Software Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:04:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Small Improvements That Can Add Huge Gains Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:04:07 +0000 Improving and modifying technical strategies has proven to be the biggest game-changer and still holds a significant position in the global market at large.
If you remember a time when a vast group of people performed a task, most of the work was handled manually. People were reluctant to adopt new technology.

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How To Improve Your Team’s Efficiency By 25%.

Throughout history, technology has played an integral role in business. Improving and modifying technical strategies has proven to be the biggest game-changer and still holds a significant position in the global market at large.
If you remember a time when a vast group of people performed a task, most of the work was handled manually. People were reluctant to adopt new technology. Every task performed since then has raised numerous errors that created hassles which eventually affected the organization and business in the long run. To be precise, running a business without adopting technology was indeed complex and burdensome.
As soon as people began to realize the importance of utilizing technology in the most meaningful way, it has been an asset for organizations and businesses. It has paved the way towards efficiency and has proved to be substantial support to diminish misconceptions.
Accepting and Utilizing advanced automated systems have not only increased productivity but have also improved standards of working. One most important thing is to stay updated according to the automated systems. Analyzing our competitors is also mandatory as neglecting this part can affect your position. Below are some points that need to be addressed to attain efficiency and improve our work strategies.


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Adapting Automation to Enhance Efficiency- A Need Of the Hour

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[cz_stylish_list id=”cz_73544″ items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22Working%20off-site%3A%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22Before%20the%20pandemic%2C%20people%20and%20organizations%20used%20to%20work%20on-site.%20Working%20from%20the%20comfort%20of%20your%20home%20was%20not%20a%20viable%20option%20until%20the%20pandemic%20struck%20our%20lives%20and%20unfolded%20new%20remote%20work%20concepts%20with%20the%20help%20of%20automated%20tools.%20That%20played%20a%20vital%20role%20in%20enhancing%20productivity%2C%20saved%20loads%20of%20money%20spent%20on%20maintaining%20workspaces%2C%20and%20introduced%20a%20refreshing%20face%20of%20technology%20as%20a%20savior%20in%20these%20hard%20times.%20Since%20then%2C%20people%20have%20accepted%20the%20use%20of%20automated%20tools%20as%20a%20significant%20part%20of%20their%20jobs.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Effective%20collaboration%20through%20Automation%3A%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22Collaborating%20and%20communicating%20have%20always%20been%20necessary%20for%20a%20successful%20business%3B%20advanced%20automated%20systems%20made%20these%20processes%20more%20convenient%20and%20effortless.%20%20Consumption%20of%20advanced%20collaboration%20tools%20such%20as%20live%20video%20calls%2C%20online%20meeting%20setup%2C%20and%20cloud-based%20portals%20of%20google%20have%20reduced%20the%20gap%20between%20an%20organization%20and%20its%20employees%2C%20thus%20providing%20an%20effective%20working%20environment.%20To%20acquire%20successful%20collaborations%2C%20advanced%20automated%20tools%20should%20be%20utilized%20at%20their%20best%20as%20it%20maximizes%20productivity%20and%20efficiency%20of%20a%20business.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-103-success%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Organization%20of%20Data%3A%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22Organizing%20data%20has%20always%20been%20a%20very%20critical%20task%20as%20it%20requires%20immense%20effort%20and%20vigilance.%20Technology%20has%20made%20these%20efforts%20much%20easier%20with%20faster%20and%20more%20accurate%20computing%20systems%3B%20%5C%22Docuware%5C%22%20document%20management%20systems%2C%20and%20many%20digital%20operating%20tools%20of%20such%20kind%20have%20enabled%20this%20process%20to%20be%20more%20convenient%20and%20hassle-free.%20Adoption%20of%20these%20tools%20can%20manage%20your%20data%20very%20efficiently%20and%20securely.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-103-success%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Elimination%20of%20your%20weaknesses%3A%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22As%20an%20organization%2C%20you%20should%20be%20well%20aware%20of%20your%20weaknesses%20and%20pain%20points%20in%20terms%20of%20communication%20and%20lack%20of%20updated%20internet%20systems%20that%20become%20a%20huge%20reason%20for%20the%20massive%20decline%20of%20your%20growth%20in%20the%20business%20world.%20Figuring%20out%20your%20pain%20points%20and%20working%20on%20them%20to%20increase%20your%20potentials%20has%20become%20pretty%20easy%20with%20these%20advanced%20automated%20tools.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-103-success%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Virtualization%20as%20a%20solution%3A%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22Virtualization%20is%20a%20key%20to%20effective%20business%20strategy%20as%20it%20enhances%20the%20possibilities%20of%20successful%20communication%20and%20collaboration.%20Digital%20Automation%20has%20enabled%20organizations%20to%20accept%20and%20utilize%20advanced%20computing%20systems%2C%20digital%20software%2C%20cloud%20computing%2C%20and%20other%20beneficial%20tools%20that%20cater%20to%20their%20business%20needs%20and%20prove%20to%20be%20a%20milestone%20to%20achieve%20their%20targets.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-103-success%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Team%20Motivation%3A%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22Motivating%20team%20members%20has%20always%20been%20a%20mandatory%20factor%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20running%20a%20successful%20organization.%20A%20well-organized%2C%20motivated%2C%20and%20focused%20team%20attains%20great%20achievements.%20When%20we’re%20talking%20about%20achieving%20goals%20and%20setting%20up%20targets%2C%20we%20should%20consider%20technology%20and%20advanced%20automated%20systems%20as%20our%20reliable%20partners%20in%20this%20never-ending%20journey%20of%20success.%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22fa%20czico-103-success%22%2C%22icon_color%22%3A%22%23ba0230%22%7D%5D” sk_icons=”font-size:29px;color:#ba0230;” default_icon=”fa czico-103-success” sk_lists=”font-size:18px;color:#ba0230;font-weight:500;” sk_subtitle=”font-size:16px;color:#323232;”]
[cz_title id=”cz_87358″]Sign up for a free consultation with one of our software solutions experts and explore the ways you could make incremental improvements and increase productivity and ultimately revenue.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”15px”][cz_button title=”Get a Free Consultation” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” btn_effect=”cz_btn_fill_right” sk_button=”font-size:17px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Assistant;background-color:#ba0230;border-style:solid;” id=”cz_103373″ link=”url:%23consult|||” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e9283b;”][cz_gap height=”35px”]
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One of many solutions that Les Olson Company offers to improve your organizations efficiency.


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5 Signs You Need a Secured Fax Software Solution Thu, 07 Jan 2021 16:07:03 +0000 Think about the types of content your organization sends via fax. If you ever send sensitive information, such as contact information, financial reports, patient records, employee information, or billing details, you have a huge responsibility to keep that information from getting into the wrong hands. Even businesses that take security precautions may overlook the risks of sending unsecured faxes. In this article we will explore how a traditional fax machine can put your company's information at risk, and what you can do to fax securely.

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[cz_image id=”cz_31208″ image=”15326″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_104359″ cz_title=””]Think about the types of content your organization sends via fax. If you ever send sensitive information, such as contact information, financial reports, patient records, employee information, or billing details, you have a huge responsibility to keep that information from getting into the wrong hands. Not only would a breach do damage to your organization’s reputation, but it could put you on the hook for lawsuits or fines. No matter what your business does, transferring private information is likely done frequently. Even businesses that take security precautions may overlook the risks of sending unsecured faxes. In this article we will explore how a traditional fax machine can put your company’s information at risk, and what you can do to fax securely.

#1 Regulatory Compliance Obligations

Federal and state laws effect virtually all organizations, but depending on your industry, and the types of information you deal with, you may have other strict regulations governing how you send information. From HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley to PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) and others, violating regulatory compliance laws can result in major legal ramifications, including federal fines.


#2 Fax Machine is in a High-Traffic Area

Fax machines are commonly in open areas that are easily accessible to everyone in the office. That’s great for efficiency and convenience, but horrible for security. Having a fax machine out in the open means that anyone has access to the information flowing through your fax machine – whether that’s a nosy customer, an employee with bad intentions, or a suspicious visitor in your office. You can’t be certain that information won’t get into the wrong hands.


#3 Access After Hours

Many businesses forget to consider the security risk posed by people who access their offices after hours. You know the saying – out of sight, out of mind. You might not think about your cleaning staff, contractors, delivery personnel, or employees with keys to the building, but any time an individual is allowed access to your building with no oversight, it’s important to ensure that documents containing personal information aren’t laying around.


#4 Shared Fax Numbers

Fax machines can be expensive, so it’s likely that your employees don’t each have their own device with a separate number. Sharing one fax machine is economical, but increases the risk of exposing private information to the wrong person. Aside from the obvious security risk, there is also greater opportunity for mistakes like document mix-ups and misplaced pages.


#5 You Can’t Guarantee Security on the Other End

No matter what precautions you take to place your fax machine in a secure location, you have no control over where your faxes end up. If you’re sending information via fax that needs to remain private, you’re really rolling the dice by sending to an unsecured fax.


If any of this sounds familiar, all signs point to an urgent need for a Secured Fax Software Solution. Fax software is a very effective way to ensure the security of your sensitive information. We recommend implementing GoldFax’s Internet Fax Solution. Rather than sending and receiving faxes at a fax machine, faxes are sent and received via email. GoldFax is an efficient and economical way to meet compliance expectations for securely sending information. Let us help you implement a secure faxing solution today.


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Get a Demo or Quote on the GoldFax Internet Fax Solution


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What’s New in PaperCut 20.0? Fri, 05 Jun 2020 14:46:13 +0000 The newest version of PaperCut, PaperCut 20.0, will be available soon. Here's what you need to know about the new release, including the latest features, and their applications.

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[cz_image id=”cz_82993″ image=”13879″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”60px”][cz_title id=”cz_81858″]The newest version of PaperCut, PaperCut 20.0, will be available soon. Here’s what you need to know about the new release, including the latest features, and their applications.


Healthcare Integration with Epic

PaperCut MF 20.0 has a new integration with Epic for the Healthcare sector. Hospitals and healthcare providers will have robust print management features including secure printing, find-me printing, and print log tracking with Epic compliance.


Ideal for:

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Self-service printer installation

Reduce the burden on your IT administrators with new features in Print Deploy. Deploy printers that will be automatically installed or installed by the user.


Ideal for environments where:

[/cz_title][cz_stylish_list id=”cz_87849″ items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22IP%20ranges%20don%E2%80%99t%20entirely%20reflect%20physical%20locations%20for%20distributed%20sites%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Users%20need%20to%20choose%20specialty%20or%20specific%20printers%20%20(e.g.%20B%26W%20printers)%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%5D” sk_icons=”font-size:20px;color:#ba0230;” default_icon=”fa czico-012-done” cz_stylish_list=””][cz_title id=”cz_44820″ cz_title=””]

Cloud functionality for PaperCut Mobility Print (BETA)

This BETA feature will allow users to print securely over the internet from Mac, Windows and Chromebooks.


Ideal for environments where:

[/cz_title][cz_stylish_list id=”cz_106467″ items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22Users%20are%20not%20connected%20to%20the%20organizations%20wifi%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Users%20need%20to%20submit%20jobs%20while%20remote%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22The%20organization%E2%80%99s%20wifi%20is%20just%20an%20internet%20connection%2C%20with%20no%20access%20to%20corporate%20infrastructure%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%5D” sk_icons=”font-size:20px;color:#ba0230;” default_icon=”fa czico-012-done” cz_stylish_list=””][cz_title id=”cz_95008″ cz_title=””]

Automatic Application Server failover

This in-app solution is designed to protect the PaperCut Application Server Layer, where clustering or virtualization technologies can’t provide failover.


Ideal for:

[/cz_title][cz_stylish_list id=”cz_103590″ items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22organizations%20that%20are%20using%20a%20network%20load%20balancer%20within%20their%20network%20infrastructure.%20%22%2C%22icon_type%22%3A%22icon%22%7D%5D” sk_icons=”font-size:20px;color:#ba0230;” default_icon=”fa czico-012-done” cz_stylish_list=””][cz_title id=”cz_66433″ cz_title=””]

Data integrations platform

Third-party reporting tools can access to PaperCut MF data in order to optimize your print fleet and gain a clear picture of your usage.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”]

[cz_gap height=”60px”][cz_title id=”cz_29748″ cz_title=””]

Questions about how to upgrade? Contact us.



PaperCut MF

PaperCut MF is a simple, low cost print control software application that lets you take control and manage your printers, copiers and multi-function devices.

The post What’s New in PaperCut 20.0? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Tech Companies Help Fight Coronavirus with Free Remote Work Tools Thu, 12 Mar 2020 22:09:57 +0000 There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space.

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[cz_image id=”cz_106460″ image=”12667″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_94100″ cz_title=””]There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space. This goes without saying, but having that plan ready to go BEFORE there’s an emergency situation is critical, so don’t put it off. Now is the time to plan for how your employees will continue to work, even if they are unable to gather in your office. Several major tech companies have announced that they will help fight Coronavirus with free remote work tools.


Hand sanitizer may be in short supply right now, but it’s not hard to get your hands on free tools to help your employees telecommute. Microsoft, Google, LogMeIn, and Cisco have all announced that they will help businesses by providing free tools to support working from home during the Coronavirus outbreak. These tools will allow remote workers to hold virtual meetings and chat with their coworkers while working from the safety of their homes. Let’s go through the solutions available to you, and how you can get them if and when you determine they are needed.


Tool: Microsoft Teams

Duration: Free for Six Months

Microsoft has stated that they want to “Support public health and safety by making remote work even easier.” We think this is quite admirable, and know their Teams tool can do a lot to keep workgroups connected. They are doing this by offering a free six month trial for their “Freemium” edition of Microsoft Teams, and are offering this globally. Microsoft rolled out an update to the free version of Teams on March 10 that removes any user limits, and allows users to schedule conferences and video calls.


What it does:

  • Online Meetings
  • Voice & Video Calling
  • Instant Messaging

Tool: LogMeIn – Emergency Remote Work Kit

Duration: Free for Three Months

LogMeIn has taken a proactive approach to providing assistance during the outbreak, saying “We feel LogMeIn is in a unique position to help our customers, their employees, and our communities during this time. As a result, we are making it a top priority to do all that we can to help our customers focus on the health of their employees and their business, while also helping the critical service providers in our communities who are on the front lines. Starting immediately, we will be offering our critical front-line service providers with free, organization-wide use of many LogMeIn products for 3 months through the availability of Emergency Remote Work Kits.” Their kit is now available to critical front-line service providers, educational institutions, municipalities, and non-profit organizations, in addition to current LogMeIn customers. This make a world of difference for those organizations in the thick of it because it includes a range of helpful solutions for things like video conferencing, meetings, webinars, IT Support, remote device management, and more.


What it does:

  • Meet and Collaborate with GoToMeeting
  • Host Presentations with GoToWebinar
  • Remote Access to Work Computers
  • Provide Web-based Technical Support with RescueAssist

Tool: Cisco Webex Enhanced Free Licenses

Free Cisco Webex accounts used to only allow users to host meetings with a limit of 50 people for 40 minutes. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, they have annouced they are upgrading their free Webex Licenses. Free Webex licenses will now allow users to host meetings with up to 100 participants with no time limit. They have also decided to offer free, 90-day licenses to businesses who are not already Webex customers.


What it does:

  • Video Conferencing
  • Team Messaging & File Sharing

Tool: Google Hangouts Meet

Duration: Free for G Suite Users Until July 1, 2020
Google announced that multiple advanced Hangouts Meet features, typically only available in their Enterprise edition of G Suite, will now be rolled out to all G Suite and G Suite for Education customers across the globe. The added capabilities will allow users to host video conferences with up to 250 participants per call, includes live streaming for up to 100,000 viewers within a domain, and gives users the ability to record their meetings to save to Google Drive.

What it does:

  • Video Calls
  • Live Streaming
  • Screen Sharing & Presentation Features
Each of these solutions will only be free for a limited time, so we recommend waiting to take advantage of these offers until there is a clear threat in your area. We salute these companies for pitching in to help workers get their tasks done amidst some chaotic circumstances that many businesses are under-prepared for. It remains to be seen how this will play out in the United States, but it’s safe to assume this won’t be the last crisis that causes disruptions to the traditional work environment.


With technology changing the way we all work, telecommuting is becoming more common every day. Perhaps recent events will speed up the rate of adoption as businesses recognize the benefits of empowering a mobile workforce. For now we urge business owners to start creating a plan to “future-proof” their work environment.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]

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How to Tell Who’s Printing What Tue, 18 Feb 2020 16:24:39 +0000 Have you noticed you’re replacing your copier’s color toner more often? Lately, does it seem like you’re refilling the paper trays all the time? Is someone in the office suddenly printing a lot more full-color documents for a new work assignment?

The post How to Tell Who’s Printing What appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_98467″ image=”12529″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_18327″ cz_title=””]Have you noticed you’re replacing your copier’s color toner more often? Lately, does it seem like you’re refilling the paper trays all the time? Is someone in the office suddenly printing a lot more full-color documents for a new work assignment? Or is someone using the copier for printing lost cat posters, garage sale fliers or maybe dozens of full-color copies of their annual family calendar?


Most office policies allow occasional personal use of the office printer. A Keypoint Intelligence/InfoTrends study from 2016 shows this is a pretty common practice. According to the study, almost 80 percent of office workers occasionally run personal print jobs in the office, with more than a quarter of employees doing it at least once a week. Actually, personal use amounts to roughly 10 percent of all office print jobs.


That said, completely banning all personal use of office printers could lead to adverse effects. The study indicates these include more employees running late or leaving early to print at home, needing to leave mid-day to pick up a print job from a local copy center, increased feelings of guilt from sneaking in a print job here and there and increased anxiety, either because they broke an office policy or can’t produce a needed document in time as a result of the policy. Needless to say, no one needs more tardy and anxious workers.


For these reasons, most office managers view occasional personal printing as an employee perk, much like offering coffee in the break room. Sure, go ahead and enjoy a hot beverage every now and then, but don’t go taking armfuls of Swiss Miss packets home to feed your late-night chocolate cravings.


The same game goes for printing policies. There is a happy medium where some personal use of the office copy machine is fine. Banning it altogether has unintended consequences that can lower morale, but there are those times when things seem to be getting out of hand. For these times, when toner and paper costs seem to be skyrocketing for no work-related reason, you might wonder, “Is there a way to track who is printing what?”


The answer is, “Yes.” You’ll need to install a print management software solution on your office printers. We offer the leading solution called PaperCut. These types of print management solutions are designed to optimize the use of printers and multifunction printers (MFPs). It is a great office analytics tool that will help you determine if someone is taking advantage of lenient, worker-friendly printer policies and unintentionally driving up your office printing costs.


We can set up PaperCut and either a badge or password system when we first install your machine. These can also be added to equipment already in use. Regardless of how strict or lenient your printing policy may be, or the size of your business, PaperCut offers you a flexible solution to manage your office printing needs.


PaperCut has been installed on office printers since the 90s and claims to be in use by 50 million end-users in 180 countries, representing about 50,000 organizations. Over the years, they have saved trillions of pages of paper. That’s a lot of lost cat pictures and family calendars that didn’t get printed.


Saving paper represents more dollars in your pocket as well as something you could add to your marketing strategy. In fact, if being a “green” business and having a lower carbon footprint aligns with your company goals, PaperCut can even track and report savings by CO2 volume or by tree. Add this figure to your brochures or product packaging.


So how does PaperCut make your office more efficient? PaperCut allows you to track print jobs and users, and it lets you set restrictions on who can print on what machine, how much they can print, and even tailor what types of print jobs they can run. This is a great feature because what you need for permissions is probably completely unique to your business. For example, you might have your office copy machine where only your employees can access it. But your neighborhood church might use PaperCut on a machine they allow the public to access. To reduce costs and overuse, they might want to configure PaperCut to enable unlimited black and white prints — as a service to the public — yet restrict full-color print jobs only for authorized users.


Larger enterprises may have a variety of permissions set up on their machines. For example, there could be thousands of printers in a hospital, with hundreds on one floor alone. Some of those machines will be accessible to the public, yet they need to be restricted for only employee use. Other machines might be in exam rooms or in locations where only hospital staff can access them.


With PaperCut, an enterprise can have permissions allowing specific people to print to a machine, or it can be set up so that print jobs are permitted for anyone in your organization to print on any machine, enterprise-wide. So, you could send a print job to the system from your office in Salt Lake City, hop on a plane headed to your Las Vegas office, punch in your access code or scan your badge and have the print job released and run on the machine there. No need to take your presentation notes with you on the flight, where they could get lost along with your luggage.


PaperCut is a flexible solution that can ensure your office printing policies are being followed and your printing expenses are being tracked. You can make it as restricted as necessary or just use it to monitor printing activity and intervene only if you notice unusual behavior.


In other words, with PaperCut installed, you absolutely can determine who is printing what. Once you do, you can ask them to reign it in, just a little, to save some trees, to save you money and maybe save their job. And then you can ask them to leave some hot cocoa for the rest of us.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”60px”]

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PaperCut MF

PaperCut MF is a simple, low cost print control software application that lets you take control and manage your printers, copiers and multi-function devices.

The post How to Tell Who’s Printing What appeared first on Les Olson IT.

How PlanetPress Suite Saved us Money on Business Documents Tue, 29 Dec 2015 16:27:51 +0000 Think for a moment about all of the documents you get on a daily basis from different companies, whether it’s your internet provider or your doctor. The creation and distribution of documents is a big part of running a business. Creating documents that are easy for your customers and clients to follow is vital to your success.

The post How PlanetPress Suite Saved us Money on Business Documents appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_23482″ image=”12333″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_30500″ cz_title=””]Think for a moment about all of the documents you get on a daily basis from different companies, whether it’s your internet provider or your doctor. The creation and distribution of documents is a big part of running a business. Creating documents that are easy for your customers and clients to follow is vital to your success.


Well-designed documents not only effectively communicate your message, but improve a customer’s perception of your company. After all, don’t we all strive for the professional appearance that says to our customers “We know what we’re doing, you can trust us.”


In our own business, we offer many document solutions and believe in their quality because we use them in our own day-to-day operations. One solution in particular, PlanetPress Suite, has really saved us large amounts of time and money.


So how exactly did PlanetPress Suite benefit Les Olson company?


Before PlanetPress:

  • We were spending large amounts of money on pre-printed materials including statements, sales orders, lease documents, checks, payroll documents, purchase orders, maintenance contracts and much more.
  • Each month we would print and cut mailer ads, and manually stuff them into each piece of mail that went out to our customers.
  • Any time we updated our logo or branding, we had to discontinue use of our expensive pre-printed materials, and order new ones.
  • We had little control over the format of our business documents and little flexibility to make changes as needed.

After PlanetPress:

  • We were able to stop ordering pre-printed materials including letterhead for statements, sales orders and much more, which saved us substantial money. This was helpful to us because we had less money tied up in printing expenses, so we were able to invest it in other areas of the business.
  • Instead of using large amounts of toner and time printing, cutting and stuffing mailers into our letters – we are able to create targeted, personalized messages and embed them directly into the body our invoices and statements. Now mail gets done faster and our message appears where our customers are most likely to see them, rather than on a separate sheet.
  • Recently we underwent a logo change and an update to our branding. It was very easy to change out the logo in our design files through PlanetPress, and since we didn’t have any pre-printed documents, we didn’t have to waste money disposing of outdated materials.
  • With PlanetPress we were able to take data from various sources and organize it the way we needed it, in a single, easy-to-follow document. PlanetPress also integrated very well with our internal accounting and document management systems.

We use it for almost everything:

  • Invoices
  • Statements
  • Sales Orders
  • Lease Documents
  • Checks
  • Payroll Documents
  • Purchase Orders
  • Maintenance Contracts


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Get a Demo or Quote on PlanetPress Suite



PlanetPress Suite

PlanetPress Suite is a software solution that helps organizations manage the life cycles of their documents through automated workflows - from document design to distribution.

The post How PlanetPress Suite Saved us Money on Business Documents appeared first on Les Olson IT.
