HP Awards

HP Earns BLI’s Most Reliable Business Printer & MFP Brand 2018–2021

BLI Reliability 2018-2021
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HP, chosen by Buyers Lab analysts as Most Reliable Business Printer & MFP Brand, has an extensive line of business-class printers and MFPs that offer…

[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_56853″]BLI Reliability 2018-2021In an office environment, printer and MFP reliability is, and should be, the top concern for business users, since a reliable device helps minimize downtime, resulting in improved worker productivity. As such, Buyers Lab’s exhaustive durability testing offers a key benchmark for buyers when making a document imaging equipment purchase decision. To determine the vendors whose product lines stand out above the rest, our highly experienced analyst team has compiled and reviewed performance statistics for every major OEM that submitted devices for laboratory testing from 2012 to 2018.


HP has long been known as an industry leader, time and again exceeding our expectations in hands-on evaluations. Therefore, it’s not surprising that, after reviewing the performance of all color and monochrome printers and MFPs tested by Buyers Lab, HP Inc. emerged as the one clear winner of this most prestigious honor.


“Reliability matters to business users; it means they can spend less time worrying about the printer and more time being productive,” explained Marlene Orr, Director of Printer & MFP Analysis for Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab. “When it comes to reliability, no other brand we’ve tested even comes close to HP’s performance in our lab. We’ve tested a broad range of HP’s business-class printers and MFPs over the years and nearly every one of them completed testing without a single paper jam. From businessclass inkjets to enterprise-class laser devices, the HP models tested stood head and shoulders above the rest, completing about 3.9 million pages with no failures or service interruptions, making it the clear winner as Most Reliable Business Printer & MFP Brand.” Congratulations to HP on being named Buyers Lab’s Most Reliable Business Printer & MFP Brand![/cz_title]

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About Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab

Keypoint Intelligence is a one-stop shop for the digital imaging industry. With our unparalleled tools and unmatched depth of knowledge, we cut through the noise of data to offer clients the unbiased insights and responsive tools they need in those mission-critical moments that define their products and empower their sales.


For over 50 years, Buyers Lab has been the global document imaging industry’s resource for unbiased and reliable information, test data, and competitive selling tools. What started out as a consumer-based publication about office equipment has become an all-encompassing industry resource. Buyers Lab evolves in tandem with the ever-changing landscape of document imaging solutions, constantly updating our methods, expanding our offerings, and tracking cutting-edge developments.


About Buyers Lab Reliability Awards

As the leading independent authority on document imaging, Buyers Lab performs the most intensive durability testing in the industry, making a Buyers Lab Reliability award quite a distinctive honor presented only once every three years. Buyers Lab’s team of analysts evaluates test data from both the US and UK to determine the winners based on business-critical factors, including total tested impressions, number of misfeeds, and service interruptions.[/cz_title]

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