Outsourced IT Archives - Les Olson IT https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/category/it-services/outsourced-it/ Your Office Technology Partner Wed, 07 Jun 2023 21:37:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.6 https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/cropped-LO_ITfavicon-1-1-32x32.png Outsourced IT Archives - Les Olson IT https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/category/it-services/outsourced-it/ 32 32 Outsourcing IT Services: Finding Expert Technical Support in 2023 https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/outsourcing-it-services-finding-expert-technical-support-les-olson-it/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:41:59 +0000 https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/?p=18871 Date: June 6, 2023 Author: Barry Preusz     The Case for External IT Support Outsourcing IT services is a

The post Outsourcing IT Services: Finding Expert Technical Support in 2023 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Date: June 6, 2023
Author: Barry Preusz



The Case for External IT Support

Outsourcing IT services is a strategic move for businesses looking to reduce costs, access specialized expertise, and focus on core competencies. Subcontracted IT services are not a small company phenomenon due to a lack of staffing or expertise within the business. Outsourced IT services play a significant role even among the largest companies. In fact, 92% of the Forbes Global 2000 companies use IT outsourcing.1 So when companies look outside their business for specialized services, what is the best process to employ? This article examines the steps to follow when searching for an outsourced IT company.


Best Practices for Hiring the Right IT Company – Step-by-Step


First, define company goals.

Before outsourcing IT services, define the objectives needed. For example, do you need network security, anti-virus management, server support, network administration, desktop care, data cabling, or server migration? Then, identify the specific knowledge and competencies you have in-house and what is lacking within that you can derive from an external source. Also, determine the information and communication outcomes you expect and the timeline for completion.


Second, identify the right outsourcing partner.

Look for an outsourcing provider with expertise in the services you need. Consider the prospective partner’s experience, reputation, track record, proximity, pricing, and cultural fit. Will working with this partner create a synergy between the two companies to meet your needs and promote your business? A study by Elfring and Baven found that outsourcing technical services can reach an autonomous status in which the eternal partner can do more for the company than they could do on their own. This new autonomy allows the company to close or redelegate some in-house functions and reroute them to the outsourced company for improved performance and cost savings. 2


IT Networking


Next, develop a detailed service-level agreement (SLA).

A comprehensive SLA ensures both parties understand their roles and responsibilities and manage expectations. The SLA should provide details such as scope, timelines, service levels, escalation procedures, confidentiality, and security measures.


Establish communication protocols.

Clear communication is essential for a successful outsourcing relationship. Therefore, establish communication protocols such as regular meetings, reporting requirements, and issue escalation procedures.


Manage the relationship.

After establishing the outsourcing relationship, it is crucial to manage it effectively. For example, monitor performance against the SLA, address any issues promptly, and maintain open communication channels. Along with the communication protocols above, working through the inevitable challenges cohesively is part of the process.


Information Technology Networking


Finally, evaluate the results and adapt.

Regularly evaluate the outsourcing relationship to ensure it meets the company’s goals and objectives. Employing metrics such as cost savings, service quality, communications interruptions, information security, document flows, and customer satisfaction can allow you to measure the success of the outsourcing arrangement. Often some plans will change as more information about your evolving IT system comes to light. Be flexible and adapt to the changing situation, always moving forward to improve the information process.



The steps above lead business executives and owners to successfully outsource IT services that are extremely difficult to manage on their own. Subcontracted IT services can help businesses realize cost savings, specialized expertise, streamlined operations, and, most importantly, allowing your company an increased focus on your core competencies.









The post Outsourcing IT Services: Finding Expert Technical Support in 2023 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

4 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/4-tips-to-keep-your-business-safe-and-secure/ Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:26:16 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=17390 Keeping information safe and secure is challenging developments for businesses of all sizes over the last few years. Expeditious shifts from in-person to online to hybrid workplaces forced companies to change, or at least reexamine, their cybersecurity practices and protocols, and far too often they weren’t prepared.

The post 4 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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4 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure


Keeping information safe and secure is a challenging development for businesses of all sizes over the last few years. Expeditious shifts from in-person to online to hybrid workplaces forced companies to change, or at least reexamine, their cybersecurity practices and protocols, and far too often they weren’t prepared. In fact, according to Cyber Edge’s Cyberthreat Defense Report, 85% of organizations suffered from a successful cyberattack in 2021.


Now, businesses that have suffered cyberattacks along with companies that’ve been fortunate enough to avoid being a victim of breaches and hacks are looking at ways they can bolster their defenses and safeguard their data. But which plans, practices, and services should these organizations invest in?


Below are 4 steps businesses of all shapes and sizes can take to better protect themselves against cyber-attacks:[/cz_title]

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Identify “Crown Jewels” of Your Business 


Understanding what information cybercriminals are after most is essential to combating cyber-attacks. Therefore, creating an inventory list of the valuable data and assets within your organization, including manufacturer, model, hardware, and software information, is of the utmost importance. In addition, take note of who has access to important data and information while also accounting for all storage locations. This practice will ensure that business leaders have a track record of accessibility so that they know where to look in case of a vulnerability or breach.[/cz_title]

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Protect Assets by Updating and Authenticating


At the end of the day, protecting your data and devices from malicious actors is what cybersecurity is all about. To accomplish this, make sure your security software is current. Investing in the most up to date software’s, web browsers, and operating systems is one of the best defenses against a host of viruses, malware, and other online threats. Furthermore, make sure these devices have automatic updates turned on, so employees aren’t tasked with manually updating devices. Additionally, make sure all data is being backed up either in the cloud or via separate hard drive storage.



Another important way to keep your assets safe is by ensuring staff are using strong authentication to protect access to accounts and ensure only those with permission can access them. This includes strong, secure, and differentiated passwords. According to a 2021 PC Mag study, 70% of people admit they use the same password for more than one account. Using weak and similar passwords makes a hacker’s life a lot easier and can give them access to more materials than they could dream of. Finally, make sure employees are using multi-factor authentication. While this may result in a few extra sign-ins, MFA is essential to safeguarding data and can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful breach.[/cz_title]

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Monitor and Detect Suspicious Activity


Companies must always be on the lookout for possible breaches, vulnerabilities, and attacks, especially in a world where many often go undetected. This can be done by investing in cybersecurity products or services that help monitor your networks such as antivirus and antimalware software. Moreover, make sure your employees and personnel are following all established cybersecurity protocols before, during, and after a breach. Individuals who ignore or disregard important cybersecurity practices can compromise not only themselves, but the entire organization. Paying close attention to whether your company is fully embracing all your cybersecurity procedures and technology is incumbent upon business leaders.


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Have a Response Plan Ready


No matter how many safeguards you have in place, the unfortunate reality is that cyber incidents still occur. However, responding in a comprehensive manner will reduce risks to your business and send a positive signal to your customers and employees. Therefore, businesses should have a cyber incident response plan ready to go prior to a breach. In it, companies should embrace savvy practices such as disconnecting any affected computers from the network, notifying their IT staff or the proper third-party vendors, and utilizing any spares and backup devices while continuing to capture operational data.



Another important way to keep your assets safe is by ensuring staff are using strong authentication to protect access to accounts and ensure only those with permission can access them. This includes strong, secure, and differentiated passwords. According to a 2021 PC Mag study, 70% of people admit they use the same password for more than one account. Using weak and similar passwords makes a hacker’s life a lot easier and can give them access to more materials than they could dream of. Finally, make sure employees are using multi-factor authentication. While this may result in a few extra sign-ins, MFA is essential to safeguarding data and can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful breach.[/cz_title]

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Cyber Security Summit Videos are Up!

[/cz_title][cz_button title=”Watch Now!” btn_position=”cz_btn_center” text_effect=”cz_btn_txt_move_down” id=”cz_79326″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Flesolson.com%2Fsecuritysummit%2F|title:Security%20Summit” sk_button=”border-radius:5px;padding-left:30px;padding-right:30px;text-align:center;font-size:24px;line-height:20px;background-color:unset !important;background-image:linear-gradient(0deg,#5b0000,#ba0230);” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;” sk_icon=”border-radius:4px;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;margin-left:-8px;margin-right:12px;background-color:#ffffff;” alt_title=”Cybersecurity Info” alt_subtitle=”FREE FREE FREE”]

The post 4 Tips to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure appeared first on Les Olson IT.

The Anatomy of a Data Breach: What are They and What to do When You Spot One? https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/the-anatomy-of-a-data-breach-what-are-they-and-what-to-do-when-you-spot-one/ Mon, 17 Oct 2022 23:40:08 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=17354 How to spot a possible breach? The best way to stop a data breach is to stop it before it even starts. This includes taking steps from making sure passwords are long and complex to report suspicious emails. If you do suspect that you have been the victim of a breach, immediately contact your IT department or device provider to notify them and follow subsequent protocols to help them scan, detect, and remediate any issues that exist.

The post The Anatomy of a Data Breach: What are They and What to do When You Spot One? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_title id=”cz_54269″]Arguably no phrase has dominated the tech world in the last 24 months more than the term “data breach.” From breaches that have impacted critical infrastructure like the Colonial Pipeline to hackers compromising healthcare records at UC San Diego Health, the last two years have been saturated by headlines of cybersecurity mishaps. Yet, despite the prevalence of the breach-centric news cycle, many everyday individuals may not know what exactly a data breach is, how they typically start, and why they occur.

According to IBM, the average time it takes to identify that a breach has occurred is 287 days, with the average time to contain a breach clocking in at 80 days. And with 81% of businesses experiencing a cyberattack during COVID, it is essential that individuals are familiar with the anatomy of a data breach so that they can keep their data, as well as their colleague’s and customers’ data, safe.

With that in mind, here is some helpful background on what data breaches are and why they are so problematic.[/cz_title]

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What is a data breach? 

While it may seem like a complex concept, once the jargon is removed, a data breach is straightforward to explain. According to Trend Micro, a data breach is “an incident where information is stolen or taken from a system without the knowledge or authorization of the system’s owner.” And while data breaches can be the result of a system or human error, a vast majority of data breaches are the result of cyber-attacks, where a cybercriminal gains unlawful access to sensitive system data. In fact, 92% of the data breaches in Q1 2022 were the result of cyberattacks.

What kind of data can be breached?

Unfortunately, cybercriminals look to get their hands on any information that they possibly can ranging from more obvious sensitive information such as social security numbers and credit card information to more obscure data like past purchase history.

What are some of the tactics used to execute data breaches?

Cybercrime is getting more sophisticated each day. However, cyberattack tactics do not have to be cutting-edge or advanced to be very effective. Here are a few examples of popular tactics used by cybercriminals:[/cz_title]

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[cz_service_box type=”vertical” title=”Malware” icon=”fa fa-check” id=”cz_21794″ sk_overall=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;padding:30px 40px 40px 40px;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:0px;” sk_title=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;” sk_icon_con=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:5px;” cz_service_box=””]Another tried-and-true method for cybercriminals is malware. Malware is malicious software that secretly installs itself on devices – often by way of a user engaging with fake links and content – and quietly gains access to the data on an individual’s device or a business network.[/cz_service_box]
[cz_service_box type=”vertical” title=”Phishing” icon=”fa fa-check” id=”cz_56040″ sk_overall=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;padding:30px 40px 40px 40px;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:0px;” sk_title=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;” sk_icon_con=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:5px;” cz_service_box=””]Phishing is when a cybercriminal pretends to be a legitimate party in hopes of tricking an individual into giving them access to personal information. Phishing is one of the oldest tricks in the book for cybercriminals, but it is just as effective as ever. For example, 80% of security incidents and 90% data breaches stem from phishing attempts[/cz_service_box]
[cz_service_box type=”vertical” title=”Password Attack” icon=”fa fa-check” id=”cz_43298″ sk_overall=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;padding:30px 40px 40px 40px;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:0px;” sk_title=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”font-size:36px;color:#ba0230;” sk_icon_con=”border-bottom-style:solid;border-color:#cccccc;border-top-style:solid;border-right-style:solid;border-left-style:solid;border-width:3px 3px 3px 3px;margin-top:5px;” cz_service_box=””]Through password attacks, cybercriminals look to gain access to sensitive data and networks by way of “cracking” user passwords and using these credentials to get into networks and extract data from a given network.[/cz_service_box]
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How to spot a possible breach?

 The best way to stop a data breach is to stop it before it even starts. This includes taking steps from making sure passwords are long and complex to reporting suspicious emails. If you do suspect that you have been the victim of a breach, immediately contact your IT department or device provider to notify them and follow subsequent protocols to help them scan, detect, and remediate any issues that exist.[/cz_title]

The post The Anatomy of a Data Breach: What are They and What to do When You Spot One? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Les Olson IT Announces Commitment to Growing Global Cybersecurity Success by Becoming a Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 Champion https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/les-olson-it-announces-commitment-to-growing-global-cybersecurity-success-by-becoming-a-cybersecurity-awareness-month-2022-champion/ Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:54:40 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=17296 Building on annual success Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 is set to highlight the growing importance of cybersecurity in our daily lives and look to empower everyday individuals and business to take cybersecurity steps by making cyber more accessible

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[cz_title id=”cz_65462″]Building on annual success Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 is set to highlight the growing importance of cybersecurity in our daily lives and look to empower everyday individuals and businesses to take cybersecurity steps by making cyber more accessible[/cz_title]
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[cz_title id=”cz_34924″]Les Olson IT today announced that it has signed on as Champion for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022. Founded in 2004, Cybersecurity Awareness Month, held each October, is the world’s foremost initiative aimed at promoting cybersecurity awareness and best practices. The Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champions Program is a collaborative effort among businesses, government agencies, colleges and universities, associations, nonprofit organizations, and individuals committed to the Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme of ‘It’s easy to stay safe online.’


[cz_quote name=”John Huston” subname=”Corporate Managed IT Sales Manager at Les Olson IT” rating=”” quote_position=”absolute;top: calc(50% – 60px);right: calc(50% – 60px)” id=”cz_54277″ sk_name=”font-size:26px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:700;”]We are excited to bring free educational content to our community and share best practices for building a cybersecurity culture for your business.[/cz_quote]
[cz_title id=”cz_64844″]From mobile to connected home devices, technology is becoming more intertwined with our lives every day. And while the evolution of technology is moving at the speed of sound, cybercriminals are working just as hard to find ways to compromise technology and disrupt personal and business life. Cybersecurity Awareness Month aims to highlight some of the emerging challenges that exist in the world of cybersecurity today and provide straightforward actionable guidance that anyone can follow to create a safe and secure digital world for themselves and their loved ones.


This year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month’s main focal areas revolve around four key fundamental cybersecurity best practices:[/cz_title]

[cz_stylish_list id=”cz_27133″ items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22Recognizing%20and%20reporting%20phishing%20%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22is%20still%20one%20of%20the%20primary%20threat%20actions%20used%20by%20cybercriminals%20today.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Understanding%20the%20benefits%20of%20using%20a%20password%20manager%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22and%20dispelling%20existing%20myths%20around%20password%20manager%20security%20and%20ease%20of%20use.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Enabling%20multi-factor%20authentication%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22on%20personal%20devices%20and%20business%20networks.%20%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Installing%20updates%20on%20a%20regular%20basis%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22and%20turning%20on%20automated%20updates.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-071-interface-1%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%5D” sk_icons=”font-size:36px;” sk_overall=”padding-left:2em;”]
[cz_gap height=”30px” height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”10px”][cz_title id=”cz_20387″]Now in its 19th year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month continues to build momentum and impact with the goal of providing everyone with the information they need to stay safer and more secure online. Les Olson IT is proud to support this far-reaching online safety awareness and education initiative which is co-led by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


For more information about Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 and how to participate in a wide variety of activities, visit staysafeonline.org/cybersecurity-awareness-month/. You can also follow and use the official hashtag #BeCyberSmart on social media throughout the month.[/cz_title]

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About Les Olson IT Security Summit Event

Save the Date for our Les Olson IT Cybersecurity Summit. October 12th in honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We have a passion for security and want our families, communities, and businesses to be protected. The threat landscape is always changing and we’ve put together a strong lineup of experts in their fields to share with our local business leaders the vision of what they can do to lead with cybersecurity in mind. The event will be tailored to business executives no matter their skill level in IT, but IT leadership will benefit as well. Registration is open now for both virtual an in person attendance. I Hope to see you there. For more information, visit https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/security-summit/[/cz_title]

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About Cybersecurity Awareness Month


Cybersecurity Awareness Month is designed to engage and educate public- and private-sector partners through events and initiatives with the goal of raising awareness about cybersecurity to increase the resiliency of the nation in the event of a cyber incident. Since the Presidential proclamation establishing Cybersecurity Awareness Month in 2004, the initiative has been formally recognized by Congress, federal, state, and local governments, and leaders from industry and academia. This united effort is necessary to maintain a cyberspace that is safer and more resilient and remains a source of tremendous opportunity and growth for years to come. For more information, visit staysafeonline.org/cybersecurity-awareness-month/[/cz_title]

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[cz_title id=”cz_95862″]About National Cybersecurity Alliance

The National Cybersecurity Alliance is a non-profit organization on a mission to create a more secure, interconnected world. We advocate for the safe use of all technology and educate everyone on how best to protect ourselves, our families, and our organizations from cybercrime. We create strong partnerships between governments and corporations to amplify our message and foster a greater “digital” good. National Cybersecurity Alliance’s core efforts include Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October); Data Privacy Week (Jan. 24-28th); and Cybersecure My Business™, which offers webinars, web resources, and workshops to help businesses be resistant to and resilient from cyberattacks. For more information, please visit https://staysafeonline.org.[/cz_title]

The post Les Olson IT Announces Commitment to Growing Global Cybersecurity Success by Becoming a Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022 Champion appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Security Operations Center https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/what-is-a-soc-security-operations-center/ Tue, 02 Aug 2022 20:01:40 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=17036 Whatever your company does, they believe it depends on the tech. Your business is at risk when your infrastructure isn't functioning properly. You can guarantee your infrastructure and assets are online and always running as effectively as possible with Managed IT Services from Les Olson Company. To reduce expensive downtime, their technical professionals are continually working in the background. They are your partner in using technologies to assist you to accomplish your corporate objectives

The post Security Operations Center appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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[cz_title id=”cz_64849″ cz_title=””]All organizations must implement a very strong cybersecurity solution to protect their devices and data from cybercrimes, which have become increasingly common over the past decade.

A Security Operations Center is, as the name suggests, a crucial security solution for businesses. The Security Operations Center, or SOC, plays this role by preventing, monitoring, detecting, investigating, and responding to cyberthreats around the clock.


Here is what you can expect from a  Security Operations Center:


  • Presence of experienced and expert team members who take care of all the security aspects of the organization
  • Protection of the organization’s assets including intellectual property, personnel data, business systems, and brand integrity.
  • Knowledge of how to protect the organization from all types of data bridges and cyber security threats.
  • Creation of a detailed and comprehensive strategy that can be used to defend against all types of cyber-attacks.

Now that you have some idea of the abilities of a Security Operations Center, it is time to understand the role that it performs. In this way, you will be able to better understand the significance of having a Security Operations Center assist with the protection of your organization’s assets against cyberattacks.


What Does a SOC Do?


An agency’s or organization’s centralized SOC effectively uses people, automation tools and software, and other technologies to constantly evaluate and detect the weak defense posture of the company while avoiding, recognizing, analyzing, and reacting to cybersecurity issues.


Note that different SOCs have different numbers of team members but all of them perform the same function. Let’s have a look at some of the major roles of the Security Operations Center.


●    Prevention & Detection

The most preferred step in the cyber security strategy of the Security Operations Center is to prevent data breaches and cyber security attacks from happening. It is undoubtedly the most effective way to prevent the organization from experiencing any kind of cyber issue. However, in the case that a problem occurs, the team members will immediately detect the problem.


Remember that a SOC monitors the network constantly rather than reacting to risks as they arise. The SOC team is then able to identify unwanted activities and stop them before they have a chance to do any harm.


It is the core responsibility of the SOC members to keep an eye on all kinds of harmful activities that may be performed by cyber attackers. If they detect anything suspicious that can be harmful to the safety and security of the organization and its assets, they immediately try to gather as much information as they can. In this way, they can perform detailed investigations and find solutions.


●    Investigation

Once suspicious activities have been detected, the SOC team will begin the investigation stage. During this stage, SOC analyzes the severity of the security problem, the extent to which it can affect the assets of the organization, its nature, and how it can affect the whole infrastructure.


By comprehending how attacks develop and how to react appropriately before they get out of control, the analyst may identify and assess many sorts of security issues. For a successful triage, the SOC analyst integrates knowledge of the network with the most recent global information security research, which includes insights on offender capabilities, strategies, and tendencies.


●    Response

After the SOC team detects the issue and completes the investigation, they will move on to the response stage and devise a solution. A coordinated response is a practical step toward solving the problem. In this stage, the SOC performs various tasks to rectify the problem and bring the organization back to its previous safe condition. The SOC responds by addressing all the possible cybersecurity issues and performing actions that can solve them immediately.

By proceeding with endpoint isolation, malicious process termination, blocking execution, file deletion, and other measures, the SOC strives to enhance the security strength and retrieve any damaged or exposed information following an event. In the case of malware infections, this can entail restoring workable files to get around ransomware, erasing and resuming terminals, reorganizing infrastructure, or deleting and resetting access points.


Looking For the SOC For Your Organization? Choose Les Olson!

Les Olson IT operates a cutting-edge Network Operations Center (NOC), where its staff of IT experts supports the communications infrastructure. Their help desk has a group of qualified, highly skilled professionals who provide next-level customer service. With their Managed IT Services Help Desk and Remote Monitoring and Management, they can take care of all the details of your IT requirements, including the time-consuming and hectic repairing of network computers and other devices, giving your company a sense of security.


There’s a strong probability that when you seek out to resolve an issue, and are proactively trying to fix it.


Your organization’s smooth operation depends on the technology that you rely on. Your business is at risk when your infrastructure isn’t functioning properly. You can guarantee your infrastructure and assets are online and always running as effectively as possible with Managed IT Services from Les Olson Company. To reduce expensive downtime, their technical professionals are continually working in the background. They are your partner in using technologies to assist you in accomplishing your corporate objectives.

It’s time to let the security and functionality of your company’s network and devices be managed by Les Olson’s award-winning IT specialists. Their Managed IT Services offer a wide range of technological options, such as remote network assessment and tracking, user customer care assistance, and much more.


Reach Out To Les Olson SOC Experts Today[/cz_title]

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Get a FREE, Comprehensive Network Analysis

Let us provide a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. We will analyze your network to identify vulnerabilities. Depending on what we uncover, we will also make suggestions on ways to augment security systems and get more out of your existing technology infrastructure.[/cz_title][cz_gap][cz_button title=”Request Your Free” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” text_effect=”cz_btn_txt_move_down” id=”cz_21447″ subtitle=”NETWORK ANALYSIS” link=”url:%2Fservices%2Fit-services%2Fnetwork-analysis%2F|||” sk_button=”font-size:18px;text-align:center;line-height:20px;background-color:#ba0230;padding-right:30px;padding-left:30px;border-radius:0px;” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e8283b;” sk_subtitle=”font-size:17px;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.6);font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”border-radius:4px;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;margin-left:-8px;margin-right:12px;background-color:#ffffff;”]

The post Security Operations Center appeared first on Les Olson IT.

How to Protect Yourself from CYBER ATTACKS https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/cyber-attacks-are-on-the-rise/ Mon, 28 Feb 2022 16:44:09 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=16550 Unstable social and economic circumstances throughout the world are giving cyber criminals the ability to capitalize on fear, confusion, uncertainty and those who are unaware.

The post How to Protect Yourself from CYBER ATTACKS appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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An Unstable World

Unstable social and economic circumstances throughout the world are giving cyber criminals the ability to capitalize on fear, confusion, uncertainty and those who are unaware.


While there are many software and hardware solutions to help you combat these attacks, it’s important to remember that your online behavior is the most important defense against these threat actors.


It’s important to remember that our personal online behavior can affect our employer’s cyber security. Be cautious and watch out for anything that seems out of place or unusual.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”36px” height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”]

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Your Defense

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Don’t click suspicious links.
If you don’t know if a link is suspicious, don’t click on it. First ask the person who sent it to you, or who posted it online.


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Don’t open unexpected email attachments.
If you think the attachment is fishy, it probably is.


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Don’t install any software on your PC unless you’ve been directed by your employer or their IT staff.
If this is for a personal workstation, only install software from reputable companies.


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Stay away from websites that seem untrustworthy.


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[cz_title id=”cz_29154″]

Avoid browser add-ons unless they are approved by your employer.
If this is for your personal device, research the add-on and make sure it’s reputable.


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Don’t open text messages from unknown or unexpected senders.


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[cz_title id=”cz_106585″]

Don’t approve Multi-factor Authentication requests if you didn’t initiate them.
This is important. Your email password may have been compromised. Change your email password and take steps to secure your account.


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Don’t share passwords.


Meet Our Partners

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Perch is a co-managed threat detection and response system that you can afford to deploy anywhere.


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Cybersecurity that prevents threats at faster speeds, greater scale, and higher accuracy than humanly possible.


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Let us provide a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. We will analyze your network to identify vulnerabilities. Depending on what we uncover, we will also make suggestions on ways to augment security systems and get more out of your existing technology infrastructure.[/cz_title][cz_gap][cz_button title=”Request Your Free” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” text_effect=”cz_btn_txt_move_down” id=”cz_21447″ subtitle=”NETWORK ANALYSIS” link=”url:%2Fservices%2Fit-services%2Fnetwork-analysis%2F|||” sk_button=”font-size:18px;text-align:center;line-height:20px;background-color:#ba0230;padding-right:30px;padding-left:30px;border-radius:0px;” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e8283b;” sk_subtitle=”font-size:17px;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.6);font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”border-radius:4px;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;margin-left:-8px;margin-right:12px;background-color:#ffffff;”]

The post How to Protect Yourself from CYBER ATTACKS appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Multi-Factor Authentication https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/multi-factor-authentication/ Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:26:10 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=16337 MFA ( Multi-factor Authentication) becomes successfully enabled when at least two methods of identification are required to successfully verify a user’s identity before granting access to the account.

The post Multi-Factor Authentication appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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What is MFA

Multi-factor Authentication is a digital security method that utilizes additional sources of authentication, with the addition of a password, to verify that the user accessing an account is actually the user who is authorized to access it. MFA ( Multi-factor Authentication) becomes successfully enabled when at least two methods of identification are required in order to successfully verify a user’s identity prior to granting access to the account.[/cz_title]

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Best Practices for Multi-Factor Authentication

Online accounts are the norm, and their continued proliferation is inevitable. As you set up more online accounts you also create the possibility for a hack with each account. The simple step of adding MFA to your accounts and requiring it on all your business accounts will help protect your business, even if your employees are not as diligent as they should be at updating passwords regularly.

ID Credentials and passwords can be the weakest link in an organizations cybersecurity because they are frequently compromised and posted on the Dark Web. Adding MFA for your personal and business accounts is a good idea, and can be an important safeguard for your business, adding a strong layer of security to accounts employees manage for the business.[/cz_title]

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What should be protected with MFA?


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Remote Network Access

Today, more and more businesses allow authorized users (employees) to work from home and access their networks remotely. By implementing MFA for these remote users, businesses add a vigorous layer of protection that safeguards both the business and the employee.


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Protecting your Privileged/Administrative Access with MFA will help prevent cyber criminals from accessing your network and launching ransomware attacks, stealing your important business data, or deploying malware.

Whether your employees access your accounts remotely, or while physically at your location, it’s a good idea to require MFA to protect against cyber attacks.


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Remote Access to Email

When accessing email through a website or cloud-based service on non-corporate devices, MFA can help reduce an intruder’s ability to gain access to a user’s corporate email account. Cybercriminals like to access emails to commit different cybercrime schemes against businesses, as well as the businesses’ customers.


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How does a business start to implement MFA?

Whichever method you choose to enable, MFA should be based on your organization’s needs and something simple for your team to use. The extra layer of security MFA provides is important, but each company is unique and it can seem a bit daunting to to set up. If you would like assistance or advice, please reach out to us.

Our IT experts are excited to work with you!


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The post Multi-Factor Authentication appeared first on Les Olson IT.

3 Reasons to Partner with a Great Outsourced IT Company in 2022 https://lesolson.redpeppersoftware.net/blog/3-reasons-to-partner-with-a-great-outsourced-it-company-in-2022/ Thu, 30 Dec 2021 18:48:11 +0000 https://lesolson.com/?p=16285 One of your goals for 2022 should be to interview IT firms and establish a partnership with the one that fits your needs. Whether you need a fulltime partner, or someone to help during your busy times, having this relationship will pay dividends. We suggest partnering with someone local that can come in person if you need them. Our service area includes the entire state of Utah as well as Clark County NV.

The post 3 Reasons to Partner with a Great Outsourced IT Company in 2022 appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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You were not alone in finding it difficult to hire and even retain talented IT professionals in 2021.  The phrase “Outsourcing IT” had a 200+ increase on Google Trends in 2021.  Also, the Gartner Group, stated “A lack of talent availability was cited far more often than other barriers this year, such as implementation cost (29%) or security risk (7%).” https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2021-09-13-gartner-survey-reveals-talent-shortages-as-biggest-barrier-to-emerging-technologies-adoption

And finally forecasts predict this trend will continue into 2022 as demand for office technology rises and the availability of IT talent remains low.  So, what are you to do?  Keep in mind these 3 things that can be helpful to you in 2022 regarding your IT workforce needs.



1Outsourcing IT will fill gaps due to missing expertise. A good IT partner will have a large staff of individuals with vast credentials spread amongst their team.  When you partner with an outsourced IT company you get a collective of experience, that when added up, could be centuries worth.  That means, they’ve probably worked on a problem similar enough to what you are facing and have a solution that will work.


2Outsourcing your IT will provide the missing bandwidth (lack of staff) your IT Department has. It’s not always about credentials and experience.  Very often it’s simply a matter of your labor force and the workload heaped upon them.  A good IT partner understands this and will help you with projects that are routine, all the way to complex.  Imagine what projects you could be freed up to work on if your helpdesk was handled by an outsourced partner.


3Periodic Demand Peaks can be one of the most stressful times for any department. It’s no different for IT.  You don’t have to work around the clock and worry that you’re still not going to meet your deadlines.  Having a relationship with a great Outsourced IT partner in your back pocket will be handy when these periodic demand peaks arise.  In fact, if you have months of the year planned out in advance that you can reserve their services, they will be ready to assist you in getting your job done when these months roll around.  If it’s impossible to predict when these peak times will arise, that shouldn’t be a problem either.  Just let your IT partner know that you plan on reaching out to them when these projects come about, and they should be able to make it work.


One of your goals for 2022 should be to interview IT firms and establish a partnership with the one that fits your needs.  Whether you need a fulltime partner, or someone to help during your busy times, having this relationship will pay dividends.  We suggest partnering with someone local that can come in person if you need them.  Our service area includes the entire state of Utah as well as Clark County NV.  To begin a relationship with us at Les Olson IT, simply fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.  We’d love to partner with you and help you achieve your 2022 goals while hopefully reducing your stress at the same time.


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Get an Outsourced IT Consult Today



The post 3 Reasons to Partner with a Great Outsourced IT Company in 2022 appeared first on Les Olson IT.
