Brittany Monson, Author at Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:48:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brittany Monson, Author at Les Olson IT 32 32 Cybersecurity in the Home Mon, 31 Oct 2022 20:19:17 +0000 In this increasingly wireless world, the steps households should take in terms of cybersecurity have changed. Most homes now run networks of devices linked to the internet, including computers, gaming systems, TVs, tablets, and smartphones that access wireless networks.

The post Cybersecurity in the Home appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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3 Steps Households can take

The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of Americans to embrace working from their own home; a concept they had limited or no experience with at the time. And while many employees have returned to the office, a recent University of Chicago study found that 72% of those workers surveyed would like to continue working from home for at least 2 days a week, and 32% said they would like to work from home permanently. In this new reality, having your household safe and secure from cyber threats needs to be a top priority.


In this increasingly wireless world, the steps households should take in terms of cybersecurity have changed. Most homes now run networks of devices linked to the internet, including computers, gaming systems, TVs, tablets, and smartphones that access wireless networks. Thus, having the right tools in place will instill confidence that your family members can use the internet safely and securely for personal and work-related endeavors.


Below are 3 steps households can take to better protect themselves against cyber-attacks:



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Secure Your Wireless Router

Using a wireless router is an increasingly convenient way to allow multiple devices to connect to the internet from different areas of your home. However, unless your router is secure, you risk the possibility of individuals accessing information on your computer, and worse, using your network to commit cybercrimes. Needless to say, all wireless devices using this router are vulnerable if your router is not protected.


Some simple ways to secure this piece of hardware include changing the name of your router. The default ID is typically assigned by the manufacturer, so changing your router to a unique name that won’t be easily guessed by others is a simple way to keep your router protected. Another important step is changing the preset passphrase on your router. Leaving the default password in place makes it significantly easier for hackers to access your network. In fact, according to  NCA’s 2021 Oh Behave! Report, only 43% of participants reported creating long and unique passwords for their online accounts “very often” or “always”. Additionally, almost a third (28%) stated that they didn’t do this at all. Embracing unique and strong passwords is a huge and simple step to securing your home from all types of cyber threats.[/cz_title]

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Install Firewalls and Security Software On All Devices

Firewalls are essential because they help keep hackers from using your device which otherwise could result in your personal information being sent out without your permission. They guard and watch for attempts to access your system while blocking communications with sources you don’t permit. Installing a firewall on wireless routers is a necessity. Furthermore, make sure all devices that are connected to the wireless network have security software systems installed and updated. Many of these gadgets have automatic update features, so households should make sure they are on for all available technology. The most up-to-date security software, web browsers, and operating systems are the best defense against online threats such as viruses and malware.[/cz_title]

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Back-Up All Household Data

While steps can be taken to avoid your network, devices and accounts being hacked or compromised, they can never be 100% effective. Households need to embrace backing up data, especially as it relates to important information. Users can protect their valuable work, photos, and other digital information by making electronic copies of important files and storing them safely. This can be done using cloud software in addition to manual storing devices like USBs. Regardless, storing data in an alternative location that is safe and secure provides another layer of protection.


Taking simple, proactive steps to keep family, friends, and yourself safe from cyber criminals inside your household should no longer be viewed as optional but rather a necessity. Between technological devices being introduced and updated at a rapid pace and employees continuing to embrace working from home in some capacity, everyone has an ethical responsibility to actively minimize the risks of breaches and attacks inside their home.


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4 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:26:16 +0000 Keeping information safe and secure is challenging developments for businesses of all sizes over the last few years. Expeditious shifts from in-person to online to hybrid workplaces forced companies to change, or at least reexamine, their cybersecurity practices and protocols, and far too often they weren’t prepared.

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4 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure


Keeping information safe and secure is a challenging development for businesses of all sizes over the last few years. Expeditious shifts from in-person to online to hybrid workplaces forced companies to change, or at least reexamine, their cybersecurity practices and protocols, and far too often they weren’t prepared. In fact, according to Cyber Edge’s Cyberthreat Defense Report, 85% of organizations suffered from a successful cyberattack in 2021.


Now, businesses that have suffered cyberattacks along with companies that’ve been fortunate enough to avoid being a victim of breaches and hacks are looking at ways they can bolster their defenses and safeguard their data. But which plans, practices, and services should these organizations invest in?


Below are 4 steps businesses of all shapes and sizes can take to better protect themselves against cyber-attacks:[/cz_title]

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Identify “Crown Jewels” of Your Business 


Understanding what information cybercriminals are after most is essential to combating cyber-attacks. Therefore, creating an inventory list of the valuable data and assets within your organization, including manufacturer, model, hardware, and software information, is of the utmost importance. In addition, take note of who has access to important data and information while also accounting for all storage locations. This practice will ensure that business leaders have a track record of accessibility so that they know where to look in case of a vulnerability or breach.[/cz_title]

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Protect Assets by Updating and Authenticating


At the end of the day, protecting your data and devices from malicious actors is what cybersecurity is all about. To accomplish this, make sure your security software is current. Investing in the most up to date software’s, web browsers, and operating systems is one of the best defenses against a host of viruses, malware, and other online threats. Furthermore, make sure these devices have automatic updates turned on, so employees aren’t tasked with manually updating devices. Additionally, make sure all data is being backed up either in the cloud or via separate hard drive storage.



Another important way to keep your assets safe is by ensuring staff are using strong authentication to protect access to accounts and ensure only those with permission can access them. This includes strong, secure, and differentiated passwords. According to a 2021 PC Mag study, 70% of people admit they use the same password for more than one account. Using weak and similar passwords makes a hacker’s life a lot easier and can give them access to more materials than they could dream of. Finally, make sure employees are using multi-factor authentication. While this may result in a few extra sign-ins, MFA is essential to safeguarding data and can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful breach.[/cz_title]

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Monitor and Detect Suspicious Activity


Companies must always be on the lookout for possible breaches, vulnerabilities, and attacks, especially in a world where many often go undetected. This can be done by investing in cybersecurity products or services that help monitor your networks such as antivirus and antimalware software. Moreover, make sure your employees and personnel are following all established cybersecurity protocols before, during, and after a breach. Individuals who ignore or disregard important cybersecurity practices can compromise not only themselves, but the entire organization. Paying close attention to whether your company is fully embracing all your cybersecurity procedures and technology is incumbent upon business leaders.


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Have a Response Plan Ready


No matter how many safeguards you have in place, the unfortunate reality is that cyber incidents still occur. However, responding in a comprehensive manner will reduce risks to your business and send a positive signal to your customers and employees. Therefore, businesses should have a cyber incident response plan ready to go prior to a breach. In it, companies should embrace savvy practices such as disconnecting any affected computers from the network, notifying their IT staff or the proper third-party vendors, and utilizing any spares and backup devices while continuing to capture operational data.



Another important way to keep your assets safe is by ensuring staff are using strong authentication to protect access to accounts and ensure only those with permission can access them. This includes strong, secure, and differentiated passwords. According to a 2021 PC Mag study, 70% of people admit they use the same password for more than one account. Using weak and similar passwords makes a hacker’s life a lot easier and can give them access to more materials than they could dream of. Finally, make sure employees are using multi-factor authentication. While this may result in a few extra sign-ins, MFA is essential to safeguarding data and can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful breach.[/cz_title]

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Cyber Security Summit Videos are Up!

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The Anatomy of a Data Breach: What are They and What to do When You Spot One? Mon, 17 Oct 2022 23:40:08 +0000 How to spot a possible breach? The best way to stop a data breach is to stop it before it even starts. This includes taking steps from making sure passwords are long and complex to report suspicious emails. If you do suspect that you have been the victim of a breach, immediately contact your IT department or device provider to notify them and follow subsequent protocols to help them scan, detect, and remediate any issues that exist.

The post The Anatomy of a Data Breach: What are They and What to do When You Spot One? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_title id=”cz_54269″]Arguably no phrase has dominated the tech world in the last 24 months more than the term “data breach.” From breaches that have impacted critical infrastructure like the Colonial Pipeline to hackers compromising healthcare records at UC San Diego Health, the last two years have been saturated by headlines of cybersecurity mishaps. Yet, despite the prevalence of the breach-centric news cycle, many everyday individuals may not know what exactly a data breach is, how they typically start, and why they occur.

According to IBM, the average time it takes to identify that a breach has occurred is 287 days, with the average time to contain a breach clocking in at 80 days. And with 81% of businesses experiencing a cyberattack during COVID, it is essential that individuals are familiar with the anatomy of a data breach so that they can keep their data, as well as their colleague’s and customers’ data, safe.

With that in mind, here is some helpful background on what data breaches are and why they are so problematic.[/cz_title]

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What is a data breach? 

While it may seem like a complex concept, once the jargon is removed, a data breach is straightforward to explain. According to Trend Micro, a data breach is “an incident where information is stolen or taken from a system without the knowledge or authorization of the system’s owner.” And while data breaches can be the result of a system or human error, a vast majority of data breaches are the result of cyber-attacks, where a cybercriminal gains unlawful access to sensitive system data. In fact, 92% of the data breaches in Q1 2022 were the result of cyberattacks.

What kind of data can be breached?

Unfortunately, cybercriminals look to get their hands on any information that they possibly can ranging from more obvious sensitive information such as social security numbers and credit card information to more obscure data like past purchase history.

What are some of the tactics used to execute data breaches?

Cybercrime is getting more sophisticated each day. However, cyberattack tactics do not have to be cutting-edge or advanced to be very effective. Here are a few examples of popular tactics used by cybercriminals:[/cz_title]

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[cz_service_box type=”vertical” title=”Malware” icon=”fa fa-check” id=”cz_21794″ sk_overall=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;padding:30px 40px 40px 40px;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:0px;” sk_title=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;” sk_icon_con=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:5px;” cz_service_box=””]Another tried-and-true method for cybercriminals is malware. Malware is malicious software that secretly installs itself on devices – often by way of a user engaging with fake links and content – and quietly gains access to the data on an individual’s device or a business network.[/cz_service_box]
[cz_service_box type=”vertical” title=”Phishing” icon=”fa fa-check” id=”cz_56040″ sk_overall=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;padding:30px 40px 40px 40px;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:0px;” sk_title=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;” sk_icon_con=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:5px;” cz_service_box=””]Phishing is when a cybercriminal pretends to be a legitimate party in hopes of tricking an individual into giving them access to personal information. Phishing is one of the oldest tricks in the book for cybercriminals, but it is just as effective as ever. For example, 80% of security incidents and 90% data breaches stem from phishing attempts[/cz_service_box]
[cz_service_box type=”vertical” title=”Password Attack” icon=”fa fa-check” id=”cz_43298″ sk_overall=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;padding:30px 40px 40px 40px;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:0px;” sk_title=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;” sk_icon_con=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:5px;” cz_service_box=””]Through password attacks, cybercriminals look to gain access to sensitive data and networks by way of “cracking” user passwords and using these credentials to get into networks and extract data from a given network.[/cz_service_box]
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How to spot a possible breach?

 The best way to stop a data breach is to stop it before it even starts. This includes taking steps from making sure passwords are long and complex to reporting suspicious emails. If you do suspect that you have been the victim of a breach, immediately contact your IT department or device provider to notify them and follow subsequent protocols to help them scan, detect, and remediate any issues that exist.[/cz_title]

The post The Anatomy of a Data Breach: What are They and What to do When You Spot One? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Concerned About Cyber? 4 Easy Steps for Staying Secure in 2022 Fri, 30 Sep 2022 18:29:57 +0000 Cybersecurity has become one of the biggest hot topics both inside and outside of technology circles over the last two years. From securing learning devices due to a rise in digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic to coping with the fallout of high-profile breaches of national infrastructure such as the Colonial Pipeline, there is a seemingly endless news cycle dedicated to cybersecurity mishaps and concerns.

The post Concerned About Cyber? 4 Easy Steps for Staying Secure in 2022 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_gap height=”30px”][cz_title id=”cz_99764″]Cybersecurity has become one of the biggest hot topics both inside and outside of technology circles over the last two years. From securing learning devices due to a rise in digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic to coping with the fallout of high-profile breaches of national infrastructure such as the Colonial Pipeline, there is a seemingly endless news cycle dedicated to cybersecurity mishaps and concerns.


And with this onslaught of negative news, it can be easy for everyday individuals to become overwhelmed and feel powerless in the face of the “insurmountable” threats posed by cybersecurity. But nothing could be further from the truth.


With all the jargon that is typically thrown around in relation to cybersecurity, there is a longstanding misperception that cybersecurity is beyond everyday people and that it should be left to professionals. Moreover, there is a prevailing sense among the public that breaches are simply a fact of life and that we should just learn to deal with them. But this just isn’t true. In fact, everyday people have a huge role to play in cybersecurity threat prevention, detection, and remediation. For example, according to IBM, 95% of breaches have human error as the main cause. Therefore, everyday day technology users are very much the first line of defense when it comes to thwarting cybercrime. Unfortunately, though, many individuals are not aware of some of the best practices for boosting cybersecurity and how easy they are to use.


With that, here are a few key best practices that everyday people can implement today to enhance their own cybersecurity and create a more secure world for everyone.[/cz_title]

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For Phishing

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Phishing – when a cybercriminal poses as a legitimate party in hopes of getting individuals to engage with malicious content or links – remains one of the most popular tactics among cybercriminals today. In fact, 80% of cybersecurity incidents stem from a phishing attempt. However, while phishing has gotten more sophisticated, keeping an eye out for typos, poor graphics and other suspicious characteristics can be a tell-tale sign that the content is potentially coming from a “phish.” In addition, if you think you have spotted a phishing attempt be sure to report the incident so that internal IT teams and service providers can remediate the situation and prevent others from possibly becoming victims.

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a Password Manager

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Having unique, long, and complex passwords is one of the best ways to immediately boost your cybersecurity. Yet, only 43% of the public say that they “always” or “very often” use strong passwords. Password cracking is one of the go-to tactics that cybercriminals turn to access sensitive information. And if you are a “password repeater,” once a cybercriminal has hacked one of your accounts, they can easily do the same across all your accounts.

One of the biggest reasons that individuals repeat passwords is that it can be tough to remember all the passwords you have. Fortunately, by using a password manager, individuals can securely store all their unique passwords in one place. Meaning, people only must remember one password. In addition, password managers are incredibly easy to use and can automatically plug-in stored passwords when you visit a site.

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Multi-Factor Authentication

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Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) – which prompts a user to input a second set of verifying information such as a secure code sent to a mobile device or to sign-in via an authenticator app – is a hugely effective measure that anyone can use to drastically reduce the chances of a cybersecurity breach. In fact, according to Microsoft, MFA is 99.9 percent effective in preventing breaches. Therefore, it is a must for any individual that is looking to secure their devices and accounts.

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Automatic Updates

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Making sure devices are always up-to-date with the most recent versions is essential to preventing cybersecurity issues from cropping up. Cybersecurity is an ongoing effort, and updates are hugely important in helping to address vulnerabilities that have been uncovered as well as in providing ongoing maintenance. Therefore, instead of trying to remember to check for updates or closing out of update notifications, enable automatic update installations whenever possible.

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Learn even more about Cybersecurity

with industry professionals

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Les Olson IT Announces Commitment to Growing Global Cybersecurity Success by Becoming a Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 Champion Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:54:40 +0000 Building on annual success Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 is set to highlight the growing importance of cybersecurity in our daily lives and look to empower everyday individuals and business to take cybersecurity steps by making cyber more accessible

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[cz_title id=”cz_65462″]Building on annual success Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 is set to highlight the growing importance of cybersecurity in our daily lives and look to empower everyday individuals and businesses to take cybersecurity steps by making cyber more accessible[/cz_title]
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[cz_title id=”cz_34924″]Les Olson IT today announced that it has signed on as Champion for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022. Founded in 2004, Cybersecurity Awareness Month, held each October, is the world’s foremost initiative aimed at promoting cybersecurity awareness and best practices. The Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champions Program is a collaborative effort among businesses, government agencies, colleges and universities, associations, nonprofit organizations, and individuals committed to the Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme of ‘It’s easy to stay safe online.’


[cz_quote name=”John Huston” subname=”Corporate Managed IT Sales Manager at Les Olson IT” rating=”” quote_position=”absolute;top: calc(50% – 60px);right: calc(50% – 60px)” id=”cz_54277″ sk_name=”font-size:26px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:700;”]We are excited to bring free educational content to our community and share best practices for building a cybersecurity culture for your business.[/cz_quote]
[cz_title id=”cz_64844″]From mobile to connected home devices, technology is becoming more intertwined with our lives every day. And while the evolution of technology is moving at the speed of sound, cybercriminals are working just as hard to find ways to compromise technology and disrupt personal and business life. Cybersecurity Awareness Month aims to highlight some of the emerging challenges that exist in the world of cybersecurity today and provide straightforward actionable guidance that anyone can follow to create a safe and secure digital world for themselves and their loved ones.


This year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month’s main focal areas revolve around four key fundamental cybersecurity best practices:[/cz_title]

[cz_stylish_list id=”cz_27133″ items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22Recognizing%20and%20reporting%20phishing%20%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22is%20still%20one%20of%20the%20primary%20threat%20actions%20used%20by%20cybercriminals%20today.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Understanding%20the%20benefits%20of%20using%20a%20password%20manager%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22and%20dispelling%20existing%20myths%20around%20password%20manager%20security%20and%20ease%20of%20use.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Enabling%20multi-factor%20authentication%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22on%20personal%20devices%20and%20business%20networks.%20%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Installing%20updates%20on%20a%20regular%20basis%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22and%20turning%20on%20automated%20updates.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%5D” sk_icons=”font-size:36px;” sk_overall=”padding-left:2em;”]
[cz_gap height=”30px” height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”10px”][cz_title id=”cz_20387″]Now in its 19th year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month continues to build momentum and impact with the goal of providing everyone with the information they need to stay safer and more secure online. Les Olson IT is proud to support this far-reaching online safety awareness and education initiative which is co-led by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


For more information about Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 and how to participate in a wide variety of activities, visit You can also follow and use the official hashtag #BeCyberSmart on social media throughout the month.[/cz_title]

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About Les Olson IT Security Summit Event

Save the Date for our Les Olson IT Cybersecurity Summit. October 12th in honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We have a passion for security and want our families, communities, and businesses to be protected. The threat landscape is always changing and we’ve put together a strong lineup of experts in their fields to share with our local business leaders the vision of what they can do to lead with cybersecurity in mind. The event will be tailored to business executives no matter their skill level in IT, but IT leadership will benefit as well. Registration is open now for both virtual an in person attendance. I Hope to see you there. For more information, visit[/cz_title]

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About Cybersecurity Awareness Month


Cybersecurity Awareness Month is designed to engage and educate public- and private-sector partners through events and initiatives with the goal of raising awareness about cybersecurity to increase the resiliency of the nation in the event of a cyber incident. Since the Presidential proclamation establishing Cybersecurity Awareness Month in 2004, the initiative has been formally recognized by Congress, federal, state, and local governments, and leaders from industry and academia. This united effort is necessary to maintain a cyberspace that is safer and more resilient and remains a source of tremendous opportunity and growth for years to come. For more information, visit[/cz_title]

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[cz_title id=”cz_95862″]About National Cybersecurity Alliance

The National Cybersecurity Alliance is a non-profit organization on a mission to create a more secure, interconnected world. We advocate for the safe use of all technology and educate everyone on how best to protect ourselves, our families, and our organizations from cybercrime. We create strong partnerships between governments and corporations to amplify our message and foster a greater “digital” good. National Cybersecurity Alliance’s core efforts include Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October); Data Privacy Week (Jan. 24-28th); and Cybersecure My Business™, which offers webinars, web resources, and workshops to help businesses be resistant to and resilient from cyberattacks. For more information, please visit[/cz_title]

The post Les Olson IT Announces Commitment to Growing Global Cybersecurity Success by Becoming a Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 Champion appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Security Operations Center Tue, 02 Aug 2022 20:01:40 +0000 Whatever your company does, they believe it depends on the tech. Your business is at risk when your infrastructure isn't functioning properly. You can guarantee your infrastructure and assets are online and always running as effectively as possible with Managed IT Services from Les Olson Company. To reduce expensive downtime, their technical professionals are continually working in the background. They are your partner in using technologies to assist you to accomplish your corporate objectives

The post Security Operations Center appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_title id=”cz_64849″ cz_title=””]All organizations must implement a very strong cybersecurity solution to protect their devices and data from cybercrimes, which have become increasingly common over the past decade.

A Security Operations Center is, as the name suggests, a crucial security solution for businesses. The Security Operations Center, or SOC, plays this role by preventing, monitoring, detecting, investigating, and responding to cyberthreats around the clock.


Here is what you can expect from a  Security Operations Center:


  • Presence of experienced and expert team members who take care of all the security aspects of the organization
  • Protection of the organization’s assets including intellectual property, personnel data, business systems, and brand integrity.
  • Knowledge of how to protect the organization from all types of data bridges and cyber security threats.
  • Creation of a detailed and comprehensive strategy that can be used to defend against all types of cyber-attacks.

Now that you have some idea of the abilities of a Security Operations Center, it is time to understand the role that it performs. In this way, you will be able to better understand the significance of having a Security Operations Center assist with the protection of your organization’s assets against cyberattacks.


What Does a SOC Do?


An agency’s or organization’s centralized SOC effectively uses people, automation tools and software, and other technologies to constantly evaluate and detect the weak defense posture of the company while avoiding, recognizing, analyzing, and reacting to cybersecurity issues.


Note that different SOCs have different numbers of team members but all of them perform the same function. Let’s have a look at some of the major roles of the Security Operations Center.


●    Prevention & Detection

The most preferred step in the cyber security strategy of the Security Operations Center is to prevent data breaches and cyber security attacks from happening. It is undoubtedly the most effective way to prevent the organization from experiencing any kind of cyber issue. However, in the case that a problem occurs, the team members will immediately detect the problem.


Remember that a SOC monitors the network constantly rather than reacting to risks as they arise. The SOC team is then able to identify unwanted activities and stop them before they have a chance to do any harm.


It is the core responsibility of the SOC members to keep an eye on all kinds of harmful activities that may be performed by cyber attackers. If they detect anything suspicious that can be harmful to the safety and security of the organization and its assets, they immediately try to gather as much information as they can. In this way, they can perform detailed investigations and find solutions.


●    Investigation

Once suspicious activities have been detected, the SOC team will begin the investigation stage. During this stage, SOC analyzes the severity of the security problem, the extent to which it can affect the assets of the organization, its nature, and how it can affect the whole infrastructure.


By comprehending how attacks develop and how to react appropriately before they get out of control, the analyst may identify and assess many sorts of security issues. For a successful triage, the SOC analyst integrates knowledge of the network with the most recent global information security research, which includes insights on offender capabilities, strategies, and tendencies.


●    Response

After the SOC team detects the issue and completes the investigation, they will move on to the response stage and devise a solution. A coordinated response is a practical step toward solving the problem. In this stage, the SOC performs various tasks to rectify the problem and bring the organization back to its previous safe condition. The SOC responds by addressing all the possible cybersecurity issues and performing actions that can solve them immediately.

By proceeding with endpoint isolation, malicious process termination, blocking execution, file deletion, and other measures, the SOC strives to enhance the security strength and retrieve any damaged or exposed information following an event. In the case of malware infections, this can entail restoring workable files to get around ransomware, erasing and resuming terminals, reorganizing infrastructure, or deleting and resetting access points.


Looking For the SOC For Your Organization? Choose Les Olson!

Les Olson IT operates a cutting-edge Network Operations Center (NOC), where its staff of IT experts supports the communications infrastructure. Their help desk has a group of qualified, highly skilled professionals who provide next-level customer service. With their Managed IT Services Help Desk and Remote Monitoring and Management, they can take care of all the details of your IT requirements, including the time-consuming and hectic repairing of network computers and other devices, giving your company a sense of security.


There’s a strong probability that when you seek out to resolve an issue, and are proactively trying to fix it.


Your organization’s smooth operation depends on the technology that you rely on. Your business is at risk when your infrastructure isn’t functioning properly. You can guarantee your infrastructure and assets are online and always running as effectively as possible with Managed IT Services from Les Olson Company. To reduce expensive downtime, their technical professionals are continually working in the background. They are your partner in using technologies to assist you in accomplishing your corporate objectives.

It’s time to let the security and functionality of your company’s network and devices be managed by Les Olson’s award-winning IT specialists. Their Managed IT Services offer a wide range of technological options, such as remote network assessment and tracking, user customer care assistance, and much more.


Reach Out To Les Olson SOC Experts Today[/cz_title]

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Get a FREE, Comprehensive Network Analysis

Let us provide a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. We will analyze your network to identify vulnerabilities. Depending on what we uncover, we will also make suggestions on ways to augment security systems and get more out of your existing technology infrastructure.[/cz_title][cz_gap][cz_button title=”Request Your Free” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” text_effect=”cz_btn_txt_move_down” id=”cz_21447″ subtitle=”NETWORK ANALYSIS” link=”url:%2Fservices%2Fit-services%2Fnetwork-analysis%2F|||” sk_button=”font-size:18px;text-align:center;line-height:20px;background-color:#ba0230;padding-right:30px;padding-left:30px;border-radius:0px;” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e8283b;” sk_subtitle=”font-size:17px;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.6);font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”border-radius:4px;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;margin-left:-8px;margin-right:12px;background-color:#ffffff;”]

The post Security Operations Center appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Les Olson IT Named Hyakuman Kai Elite Dealer for 2021 from Sharp Wed, 22 Jun 2022 22:53:06 +0000 Les Olson IT  has been named Hyakuman Kai Elite Dealer annually for the last 25+ years.  Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America awards Hyakuman Kai Status to only a select group of outstanding dealers.

The post Les Olson IT Named Hyakuman Kai Elite Dealer for 2021 from Sharp appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_title id=”cz_70618″ cz_title=””]Les Olson IT  has been named a Hyakuman Kai Elite Dealer annually for the last 25+ years.  Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America awards Hyakuman Kai status to only a select group of outstanding dealers. A company with Hyakuman Kai Elite Dealer status demonstrates these fine qualities:

  • Long-lasting community relationships through outstanding local customer service
  • Secure and innovative business practices
  • Hard work and dedication to Sharps brand / and vision
  • $1 million or more in sales for 2021

“Les Olson IT offers world-class products and services to Utah and Las Vegas businesses, encouraging business growth in the community,” says James Olson, CEO of Les Olson IT. “We are delighted to be a Sharp dealer and are looking forward to improving our relationships with our customers by supplying them with the most up-to-date technology and comprehensive solutions in the business world. Thanks to Sharp, we can serve you with excellence because of their unbending partnership of commitment and support.”[/cz_title]

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About Les Olson IT

For over 65 years, Les Olson IT has provided local organizations with innovative business technology. A wide range of quality products, from multifunction copiers to document management software, network solutions, security systems, and more are offered by Les Olson IT, which operates nine locations from Logan to Las Vegas. In addition, they provide comprehensive IT services and printer fleet management through Managed Print Services and Managed Network Services.


Les Olson IT’s goal is to help their customers reach new levels of efficiency, not only by providing great business solutions but also by providing outstanding service and support on everything they offer to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.  Les Olson IT is a Sharp Platinum Service Provider as well as an HP ServiceOne Expert Partner.[/cz_title]

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About Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America

Multifunction printers (MFPs) from Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America help businesses manage workflow efficiently and increase productivity. With Sharp MFPs, users can create personalized MFPs by seamlessly integrating network applications. Scan2 technology enhances scanning reliability and preserves document integrity through two-sided scanning in one pass. A leader in security in the MFP industry, Sharp protects documents from unauthorized users.

Sharp’s professional and commercial displays are designed specifically for business applications and are available in a variety of sizes and features. Sharp commercial and professional displays help you communicate, collaborate, and disseminate information brilliantly with high-impact digital signage displays, ultra-narrow bezel video walls, and award-winning AQUOS BOARD® interactive displays.

Visit for online product information.[/cz_title]

The post Les Olson IT Named Hyakuman Kai Elite Dealer for 2021 from Sharp appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Computers and Printers Near Me, In Stock Tue, 31 May 2022 15:24:46 +0000 We have full warehouses in each of our 9 locations. with common items like laptops, laptop accessories, multi-function printers, printer supplies, and more.

The post Computers and Printers Near Me, In Stock appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_title id=”cz_51618″ cz_title=””]Lately, the question for many consumers seems to be “with today’s supply chain problems, where can I find computers and printers near me that are in stock?” Well, if you work or live in Utah, Nevada, or Northern Arizona, the team here at Les Olson IT has computers and printers close to you in stock and ready to go. That’s not all; as your office technology partner, we have all the products, software, and support that any business needs to run. We are known as a copier/printer dealer, but have expanded to offer everything related to IT, so if you need business telephones, servers, Office 365, or security cameras, we can help. We can also build your network with lightning-fast fiber optic cables, Cat6 cables, and fast and reliable wireless access points.


We know we are selling ourselves hard in this article, but you probably searched a phrase like “Computers and printers near me, in stock,” to have this article recommended to you by Google. With that being the case, you are probably looking for a company that can deliver products or services to you right away.


If that’s the case, fill out this form and we will be in touch shortly to share what we have available and can deliver to you right now.[/cz_title]

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[cz_title id=”cz_36348″]Our business model has always been one of making significant inventory purchases, so we have product ready to be delivered to our customers unlike companies who use the “just-in-time” inventory model which has shown incredible weakness during the pandemic and resulting supply chain problems.


We are not entirely unaffected by the supply chain problems, but for common items like laptops, laptop accessories, multi-function printers, printer supplies, and more, we have full warehouses in each of our 9 locations.[/cz_title]

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9 Locations and Over 13 Service Areas!


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Contact Us Today

to find out what we have available and how we can help you right away.

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The post Computers and Printers Near Me, In Stock appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Why Choose Low Voltage Cabling Experts Tue, 03 May 2022 14:41:42 +0000 Les Olson IT is poised to handle any network cable installation job you have. Our Structured Cabling Division is growing and has staff with BICSI certifications. Reach out directly to our Structured Cabling Manager or talk to your Les Olson IT rep today with any questions, or to get a bid on your next job.

The post Why Choose Low Voltage Cabling Experts appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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What is a Low Voltage Cabling Specialist?

Electricians can perform network cable installation, but most Electrician’s expertise are based around power and not necessarily with data cables. Network cable installation is best if it is performed by a Structured Cabling Specialist. A Structured Cabling Specialist is knowledgeable about all the different physical components that make up a network, how they work together, and what to implement for a network’s top performance based on a client’s given needs. Structured Cabling Specialists install Fiber Optic cabling which is most often brought in from the outside of a building to a network server inside.  Structured Cabling Specialists build server racks and make end-runs from the server to computers and other devices that are on the network such as cameras, and wireless access points. Structured Cabling Specialists also are very knowledgeable about telephone systems and run telephone cables as well.


A Structured Cabling Specialist with a BICSI (Building Industry Consulting Service International) certification will have expertise that qualifies them to assess a client’s needs and make infrastructure recommendations that will deliver your optimal data performance. A BICSI certified Structured Cabling Specialist is also qualified to perform work for the State and Federal Government contracts.  When you need network cables installed ask your contractor if you are working with someone who is BICSI certified. Ask us about our BICSI certified Structured Cabling Specialists and get a cabling consult today.[/cz_title][cz_gap height_tablet=”15px” height_mobile=”10px”][cz_button title=”Get a Consultation” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” btn_effect=”cz_btn_fill_right” sk_button=”font-size:17px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Assistant;background-color:#ba0230;border-style:solid;” id=”cz_13846″ link=”url:%23consult|||” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e9283b;”][cz_gap height_tablet=”15px” height_mobile=”10px”]

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Go From Disorganized


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To Organized


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What is Fiber Optics?

Fiber Optic cables utilize extremely thin strands of glass or plastic fiber to transfer light pulses from one data source to another. Currently there isn’t another method faster and more accurate than fiber. Single-mode Fiber can go 40 km or more without hurting the signal and is great for connecting buildings that belong to the same network. Multimode Fiber, a data cable that consists of several strands of fiber delivers optimal performance between 300 and 400 meters which makes it great when connecting servers within a building. Unlike Cat 6 cables and Wi-Fi, Single-mode and Multimode Fiber has almost no attenuation issues.  Attenuation is what happens when data travels and loses signal strength due to distance and disturbance.  With wire cables the decibel level will weaken over distance, and if wire is next to other wire some frequency can escape from one line and add confusion to the line it’s next to.  This can be a problem that occurs right at the server where a tangled rat’s nest of wires is often the norm.  Ask us about organizing your server cables to deliver better performance[/cz_title]

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Why use Cat 6?

Cat 6 Cables are the current standard for network cables today. These cables deliver better performance than their predecessor Cat 5 and are much less expensive than Cat 7 and Cat 8.  The cables are used typically to make end runs.  An end run is typically a computer, a security camera, or a wireless access point, but can be any device connected to a server that receives and transmits data on the network.

Although not as fast as fiber Cat 6 cables connected directly to a device allow users large amounts of data enabling them to have multiple internet sites open and even stream content all with minimal to no buffering. Cat 6 cables add a level of security to a connected endpoint that Wi-Fi can be susceptible to.  If network security is a concern to you check out these helpful tips from our blog. [/cz_title]

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When to Invest in a Server Rack?

Server Racks are an integral hardware component to a robust network. Some businesses don’t need a rack to hold their server, but once an organization has more endpoints than a typical household it makes sense to invest in a rack.  Server Racks come in many configurations and for a small business are typically located in a utility room, or sometimes in a mail room. They can also be found in Server Rooms if an organization needs multiple servers. These rooms will often have a drop floor or drop celling to give easy access to the cables connected to the server. This type of room will typically be protected by secure access that requires a prox card, or some other method of monitoring the rooms traffic while granting access to authorized individuals. Very often these rooms are under surveillance with multiple security cameras as well. Finally, these rooms tend to be highly controlled for temperature. The hardware components installed in the Server Racks runs hot and could easily overheat if cooling isn’t taken into consideration. If you need updated security cameras, ask us about Verkada Security Cameras. [/cz_title]

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Invest in Wireless Access Points

Wireless Access Points are not a luxury for your network anymore. Organizations are either providing mobile tools like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, or are allowing their employees and customers to bring their own device (BYOD) and connect to the network. So Wireless Access Points not only need to be fast and reliable, but they need to be strategically located throughout an organization to eliminate coverage holes. It’s an expectation today that while people are moving from one area of their workplace to another that they can be connected to the network so they can communicate while on the move. While doing this they don’t want to experience the frustration of losing their connection. Especially if they were doing something important and lost their connection at a critical time. Want a network assessment to see if your Wireless Access Points are doing the job, you need them to do? [/cz_title]

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Phone Cables are Important too!

While most people have a mobile device now, for work a desk phone is still an important tool not to be overlooked. Many phones take both cat 6 data cables and your standard RJ-45 telephone cable. A Structured Cabling Specialist can help recommend and install the best cable for your desk phones. Desk phones are not just for call centers and receptionists. For interoffice communication they are still one of the best ways to stay in touch. They are ideal for customer interaction as well. Les Olson IT provides Elevate Cloud Systems.  If you’d like to learn more click here[/cz_title]

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When should you reach out to a Structured Cabling provider?

While anytime is a good time, there are a few optimal times. One is when you and your Architect are planning your space for a new build or remodel. Time spent during this planning phase consulting with a Structured Cabling Specialist will result in making sure that the proper infrastructure is provided to accommodate the data cables you will need. A Structured Cabling Specialist may make recommendations about installing items like Smurf Tubes hidden in wall studs between the drywall that make it easy to fish cables from a device like a wall mounted monitor to another device like a Workstation Dock for a clean organized work environment. Other examples include making provisions for where fiber can be brought into the building and where to locate the Server Room. While all these things can be done after construction has taken place if they are planned for in advance things like patching drywall and repainting can be avoided. Another great time to consult with a Structured Cable Specialist is when you upgrade servers. Imagine updating your server and seeing no increase in performance.  A Structured Cabling Specialist can run a diagnostic test on your current network infrastructure to see if you should consider upgrading your existing cables to better technology like Cat 6.[/cz_title]

[cz_gap height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”][cz_gap height=”100px” height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”][cz_title id=”cz_75064″]Les Olson IT is poised to handle any network cable installation job you have.  Our Structured Cabling Division is growing and has staff with BICSI certifications.

Reach out directly to our Structured Cabling Manager or talk to your Les Olson IT rep today with any questions. 


[cz_gap height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”][cz_title id=”cz_95301″]

Get a Cabling Consultation Today!

[/cz_title][cz_gap height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”]

The post Why Choose Low Voltage Cabling Experts appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Multi-function Printers Lose the Ability to Scan-to-Email. Mon, 21 Mar 2022 23:26:55 +0000 ATTENTION: Security changes for Google (Gmail users) can cause your Multi-function printer to lose the ability to scan to email

The post Multi-function Printers Lose the Ability to Scan-to-Email. appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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On May 30th, 2022, Google will be making changes which will affect the way users and users’ apps are allowed to log in to Gmail Accounts. This change could cause your Multi-function Printer to lose the ability to scan-to-email. Thankfully, Les Olson IT has a resolution which will prevent any disruption of this important service.


At your convenience, please reach out to a member of the Les Olson IT Image and Print team to verify that your scan-to-email settings will remain functional. We want to provide you a proactive solution. The Les Olson IT Image and Print Technical Helpdesk can be reached at (801) 413-2106


Thank you,[/cz_title]

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