Telecom Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Tue, 03 May 2022 15:27:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Telecom Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Why Choose Low Voltage Cabling Experts Tue, 03 May 2022 14:41:42 +0000 Les Olson IT is poised to handle any network cable installation job you have. Our Structured Cabling Division is growing and has staff with BICSI certifications. Reach out directly to our Structured Cabling Manager or talk to your Les Olson IT rep today with any questions, or to get a bid on your next job.

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What is a Low Voltage Cabling Specialist?

Electricians can perform network cable installation, but most Electrician’s expertise are based around power and not necessarily with data cables. Network cable installation is best if it is performed by a Structured Cabling Specialist. A Structured Cabling Specialist is knowledgeable about all the different physical components that make up a network, how they work together, and what to implement for a network’s top performance based on a client’s given needs. Structured Cabling Specialists install Fiber Optic cabling which is most often brought in from the outside of a building to a network server inside.  Structured Cabling Specialists build server racks and make end-runs from the server to computers and other devices that are on the network such as cameras, and wireless access points. Structured Cabling Specialists also are very knowledgeable about telephone systems and run telephone cables as well.


A Structured Cabling Specialist with a BICSI (Building Industry Consulting Service International) certification will have expertise that qualifies them to assess a client’s needs and make infrastructure recommendations that will deliver your optimal data performance. A BICSI certified Structured Cabling Specialist is also qualified to perform work for the State and Federal Government contracts.  When you need network cables installed ask your contractor if you are working with someone who is BICSI certified. Ask us about our BICSI certified Structured Cabling Specialists and get a cabling consult today.[/cz_title][cz_gap height_tablet=”15px” height_mobile=”10px”][cz_button title=”Get a Consultation” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” btn_effect=”cz_btn_fill_right” sk_button=”font-size:17px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Assistant;background-color:#ba0230;border-style:solid;” id=”cz_13846″ link=”url:%23consult|||” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e9283b;”][cz_gap height_tablet=”15px” height_mobile=”10px”]

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Go From Disorganized


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To Organized


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What is Fiber Optics?

Fiber Optic cables utilize extremely thin strands of glass or plastic fiber to transfer light pulses from one data source to another. Currently there isn’t another method faster and more accurate than fiber. Single-mode Fiber can go 40 km or more without hurting the signal and is great for connecting buildings that belong to the same network. Multimode Fiber, a data cable that consists of several strands of fiber delivers optimal performance between 300 and 400 meters which makes it great when connecting servers within a building. Unlike Cat 6 cables and Wi-Fi, Single-mode and Multimode Fiber has almost no attenuation issues.  Attenuation is what happens when data travels and loses signal strength due to distance and disturbance.  With wire cables the decibel level will weaken over distance, and if wire is next to other wire some frequency can escape from one line and add confusion to the line it’s next to.  This can be a problem that occurs right at the server where a tangled rat’s nest of wires is often the norm.  Ask us about organizing your server cables to deliver better performance[/cz_title]

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Why use Cat 6?

Cat 6 Cables are the current standard for network cables today. These cables deliver better performance than their predecessor Cat 5 and are much less expensive than Cat 7 and Cat 8.  The cables are used typically to make end runs.  An end run is typically a computer, a security camera, or a wireless access point, but can be any device connected to a server that receives and transmits data on the network.

Although not as fast as fiber Cat 6 cables connected directly to a device allow users large amounts of data enabling them to have multiple internet sites open and even stream content all with minimal to no buffering. Cat 6 cables add a level of security to a connected endpoint that Wi-Fi can be susceptible to.  If network security is a concern to you check out these helpful tips from our blog. [/cz_title]

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When to Invest in a Server Rack?

Server Racks are an integral hardware component to a robust network. Some businesses don’t need a rack to hold their server, but once an organization has more endpoints than a typical household it makes sense to invest in a rack.  Server Racks come in many configurations and for a small business are typically located in a utility room, or sometimes in a mail room. They can also be found in Server Rooms if an organization needs multiple servers. These rooms will often have a drop floor or drop celling to give easy access to the cables connected to the server. This type of room will typically be protected by secure access that requires a prox card, or some other method of monitoring the rooms traffic while granting access to authorized individuals. Very often these rooms are under surveillance with multiple security cameras as well. Finally, these rooms tend to be highly controlled for temperature. The hardware components installed in the Server Racks runs hot and could easily overheat if cooling isn’t taken into consideration. If you need updated security cameras, ask us about Verkada Security Cameras. [/cz_title]

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Invest in Wireless Access Points

Wireless Access Points are not a luxury for your network anymore. Organizations are either providing mobile tools like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, or are allowing their employees and customers to bring their own device (BYOD) and connect to the network. So Wireless Access Points not only need to be fast and reliable, but they need to be strategically located throughout an organization to eliminate coverage holes. It’s an expectation today that while people are moving from one area of their workplace to another that they can be connected to the network so they can communicate while on the move. While doing this they don’t want to experience the frustration of losing their connection. Especially if they were doing something important and lost their connection at a critical time. Want a network assessment to see if your Wireless Access Points are doing the job, you need them to do? [/cz_title]

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Phone Cables are Important too!

While most people have a mobile device now, for work a desk phone is still an important tool not to be overlooked. Many phones take both cat 6 data cables and your standard RJ-45 telephone cable. A Structured Cabling Specialist can help recommend and install the best cable for your desk phones. Desk phones are not just for call centers and receptionists. For interoffice communication they are still one of the best ways to stay in touch. They are ideal for customer interaction as well. Les Olson IT provides Elevate Cloud Systems.  If you’d like to learn more click here[/cz_title]

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When should you reach out to a Structured Cabling provider?

While anytime is a good time, there are a few optimal times. One is when you and your Architect are planning your space for a new build or remodel. Time spent during this planning phase consulting with a Structured Cabling Specialist will result in making sure that the proper infrastructure is provided to accommodate the data cables you will need. A Structured Cabling Specialist may make recommendations about installing items like Smurf Tubes hidden in wall studs between the drywall that make it easy to fish cables from a device like a wall mounted monitor to another device like a Workstation Dock for a clean organized work environment. Other examples include making provisions for where fiber can be brought into the building and where to locate the Server Room. While all these things can be done after construction has taken place if they are planned for in advance things like patching drywall and repainting can be avoided. Another great time to consult with a Structured Cable Specialist is when you upgrade servers. Imagine updating your server and seeing no increase in performance.  A Structured Cabling Specialist can run a diagnostic test on your current network infrastructure to see if you should consider upgrading your existing cables to better technology like Cat 6.[/cz_title]

[cz_gap height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”][cz_gap height=”100px” height_tablet=”10px” height_mobile=”5px”][cz_title id=”cz_75064″]Les Olson IT is poised to handle any network cable installation job you have.  Our Structured Cabling Division is growing and has staff with BICSI certifications.

Reach out directly to our Structured Cabling Manager or talk to your Les Olson IT rep today with any questions. 


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Get a Cabling Consultation Today!

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6 Benefits of Unified Communications & Collaboration Tue, 11 May 2021 15:09:00 +0000 These days we have many modern methods of communication, including instant messaging, email, and phone systems. What if we could combine them into one manageable platform? Unified Communications & Collaboration (UC&C) is built to enable office workers to help customers while reducing issues for IT teams.

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What is poor communication costing your company?


These days we have many modern methods of communication, including instant messaging, email, and phone systems. What if we could combine them into one manageable platform? Unified Communications & Collaboration (UC&C) is built to enable office workers to help customers while reducing issues for IT teams.


In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world of technology, it is important to create a workplace that offers 1-great customer service, 2-supports growth and captivates new talent, and 3- engages current employees, all while integrating business processes. It is estimated that nearly 86% of customers would pay 20% more for an excellent experience. Due to the connectivity in this modern age, much of your customer experience will fall on the shoulders of your IT staff.


Combine all this with demand for faster ROI, increased efficiency, and better productivity to better achieve results. It can be challenging to get the right solution to fit your business needs. So what is best? Cloud, on-premise, a little of both? How do you choose? Can Unified Communications and collaboration really ease IT frustrations, such as integration and security, while remaining welcoming and uncomplicated? The answer is yes. In this article, we will explore the top 6 benefits of Unified Communications & Collaboration and how they can change the way your business communicates.


1 – It Promotes Collaboration

With UC&C everything can have interoperability. Communications such as text, chat, voice, and social media can be found in one spot. Data doesn’t need to be transferred from one program to another. This makes it easier to boost an overall customer experience.


2 – Cost of Operating goes down

A UC&C solves a couple of inefficiencies that help costs to go down. First of all, the licensing costs with one solution to cover all areas of communication efficiency. This means you can do away with paying excessive licensing fees. Secondly, businesses can save time and money because they need to travel less. Reliable and quick communication methods allow for fewer interruptions. Lastly, the IT costs will be reduced and downtime will be held at a minimum.


3 – It Guides Inspiration

When you have multiple people sharing ideas and expertise to create something inspiring you need a Unified Communications & Collaboration Solution to light the way to innovation. Unified Communications & Collaboration provides real-time connections with colleagues, suppliers, and partners so you easily share ideas, all while keeping things mobile and moving.


4 – It Encourages Stronger Working Partnerships

Collaboration amongst colleagues almost always leads to greater results than working in isolation. The better relationships staff have, the stronger the team is and the easier it is to achieve a higher standard of work. Unified Communications & Collaboration creates an environment to coordinate, and allows for others to know status, availability, and presence at any given moment in order to strengthen communication between coworkers…wherever they might be.


5 – It Takes Productivity to the next level

15% of work time is wasted by improper communication. Unified Communications and Collaboration allows for flexibility with an anytime, anyplace mentality and a more personable approach. This helps raise company morale and boost performance making it a win/win. One example of this would be that of instant messaging which allows colleagues to send quick and informal messages like “In a Meeting”, or “Call you back soon”.


6 – It Boosts the customer Experience

One of the most important things for a business today is the customer experience. One of the most important factors that helps a business gain its competitive edge is providing a great customer experience. Many businesses have an increase in revenue after merely improving the customer experience. With all the competition, businesses cannot afford unhappy customers as they will take their money elsewhere. Let Unified Communications & Collaboration step in and take your customer relations to the next level with the impressive ability to keep records of every single customer communication.


Plus Unified Communications and Collaboration offers smart solutions such as Chatbot for 24/7 contact, and desktop phones that can redirect to a mobile phone, so you never miss a call, even when you’re not at your desk.


Let Les Olson Company help you to choose which solution can help you reach all your goals. Get a Unified Communications & Collaboration solution that adapts to your network seamlessly and can be customized for flexible integration with your specific processes. Boost your business productivity and lower your communication costs today.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”]

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Why Unified Communication is a Smart Investment

Unified Communication is growing fast, and it’s no wonder. There are many reasons businesses are ditching traditional telecom solutions for an integrated platform, including the return on investment. Learn how Unified Communication could benefit your business. [/cz_title][cz_gap][cz_button title=”Learn About” btn_position=”cz_btn_block” text_effect=”cz_btn_txt_move_down” id=”cz_107357″ subtitle=”Unified Communication RIO” link=”url:%2Finfo%2Fwhy-unified-communications-is-a-smart-investment%2F|||” sk_button=”font-size:18px;text-align:center;line-height:20px;background-color:#ba0230;padding-right:30px;padding-left:30px;border-radius:0px;” sk_hover=”color:#ffffff;background-color:#e8283b;” sk_subtitle=”font-size:17px;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.6);font-weight:400;” sk_icon=”border-radius:4px;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;margin-left:-8px;margin-right:12px;background-color:#ffffff;” alt_title=”Register” alt_subtitle=”FREE FREE FREE”]

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What is SIP Trunking? Thu, 01 Jun 2017 17:32:32 +0000 If someone were to walk up to you today and ask which type of phone system your company uses, would you be able to tell them? Chances are you would return their question with a blank stare and red face. Luckily the following information is aimed to educate and inform about phone systems, specifically SIP Trunking, and hopefully shed some light on what can be an intimidating topic.

The post What is SIP Trunking? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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Session Initiation Protocol

If someone were to walk up to you today and ask which type of phone system your company uses, would you be able to tell them? Chances are you would return their question with a blank stare and a red face. Luckily the following information is aimed to educate and inform about phone systems, specifically SIP Trunking, and hopefully shed some light on what can be an intimidating topic.


Session Initiation Protocol, more commonly known as SIP Trunking, is a way for business phone systems to operate through an internet connection instead of a traditional phone line. This allows for increased mobility and creates a way for advanced IP features to work across multiple locations. This mobility suggests that a physical connection to a phone company is no longer required. This means that you don’t have to deal with the headache of hardware, wiring, and circuit boxes.


So How Does SIP Trunking Benefit Your Business?

It can in many ways, but the main three reasons include:

  1. Lower Cost
  2. More Reliability
  3. Easier to Scale

Cost of SIP Trunking

SIP Trunking can drastically decrease costs for your business. With SIP Trunking, you can reduce multiple phone lines into a single point of entry. This means that not only do you pay less for the line, but you pay less in the IT cost and maintenance associated with the line. Saving money on the hardware is just one benefit of SIP Trunking. SIP Trunking services cost significantly less than traditional phone companies, sometimes even with savings as high as 60-80%. This savings allows your company to get the highest quality service for the lowest cost possible.


Reliability of SIP Trunking

Businesses depend on reliability. With SIP Trunking, your business can count on its phone system to be reliable. Because SIP Trunking works hand in hand with the internet, it is able to handle problems quickly and efficiently. For example, if a system fails or emergencies occur, SIP Trunking providers can ensure that your business stays up and running by rerouting to a data line or forwarding the PBX to mobile phones. SIP Trunking is also reliable because it works hand in hand with modern phone systems. SIP Trunking even has the ability to transfer and use old phone numbers, while still offering an affordable price for new numbers. Finally, SIP Trunking involves less maintenance, keeping your business focused on moving forward, rather than spending valuable time trying to fix and maintain outdated equipment.



Progress is the main goal for many businesses, as it rightly should be. Because of this, the dynamics of many companies are constantly growing and changing. SIP Trunking can grow right along with your business. SIP Trunking uses a virtual connection, so adding lines is easy. Modifying service is also fast and simple, so when you are concerned about adaptability, SIP Trunking is the way to go.


When it comes to SIP Trunking, there are four main things you need to remember:
  1. With the appropriate system calls from your office phone can ring on your desk phone, mobile phone, or simultaneously.
  2. All SIP based calls and call routing can be centrally handled for all locations.
  3. A single IP PBX can support users in multiple sites across the nation.
  4. SIP can save you time and money, while providing the most reliable and scalable phone system on the market.


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Get a FREE, Comprehensive Network Analysis
Let us provide a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. We will analyze your network to identify vulnerabilities. Depending on what we uncover, we will also make suggestions on ways to augment security systems and get more out of your existing technology infrastructure.

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Cloud PBX, Virtual Phone System Advantage Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:35:22 +0000 What is Cloud PBX? PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, basically a private telephone network used within an organization that allows users to share a number of outside lines for making external phone calls. Traditionally a PBX has been a piece of physical hardware that organizations needed to store and maintain within their offices.

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[cz_image id=”cz_102417″ image=”12020″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_43482″ cz_title=””]What is Cloud PBX? PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, basically a private telephone network used within an organization that allows users to share a number of outside lines for making external phone calls. Traditionally a PBX has been a piece of physical hardware that organizations needed to store and maintain within their offices.


Cloud PBX (or hosted PBX) utilizes VOIP (Voice Over IP) technology which eliminates analog lines, removing the hardware, servers, licensing and maintenance of your entire phone system from your office into the capable hands of a service provider – allowing you to focus on other areas of your business. This frees up office space and reduces costs while still allowing you full control over everything from user profiles to call analytics.


Low Initial Investment & Ongoing Costs

Traditional PBX phone systems are expensive. Between labor-intensive installation, the up-front investment in hardware and ongoing service costs, companies had to come up with large amounts of capital to implement a new phone system. Now with Cloud PBX, organizations pay nothing upfront and a low monthly fee for hassle-free use of feature-rich phone systems.


Advanced Features

Because businesses don’t need to purchase handsets outright, there’s no need to commit to using the same phone technology long after it becomes outdated. Phones on a Cloud PBX plan have much more than just the standard features you expect. There are many advanced features to help your business work more efficiently and you’ll stay current with the latest phone technology. Some of the features available with Cloud PBX systems are the time of day routing, music on hold, call recording, ring groups, voicemail to email, CRM integration, dial by name directory, custom routing rules and much more.


Scalable & Flexible

Traditionally businesses had to estimate the number of lines they would need long-term to ensure that even future employees would have a phone. With Cloud PBX, there’s no need to pay for phone lines that you may or may not even need. Hosted PBX systems are easily scalable, allowing your business to easily and cost-effectively add users as needed.


Simplified Management

Cloud PBX is hosted virtually, which means that there’s no on-site management needed. Instead, management is made easy through an online portal. Things like adding and subtracting users, creating ring groups and changing global settings are a breeze. You don’t need an IT expert on staff to maintain your hosted PBX system. Your provider is able to provide service and maintenance from their location.


So why continue with a traditional PBX system when you can have a more reliable and fully managed virtual PBX with the latest phone technology for cheaper than ever before? Les Olson Company is proud to offer Cloud PBX services and we’re able to maintain Quality of Service, in other words, clear phone lines that don’t drop calls based on bandwidth like some other hosted PBX services might.


We work closely with our customers to select the exact right hardware like conference phones and handsets while offering many options to ensure the solution meets their specific needs. We also offer integration for cell phones, voicemail to email and much more – taking our customer’s communication capabilities far beyond what can be achieved with a reasonably priced traditional PBX system.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”60px”]

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Mitel MiVoice 6940 IP Phone

Mobile device integration seamlessly marries your mobile phone call audio and contact information with the Mitel MiVoice 6940 IP Phone. Calls to your mobile phone can be answered on the MiVoice 6940 just like any other call, leveraging the superior audio performance and ergonomics of the 6940 IP Phone. Mobile phone contacts are automatically synchronized with the MiVoice 6940 allowing access to the same contacts on either device. Additionally a powered USB port suitable for charging a mobile phone is also built into the MiVoice 6940.

Mitel MiVoice 6920 IP Phone

The MiVoice 6920 is designed for enterprise users who demand not only a modern design but also a phone that is flexible and delivers a high quality communications experience. Delivering an exceptional HD audio experience via its speech optimized handset, it also provides a full-duplex speakerphone and support for USB and analog handsets.

The post Cloud PBX, Virtual Phone System Advantage appeared first on Les Olson IT.
