Computers Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Tue, 31 May 2022 17:05:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Computers Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Computers and Printers Near Me, In Stock Tue, 31 May 2022 15:24:46 +0000 We have full warehouses in each of our 9 locations. with common items like laptops, laptop accessories, multi-function printers, printer supplies, and more.

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[cz_title id=”cz_51618″ cz_title=””]Lately, the question for many consumers seems to be “with today’s supply chain problems, where can I find computers and printers near me that are in stock?” Well, if you work or live in Utah, Nevada, or Northern Arizona, the team here at Les Olson IT has computers and printers close to you in stock and ready to go. That’s not all; as your office technology partner, we have all the products, software, and support that any business needs to run. We are known as a copier/printer dealer, but have expanded to offer everything related to IT, so if you need business telephones, servers, Office 365, or security cameras, we can help. We can also build your network with lightning-fast fiber optic cables, Cat6 cables, and fast and reliable wireless access points.


We know we are selling ourselves hard in this article, but you probably searched a phrase like “Computers and printers near me, in stock,” to have this article recommended to you by Google. With that being the case, you are probably looking for a company that can deliver products or services to you right away.


If that’s the case, fill out this form and we will be in touch shortly to share what we have available and can deliver to you right now.[/cz_title]

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[cz_title id=”cz_36348″]Our business model has always been one of making significant inventory purchases, so we have product ready to be delivered to our customers unlike companies who use the “just-in-time” inventory model which has shown incredible weakness during the pandemic and resulting supply chain problems.


We are not entirely unaffected by the supply chain problems, but for common items like laptops, laptop accessories, multi-function printers, printer supplies, and more, we have full warehouses in each of our 9 locations.[/cz_title]

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9 Locations and Over 13 Service Areas!


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Contact Us Today

to find out what we have available and how we can help you right away.

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Why is it so Important to Update Your Computer Operating System? Mon, 06 Mar 2017 22:28:50 +0000 Often it can be hard to determine when it’s time to update your computer operating system. Recently Microsoft has announced that it will no longer offer product support for Windows Vista. With this announcement, many Microsoft users will need to update.

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[cz_image id=”cz_92604″ image=”11595″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_52792″ cz_title=””]Often it can be hard to determine when it’s time to update your computers operating system. Recently Microsoft has announced that it will no longer offer product support for Windows Vista. With this announcement, many Microsoft users will need to update. This change can be confusing and hard to manage, and users are often left wondering why it is so important to spend the time and money needed to update their operating systems. With stronger security, access to support, and the ability to work with newer programs, updating old operating systems becomes a necessity.


Ensure Stronger Computer Security

No company or individual wants their private information to be compromised. With outdated operating systems, cyber-crime becomes a possibility. Unsupported operating systems will no longer receive security updates. This means that it is much easier for harmful viruses, spyware, and other malicious software to gain access to your computer. Hackers will target outdated operating systems because of their vulnerability, allowing them to breach your computer and gain personal information. The best way to prevent this is by updating your operating system to the latest version.


Allow Access to Support

Printers, keyboards, and speakers are each specific types of hardware that are essential to your computer experience. In order for these pieces of hardware to connect to your computer properly, they have to go through a type of software called drivers. These drivers allow the hardware to connect to the computer, so you can do things like print, type, click, and scan. When operating systems become outdated, they no longer have regular software updates. This means that drivers will not update. As a result, you may not be able to connect to your new printer, type from your keyboard, or listen from your speakers. Updating from an old operating system like Windows Vista can ensure that your hardware works, giving you the confidence in knowing that your print jobs will come out right, every time.


Enhance Compatibility with New Computer Programs

Technology is constantly evolving. Each day new computer programs are being released and old computer programs are being updated. Whether you use these programs at work, at home, or at school, chances are they are vital to your success. Old operating systems are unable to run new programs, putting you behind. Updating Windows Vista, or any other operating system, will make sure that you can run the latest computer programs, giving you the tools needed to be successful.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”]

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Operating System

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End-of-Life Date

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[cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_70528″]This table will give you an idea of when your current operating system will reach end of life. It would be a good idea to consider upgrading to the newest version before your current system reaches end of life, so that you can ensure your information is protected.


With enhanced security, better support, and compatibility with new programs, updating just makes sense. Your computer’s update process can be intimidating, but Les Olson Company can help! Our I.T. department specializes in helping businesses find their best upgrade path.[/cz_title]

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Get a FREE, Comprehensive Network Analysis


Let us provide a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. We will analyze your network to identify vulnerabilities. Depending on what we uncover, we will also make suggestions on ways to augment security systems and get more out of your existing technology infrastructure.

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The post Why is it so Important to Update Your Computer Operating System? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

4 Tips for Transitioning to a Mac Fri, 26 Feb 2016 15:58:27 +0000 If you’ve been a PC user and are considering making the switch to a Mac, here are a few key operational differences to keep in mind.

The post 4 Tips for Transitioning to a Mac appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_94444″ image=”11764″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_81088″ cz_title=””]If you’ve been a PC user and are considering making the switch to a Mac, here are a few key operational differences to keep in mind.


1. Spotlight Search

Spotlight is a handy tool to help you find nearly anything and everything on a Mac computer. In the top right of your screen you will see a magnifying glass. Click on it and type in what you are looking for. Spotlight will search the computer for any file, folder or application on its hard drive. It will also search the web for information relating to your search queries.


2. Know the Keyboard

If you’ve become accustomed to PCs, your muscle memory may make this difficult for a while, but after some practice, you’ll be a natural. You’ll learn there are minor differences in the Mac keyboard. The ‘Alt’ buttons are out of the picture. You will also notice that there are a few new keys as well – such as ‘Command’ and ‘Option’. Some of your keyboard shortcuts on a Mac are different. For example, you can print on a Windows machine by pressing ‘Ctrl + P’. On a Mac, you can perform the same action, but the button combo is ‘Command + P’. These differences are subtle, but can be a stumbling block in becoming comfortable with your Mac keyboard. TechRadar has a great list of common keyboard shortcuts for people making the switch, and of course Apple Support has their own article on the Mac keyboard as well.


3. The Trackpad

If you plan to use a MacBook, you will notice that the right and left buttons are also missing from the trackpad. The trackpad on your Mac works much like a touchscreen on your mobile device. You may use gestures and multiple fingers to operate it. For example, you may pinch or zoom to magnify or reduce the size of an item on your screen. Scrolling up and down can be done by moving two fingers up and down on the trackpad. Here’s a great Apple Support guide which elaborates on the functions of the trackpad.


4. Don’t Forget Support

There is a wealth of support materials provided by Apple to help you make the switch. The Apple Support site has support documents detailing every square inch of your new Macintosh device. The Apple Support Community is a group of people just like you, but also has experts available to troubleshoot and answer questions. And don’t forget, Les Olson Company has a local team of IT Experts that can help manage and support both Mac and PC computers for your organization.[/cz_title]

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5 Ways DaaS Simplifies IT

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Adopting a Device as a Service (DaaS) model can make IT easier, by providing employees with the latest technologies while offloading routine device management tasks—and freeing IT for other priorities. Learn More.

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The post 4 Tips for Transitioning to a Mac appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Laptop Versus Desktop Workstations for Business Thu, 14 Jan 2016 18:23:40 +0000 In business, balancing costs with benefits is a big part of the decision-making process. This is especially true when choosing the right technology for your business and employees. When it comes to selecting the right computer workstations, it has become increasingly tricky to ultimately decide between the reliability and performance of a desktop and the versatility and portability of a laptop. Which is right for your business? Let’s explore a few key factors that will help you in your decision.

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[cz_image id=”cz_76415″ image=”11852″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_62931″ cz_title=””]In business, balancing costs with benefits is a big part of the decision-making process. This is especially true when choosing the right technology for your business and employees. When it comes to selecting the right computer workstations, it has become increasingly tricky to ultimately decide between the reliability and performance of a desktop and the versatility and portability of a laptop. Which is right for your business? Let’s explore a few key factors that will help you in your decision.




Let’s first establish a fact, laptops are generally more expensive than desktop computers. Not only is the hardware itself more expensive, but laptops are also usually more difficult and costly to repair. In addition, desktop workstations can be upgraded more easily and cost-effectively, which allows you to use the same computer for longer, even after your needs outgrow its capabilities. That said, if the cost is your ONLY concern, then your decision should be an easy one. Go with a desktop.




If portability is a priority, then the solution seems obvious. A laptop computer will give your employees the freedom to work from anywhere. Now you just need to decide whether that’s something that would be valuable to your business. For many businesses, portable computing means more flexibility and opportunities for collaboration.


Of course, it all comes down to the end-user. If we’re talking about someone who regularly meets with others, travels outside of the office or has the need to work remotely, a laptop would be a great fit. But for an employee that always works from a designated area, it may be hard to justify the additional cost of a laptop. However, you should ask yourself if such an employee could become more productive with the power of a portable workstation. Just because they have a stationary workstation now doesn’t mean it’s the most effective way for them to work.



This is where the balancing act gets more intense. Many laptops that offer lightweight portability lack high-performance computing capabilities. On the other hand, many high-powered laptops are large and heavy – which may make you think twice about lugging it around with you. Wasn’t portability what you needed in the first place? And then there’s the ergonomics of using a laptop vs. a desktop computer. Is a 15 or 17″ screen enough for you? Are you comfortable using an integrated keyboard and a trackpad? Some people are comfortable using a laptop for extended periods of time while others never quite get the hang of it.


If your work is graphics-intensive, you may want to consider a powerful desktop computer with a nice big screen. But don’t forget that you can also dock a laptop for use with an external monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. This allows you to combine the convenience of a laptop with the user-experience of a tower. Another option if portability is a must – pair a desktop computer with a tablet for the best of both worlds.



Still not sure which is right for you? Les Olson Company offers high-quality laptop and desktop computers for all types of applications. Let us work with you to find the perfect devices for your business. We also offer custom computer build services.[/cz_title][cz_gap]

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Get a More Information About Business Computers


Dell OptiPlex 5070 Small Form Factor PC

OptiPlex has over 25 years of experience delivering customer-led innovation for desktops by continuously creating faster and smarter solutions. Now featuring versatile, space-saving form factors with customized deployment options and 9th gen Intel® Core™ Processors. The Dell OptiPlex 5070 Small Form Factor PC is conveniently compact. Its sleek and flexible frame is ideal for financial or government offices, delivering full-power features in a smart design that eliminates barriers and gets you to work faster.

Dynabook Tecra X40-F 14″ Laptop

Dynabook Tecra X40-F 14" Laptop offers the ideal balance of portability and screen real estate. Featuring an ultra-thin, ultralight design, enhanced by Dynabook’s durable Magnesium alloy Tough-body chassis, this modern laptop is well equipped with the latest 8th Generation Core™ processors from Intel®, long lasting battery life and an optional multi-touch display, making it perfect for the field, the office and everywhere in between.

The post Laptop Versus Desktop Workstations for Business appeared first on Les Olson IT.
