber optic cables are generally more expensive than copper wire, making them a less economical choice for small businesses or home networks.

Specialized installation

Fiber optic cables require specialized installation and handling, which can increase installation costs.


Fiber wiring, connections, and network equipment are more difficult to obtain, are often out of stock, and are often prioritized for large bulk orders.


Fiber optic cables are incompatible with existing copper wire infrastructure, making them a more difficult upgrade for older networks.


Fiber Optic Cabling


Top Selection Considerations for Network Cabling


Copper Cabling Top Selection Considerations

  • Cheaper
  • Slow transmission speed
  • Heavier and thicker
  • More difficult to install
  • The most common type of cabling
  • More widely available
  • Easier to cut and spliced
  • Susceptible to interference from EMI
  • Signal loss
  • Distortion
  • Disruptions
  • Limited bandwidth
  • Easily subject to becoming outdated b/c of technological advances
  • Lower installation price currently
  • Tensile strength of 25 pounds
  • Copper is subject to corrosion, degrades with age, and may need replacement in as little as 5 years
  • Weight per 1000 ft = 39 lbs
  • Loses 90% of its transmission signal at 100 meters
  • Low security, easily tapped
  • Higher maintenance, interference, risk of tampering, and replacement cost


Fiber Optic Cabling Top Selection Considerations

  • Faster transmission speed
  • Longer distances
  • More reliable
  • Most durable 50 years
  • Thinner and more lightweight
  • Weight per 1000 ft = 4 lbs
  • Higher security
  • Tensile strength of 200 pounds
  • Not affected by EMI (electric motors, power lines, and microwaves
  • Less susceptible to signal loss, distortion, or disruption
  • Less likely to become outdated b/c of technology
  • More likely to meet the heavy demands of growing businesses
  • May be a lower cost option for the long run
  • Loses only 3% of its transmission signal per 100 meters
  • Better for supporting a LAN
  • Higher upfront price
  • High security (does not carry electrical signals)
  • Easily submerged in water


The chart below compares the 14 most important differences between copper and fiber wiring. Fiber has the advantage in all comparisons regarding performance. Copper has the edge with lower cost, accessibility, and compatibility with existing networking systems in many established business enterprises. However, the high price for improved technology can often outweigh the advantages of increased performance. For high-tech companies with high bandwidth requirements, performance is a necessity.


Comparison Chart Copper vs. Fiber Optic Cables


Feature Copper Cables Fiber Optic Cables
Speed Limited to a few Gbps over short distances Can transmit data at speeds of up to 400 Gbps over long distances
Distance 300 Ft. @ 1 Gbps 12 Miles+ @ 10 Gbps
Bandwidth 10 Gbps 60 Tbps +
Interference Prone to electromagnetic interference, RFI, crosstalk, noise, and voltage surges Full immunity
Security Vulnerable to tapping and interception Difficult to tap or intercept without specialized equipment
Size Relatively large and bulky Much smaller
Flexibility Flexible, but experiences signal loss with significant bending Highly flexible, low signal loss with bending
Weight (per 1,000 ft) 39 lbs. 4 lbs.
Installation Thicker diameter, more routing issues, low pulling strength Easy to install and maintain, thin diameter, strong pulling strength
Energy Consumption >10W per user 2W per user
Lifecycle 5-years 30 to 50-years
Future Proof Continues to fall short of the increasing network demands and technological advances Expected to stay ahead of technology advances for some time
Compatibility Most compatible with the pre-existing network and communication systems Often requires replacing old networking communication systems
Availability Easily accessible and almost always in stock More challenging to find the correct item in stock
Cost Less expensive compared to fiber optic cables More expensive compared to copper cables


Fiber optic cables offer superior performance compared to copper cables, especially over long distances. They provide higher data transmission rates, larger bandwidths and are immune to electromagnetic interference. Copper cables, however, are still widely used for short-distance networking since they are less expensive. In addition, network devices that require more bandwidth, higher speeds, and more reliable internet connectivity, such as security cameras, digital signage, and VoIP phone systems, make fiber optic cable the obvious choice for those who provide telecommunications and internet. To determine the best option for your business, it is best to have a Low Voltage Cabling Expert to visit your office and assess your specific networking needs. Call Les Olson IT at 801-922-5060 to schedule a free network analysis.






The post Copper Vs. Fiber Optic Cabling – Pros and Cons for 2023 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Sharp Nomenclature – How to Decipher the Naming Convention for Sharp Printers Thu, 04 May 2023 21:39:17 +0000 Date: May 4, 2023 Author: Barry Preusz     What is a product nomenclature? According to David Loshin in Information

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Date: May 4, 2023
Author: Barry Preusz



What is a product nomenclature?

According to David Loshin in Information Management, a nomenclature system organizes and names components within a grouping to better understand its makeup or components. It manages collections of data relating to specific objects or topics. Nomenclature systems usually involve assigning identifiers to each item in a set of components and classifying them according to specific criteria. This organization allows for easier retrieval, identification, understanding, and semantic consistency.1

In Computer Standards & Interfaces, Fenareti Lampathaki indicates that naming conventions play a role in communication processes between professionals working in different areas of study, providing a common language or vocabulary which improves accuracy and understanding when discussing the same components. Nomenclature systems are part of government, military, business, and research and wherever there is a need to refer to different items and concepts precisely. Using a naming convention or data modeling system is a form of standardization to better understand the component's relationship with the whole.2

Patrick Delfmann asserts in the Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures-An International Journal that nomenclature systems through conceptual modeling help people better understand the objects they are studying by allowing them to identify and classify product characteristics easily. In addition, having a standard nomenclature system allows for better communication and collaboration between people working in different areas of a corporation. Nomenclature systems can also help reduce errors, allowing for better accuracy when referring to specific components or topics.3

Naming conventions are a valuable tool for organizing and categorizing items, which improves communication, collaboration, and accuracy when dealing with different components or concepts. For example, they are an essential process corporations use for naming a product series to allow people to understand its various features.4


Sharp Naming Convention

Sharp, one of the largest and most highly respected office equipment manufacturers, utilizes naming conventions for its products. For example, Sharp printers are typically labeled based on a combination of their model number and series. The model number usually contains letters and numbers, and the series often reflects the printer's intended usage or target market. The Sharp printer naming nomenclature consists of a combination of letters and numbers that indicate specific features and capabilities of the printer. This nomenclature helps the staff, technicians, salespeople, marketing, and other personnel understand the characteristics of the model.


Terminology for Nomemclature


Breaking the Code for the Sharp Naming Structure

The first two letters are the model prefix and designate the product class. Currently, Sharp printers have one of three model prefixes—DX, MX, or BP. The BP models are the newest and are professional grade printers.


The letters DX indicate that the printer is part of Sharp's DX Series designed for heavy-duty printing in office environments. For example, in the Sharp DX-B352P printer model, the B in the model name signifies that it is a black & white laser printer. The 352 denotes a mid-range model with a three-digit model number. The letter “P” at the end usually indicates it is a printer-only model, so it does not support scanning or copying options. Therefore, in this case, the letters “DX” do not have any specific meaning beyond indicating the printer's series.


The MX letters in Sharp printer models stand for Multifunction extension. These letters denote that the printer is a multifunction device with various capabilities beyond printing, such as scanning, copying, and faxing. The MX series is known for its advanced features and high-performance capabilities.

The first two letters are the model prefix and designate the product class. Currently, Sharp printers have one of three model prefixes—DX, MX, or BP.


The letters DX indicate that the printer is part of Sharp's DX Series designed for heavy-duty printing in office environments. For example, in the Sharp DX-B352P printer model, the B in the model name signifies that it is a black & white laser printer. The 352 denotes a mid-range model with a three-digit model number. The letter “P” at the end usually indicates it is a printer-only model, so it does not support scanning or copying options. Therefore, in this case, the letters “DX” do not have any specific meaning beyond indicating the printer's series.


The MX letters in Sharp printer models stand for Multifunction extension. These letters denote that the printer is a multifunction device with various capabilities beyond printing, such as scanning, copying, and faxing. The MX series is known for its advanced features and high-performance capabilities.


The BP series of printers are business-class printers. For instance, the Sharp BP-50C55 printer model has the letters BP in its name, and in this case, the letters “BP” stand for Business Pro. This designation indicates that the printer is for professional use in business or office settings. In addition, it typically means that the device has advanced features and capabilities tailored to the business or office environment. The first 5 designates a five-series model, with the following number 0 indicating the version. The C means that it is a color printer. The last two figures, 55, designate that this model prints up to 55 pages per minute.

The first set of numbers following the prefix designates the model series. For example, the number 5 indicates an Essentials model, while the number 7 represents an Advanced model. The following number indicates the version within the model series. So, the number of 1 is the first successor within the series. Additional successors within the series will have subsequent numbers corresponding to the version.

Additional numbers or letters following the model prefix and the model series in the name of a Sharp printer indicate the printer’s speed in pages per minute (ppm). For example, the Sharp BP-50C45 is a multifunction printer that can print up to 45 pages per minute in color, while the Sharp MX-70M90 is a multifunction, high-speed monochrome printer that can produce up to 90 pages per minute.

In addition to speed, other letters or designations in the name of a Sharp printer may indicate features or capabilities such as color (C), black and white (B or M), networking capabilities (N), fax capabilities (F), and built-in finishers such as a stapler or hole punch (Z). Understanding the naming conventions used by Sharp can help you choose the right printer for your needs.


Sharp Naming Convention


Sharp Nomenclature for Naming Printer Products


Sharp Printer Nomenclature Table

Below is a breakdown of the common elements in Sharp printer names:

  • F: Signifies that the printer has fax capabilities.
  • M: Designates a monochrome printer.
  • N: Typically indicates that the printer has networking capabilities.
  • P: Indicates that the model is a printer-only version.
  • S: Scanning capability.
  • T: This letter indicates that the printer has a built-in touchscreen control panel.
  • W: Signifies a printer with wireless communication.
  • Z: Designates that the printer has a built-in finisher, such as a stapler or hole punch.



Nomenclatures for Sharp Naming Conventions


Sharp DX-B352P

This model is a heavy-duty model (DX) that is printer-only (P). This budget-priced PostScript printer offers wireless and wired connectivity and black and white (B) printing. Unfortunately, sharp discontinued this model recently, so new stock is limited, but occasionally refurbished models are available.

Sharp MX-B557F

This multifunction model (MX) has print, copy, scanning, and faxing (F). In addition, it offers black & white printing (B) at 55 pages per minute with optional wireless connectivity.

Sharp MX-5051

The Sharp MX-5051 is a multifunction model within the Essentials Series. It is a monochrome (M) printer with a production speed of 50 pages per minute.

Sharp MX-7090N

This full-color multifunction (MX) printer offers print, copy, color scanning, and PostScript utilities. It is an Advanced Series printer (70) with network communications (N). It is capable of printing 90 pages per minute.



Sharp printer models are typically named using a combination of letters and numbers that denote specific features and capabilities of the printer. The naming convention helps users quickly identify the key features and functionality of Sharp printers. Using nomenclature to structure product names is a standard procedure among manufacturers.








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Top Ten Benefits of Production Printers in 2023 Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:47:50 +0000 Date: March 17, 2023 Author: Brinley Froelich     Digital production printers are Commercial-grade Printers that produce high-quality images and

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Date: March 17, 2023
Author: Brinley Froelich



Digital production printers are Commercial-grade Printers that produce high-quality images and marketing materials in larger quantities. These devices can cost between $200,000 to $500,000. Many print shops and retailers of printers are recognizing the importance of adding production printers to their fleet. The addition of cut-sheet printers can bring business to a shop that traditionally refers work to other shops that can efficiently complete these types of projects. Even in-plant shops are adding sheet-fed printers to round out their services.1 This article examines how a production printer fits into the existing printing operations of a print shop and why these types of printers can help round out print operations and add more business opportunities to your shop.


Ricoh C9200 Commercial Grade Cut-Sheet Printer Samples


What Are the Top Ten Benefits of Production Printers?


  1. Saves money

    As a long-term investment, a commercial printer will save money and keep the project in-house rather than outsourcing your tasks to other specialized printing services.

  2. Saves time

    Printing in your shop skips the queue allowing you to prioritize printing on your schedule rather than relying on someone else’s timeline.

  3. Print high-quality materials

    High resolutions, exceptional rendering, sharp color contrast, and other features combine to create outstanding finished products that wow customers.

  4. Easy to use

    Send your digital files directly to the printing device, and see the finished product immediately.

  5. Reliable and easy to maintain

    Certified experts will help install and teach your staff how to use and maintain the printer to ensure longevity and ease of production. Because of the many automated features of these types of printers, your team spends less time setting up jobs and less maintenance, resulting in more print jobs.

  6. More possibilities

    Choose your paper quality and material, ink colors, and more to create precisely what your clients demand.

  7. Print in large quantities

    These printers produce high volumes necessary for mass production.

  8. Print-on-demand

    Digital printing allows easy start-up, interruptions, edits, and completion for a smoother workflow.

  9. Reduces customer turn-around time

    Instead of waiting days for a finished product, customers can send the file digitally and receive the completed print project in hours, not days, or the following week.

  10. Provides customization

    Print custom jobs for specific individuals or to target small groups, allowing printing from the client’s database of prospects or customers.


Ricoh C7200x Commercial Printer


What Are the Different Types of Production Printers?

Production printers come in three different types. There are wide-format printers, cut-sheet printers, and continuous-feed printers. This article will discuss the first two types.


Wide-Format Printers

Wide-format Printers print on larger sheets ranging from 17 to 100 inches and up to 4 inches thick. These bigger sizes produce banners, posters, trade show graphics, wallpaper, murals, or other large-format graphics. In addition, they can print on paper, vinyl, canvas, and even film for indoor and outdoor applications.


Benefits of Wide-Format Printers

  • Ideal for AEC, GIS, and CAD users
  • Opens new opportunities for printing businesses for more high-end graphics
  • Easy to adjust colors or text
  • Allows your print shop to adapt more to the needs of your clients, particularly advertising agencies and marketing companies
  • Easily edit and modify content
  • Produce vibrant colors unmatched by standard printers or by an offset press
  • Expand from standard CMYK printing to 5 or more colors
  • Use neon or metallic colors to achieve special effects


Ricoh Wide-Format Printer Samples


Sheet-Fed Printers

Cut-sheet Production Printers offer blazing print speeds of up to 140 ppm. They provide print resolutions of up to 2400 x 4800 dpi. Cut-sheet printers economically complete print runs of less than 2,000 copies to accommodate smaller print jobs that are not cost-effective for a press. Monthly volumes reaching 1.7 million pages provide for sustained and continuous operations. These digital printers allow you to make quick corrections or personalize each piece for target marketing individuals or small groups within the same print run. These digital printers handle individual sheets of paper loaded into trays for easy loading and handling.


Benefits of Sheet-Fed Printers

  • Great for brochures, flyers, billing statements, earning statements, and posters
  • Ideal for ad agencies, print shops, and graphic designers
  • Print up to 1 million pages monthly
  • Captures print jobs you normally could not do to expand your business
  • Print business forms and employee earnings statements
  • Allows for easy corrections to handbooks and other documents when last-minute changes take place or an employee moves on to another company
  • Efficiently completes print jobs that are not a good fit for a high-volume press or low-volume printers
  • Use neon or metallic colors to achieve special effects


Ricoh Wide-Format Printers - Vehicle Wrap



So how does a production printer fit in your shop parked next to your Heidelberg offset press? These industrial printers take care of print runs of less than 2,000 pages that are not economical for an offset press. These commercial printers offer easy setup, customization, and print-on-demand. Corrections and adjustments are easy to get colors to meet brand requirements. Customers are happy with the quick turn-around times of a few hours rather than days to a week for an offset press. Many print shops find that having a production printer on the team brings business to their shop that they would turn away before. Can your business benefit from a cut-sheet or wide-format printer?


Ricoh - Imagine Change Logo








The post Top Ten Benefits of Production Printers in 2023 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Les Olson IT Awarded National HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:14:28 +0000 Date: March 13, 2023 Author: Barry Preusz   What is the HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award? The HP Amplify

The post Les Olson IT Awarded National HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Date: March 13, 2023
Author: Barry Preusz


What is the HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award?

The HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award is an accolade given to companies that demonstrate exceptional commitment to sustainable business practices. It is a recognition program created by HP Inc., a global technology company, to celebrate and reward partners who are leading the way in sustainability and making a positive impact on the environment and society. The recipient of this prestigious award is an exemplary leader who sets the bar for excellence in sustainable business practice and demonstrates how we can contribute towards achieving a more equitable world.


Les Olson IT Badge from HP Amplify Impact United States Winner for Sustainability Business


The award recognizes companies that are creating sustainable impact in three key areas: Planet, People, and Community. Evaluation criteria for nominated companies are their achievements in reducing their environmental presence, promoting diversity and inclusion, and making a positive impact in their local communities.


The Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award is part of HP’s larger sustainability strategy, which includes a commitment to reducing the company’s environmental impact and promoting sustainability throughout its supply chain. By recognizing and rewarding sustainable business practices in its partners, HP aims to inspire other companies to follow suit and work towards a more sustainable future.

The HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award recognizes individuals, organizations, and companies who demonstrate the highest level of commitment to the sustainability of the environment. Sustainability involves making a positive impact in their community and beyond.


Sustainability - Keeping the Earth Green


2022 Amplify Sustainable Business U.S. Awardee – Les Olson IT


Les Olson IT of Salt Lake City, Utah, receives the 2022 HP Amplify Impact Award for Sustainability Business. Hewlett-Packard bestows this honor to only one business within the United States. This global and country-wide award is for demonstrating the highest percentage of sustainability. Advania Sverige AB of Sweden receives the global award.


Les Olson IT Badge from HP Amplify Impact United States Winner for Sustainability Business


The nation-wide award recognizes Les Olson IT’s commitment to sustainability and its efforts to reduce its environmental footprint. Sustainability initiatives include partnering with suppliers who use renewable energy sources, utilizing products made from recycled materials, implementing efficient energy-saving measures in office and warehouse spaces, and encouraging team members to make sustainable choices in their own lives.

The selection of only one business in the United States speaks to the extraordinary efforts of Les Olson IT to help protect our environment and strive for a carbon-neutral workplace. This annual award seeks to promote companies to continue on the path toward a more environmentally sound future.

HP manufactures office equipment and is a leading producer of Printers and Copiers for Business.


Sustaining Our Planet


The post Les Olson IT Awarded National HP Amplify Impact Sustainable Business Award appeared first on Les Olson IT.
