Scan to Editable File with Sharp Copiers

Scan to Editable File with Sharp Copiers

Problem: You have a printed document that you need to edit, but don’t have the file on your computer. Do you: a) Re-type the document on your computer and make the changes needed b) Search around and call multiple people to try and track down the file c) Go to your copier, scan your document directly into Microsoft Word, and make the changes needed

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How Can I Get the Most from my Office Technology?

How Can I Get the Most from my Office Technology?

The technology that is used in your office is integral to your ability to get the job done. As office equipment becomes more efficient, it is essential in this competitive world to get the most out of your office technology. With help from Les Olson Company you can be assured that you are investing in cutting-edge solutions that will help you do more.

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How Surge Protectors Could Save Your Equipment

It’s ELECTRIFYING: How Surge Protectors Could Save Your Equipment

It’s fairly simple. When there is a power surge, voltage will spike at a level that, if your computer is unprotected, will cause the full force of the voltage to enter the computer system, causing it to fry the hardware and ruin thousands of dollars of equipment. A surge protector serves as a shield for the equipment, blocking or grounding the spike in voltage so that your equipment remains unharmed.

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