coronavirus Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Thu, 24 Sep 2020 14:52:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 coronavirus Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Using Document Management for Automated Invoice Processing Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:44:21 +0000 Accounts Payable can become more efficient by digitizing existing paperwork. DocuWare has features that allows businesses to automatically receive invoices and extract data for processing, helping AP to break free from paper and manual data entry. Businesses that are still stuck in their paper processes and manual workflows are being hit the hardest by COVID-19. The biggest flaw of their workflows are being exposed - they can't be easily performed from anywhere.

The post Using Document Management for Automated Invoice Processing appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_107390″ image=”13436″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_73736″ cz_title=””]Accounts Payable can become more efficient by digitizing existing paperwork. DocuWare has features that allows businesses to automatically receive invoices and extract data for processing, helping AP to break free from paper and manual data entry. Businesses that are still stuck in their paper processes and manual workflows are being hit the hardest by COVID-19. The biggest flaw of their workflows are being exposed – they can’t be easily performed from anywhere.


Additionally, as we learn more about this virus, we now know that it can live on surfaces for a matter of days. Co-workers can keep their distance in the office, but paper documents changing hands still creates a risk. The fact is, there’s no reason for this risk, given the technology that exists today, and the ability to take documents completely digital. Not only does digitizing your document workflow protect the health of your team, it also optimizes your business and improves your processes. In this article, we’ll look specifically at the benefits of Document Management for invoice processing.


Do Keep Digital Documents Digital

It’s more common than you’d think for people to receive documents and invoices through email, only to print them off, then scan their paper version back into digital form to be filed somewhere on their computer. We recommend keeping any digital documents you receive digital, and not unnecessarily convert them to paper. This simple change can minimize the potential for human error, and expedite your overall process by eliminating an extra step.


If you are used to handing over a paper document to someone in the office, and are having to adjust your method of transfer, consider these methods of digitizing your paper documents to email to remote co-workers or contacts:

Don’t Do Batch Processing

Batch processing can be extremely inefficient for your team. It causes large periods of downtime in between batches, waiting around for the next batch. On the other hand, it also causes periods of crunch time when a batch finally does arrive. Ideally you want to have a consistent workflow process where Accounts Payable is receiving and processing invoices in real time. This creates a steady flow of tasks, rather than an all-or-nothing situation.


How to Strengthen the Complete Invoice Process


1 ) Capture

DocuWare’s Intelligent Indexing replaces error-prone and time-consuming data entry by recognizing and recording all the data that is printed on invoices. For example, rather than having invoices come to a personal email address, and having that individual monitor the email for invoices, DocuWare can automatically pull invoices from a dedicated invoicing email address and create tasks for them. This process eliminates the cost of printing, reduces potential for human error, and allows AP to spend less time searching for invoices. This is just one example of how DocuWare can help to eliminate extra steps during the document capture process.


Capture is an important step and shouldn’t be neglected. This is the part of the process where your critical information gets into the system. It needs to be done right. Intelligent Indexing utilizes machine learning to scan your documents, and intelligently extract the business-critical information to index into your document management system. This allows DocuWare to automatically index your documents by a variety of data points, including invoice numbers, without any manual data entry.


2 ) Secure Storage

All businesses say that data security is important to them, but you wouldn’t know it by the way many actually practice their document storage. There is a surprising volume of sensitive business documents flowing in and out of personal Dropbox, or Google Drive accounts, with no oversight from the organization. Even paper files that are physically stored on premise are often not adequately secured, giving access to anyone who wants them, no matter their intentions.


DocuWare provides a comprehensive means of secure document storage with tools like encryption, passwords, access controls, and more. All invoices are stored within a secure, accessible repository, tightly organized based on captured index data. Access anytime, anywhere, from any device.


3 ) Automated Workflow

Have you ever had a mission-critical business document fly through the workflow process, only to become stuck once it reaches the approval phase? DocuWare helps reduce situations like this with the use of task lists, tied to automated workflows, based on Intelligent Indexing. You can create automatic workflow rules that differ, depending on the content of your documents. For example, you can elect to send invoices under $500 straight to AP to be processed, and invoices over that amount to a CFO for approval before paying. All the while, a designated user can monitor the tasks to ensure they are being completed.


Digitally route invoices through approval chains for faster decision making, or initiate a straight-through approval, based on your predefined business rules. DocuWare also allows for greater insight into where exactly any given invoice lies in the process, so you never have to wonder what its status is. If there’s an issue causing that invoice to stall, you will know exactly why, so you’ll be able to address it.


Whatever you choose to do, just start somewhere. There’s no need to overhaul everything overnight. Simply digitizing your paper documents is a huge step in the right direction, you can always add more sophisticated workflows down the line. DocuWare is an ideal solution to make your documents available to your employees, especially while they are working remotely. All they need is an internet connection, a computer or mobile device, and the PaperScan App if they need to scan documents from home and don’t have a scanner. It can really help to get everyone on the same page by streamlining your workflow, and mitigate the issues caused by differences in technology available to them at home.


With DocuWare, you can:


  • Extract details from invoices, easily enter your GL accounts and cost centers
  • Remove manual touch with automatic approvals, based on vendor-related QuickMatch or 3-way match
  • Route invoice approval requests based on amounts, vendor name or cost centers, including multi-levels
  • Automate the vendor on-boarding process
  • Generate transaction records for your ERP system, eliminating double data entry and greatly reducing errors
  • Eliminate searching for purchase orders, shipping documents and information necessary for processing
  • Maintain compliance and a complete audit trail with transparent approval history


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The post Using Document Management for Automated Invoice Processing appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Managing Documents for Remote Workers Tue, 07 Apr 2020 13:21:55 +0000 If your business doesn't have the ability to go remote with its business processes today, your not alone. In recent years, businesses have slowly been converting their traditional, paper-based processes to digital workflows, but most aren't 100% prepared to move away from paper.

The post Managing Documents for Remote Workers appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_27399″ image=”13280″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_20040″ cz_title=””]If your business doesn’t have the ability to go remote with its business processes today, you’re not alone. In recent years, businesses have slowly been converting their traditional, paper-based processes to digital workflows, but most aren’t 100% prepared to move away from paper. Normally they could transition at their own pace, but with the current global pandemic, and many work-from-home directives, businesses are urgently trying to address their technology gaps.


In your business, your document workflow likely begins with an individual who physically walks a paper document from one place in the office to another. That’s something we’d like to help you change. In this article we will explore how digital workflows can simplify your business, while allowing your employees to continue completing their work, even if they can’t do it in the office.


DO Centralize Your Records

It’s very common for businesses to have a server on-site where files are accessed. When remote work comes into play, it becomes harder to access and share information because of the added barrier of VPN technology to effectively access needed data. With multiple users working from home, there can also be constraints on the network, which can cause a slow connection. A slow connection can mean slower workers.


A Document Management solution, like DocuWare, allows you to provide your employees with a web portal where they can access business files quickly and efficiently. It also allows you to get rid of disorganized network drives and paper files.


DO Streamline Your Processes

In offices across the United States, many processes are still handled manually. This is concerning because of the need to pass a paper document from person to person at a time when contact isn’t recommended. For some businesses following work-from-home orders, this isn’t even possible right now, but offices that are still up and running shouldn’t have documents come into contact with multiple pairs of hands as it’s an unnecessary risk to the health of employees.


These same processes and workflows can and should be happening digitally. Not only is it safer, it’s more efficient.


DO Ensure Privacy

Choose a solution that satisfies regulatory requirements, and meets high security standards.


DocuWare is a Comprehensive Best Practice Solution

  • Centralized files in the cloud
    • Cloud and on-premise options
  • Simplified workflows
    • Digitize existing paper-based workflows
    • Simplify existing digital workflows
    • Automated tasks and organize documents
  • Mobile access
    • Empower remote workers to access information on more devices
    • Convenient mobile apps and web browser client
  • Work from home
    • Connect all of your team members with a unified process
  • Manage employees
    • More insight into employee workloads & productivity
  • Easy audits & secure data
  • Specific solutions for HR, AP, Sales, Legal, etc.
  • Satisfy privacy and regulatory requirements

DON’T Leave Employees to Find Their Own Solutions

During this time, businesses should be aware of the risks of shadow IT This is where individuals within an organization utilize software or apps on their own, without the help of their IT Administrator. It’s important to provide your employees with a solution like Document Management so that everyone is on the same page with a sanctioned solution, rather than having employees go out and find their own workarounds like Google Drive, OneDrive, or other tools that can help them do their jobs, but don’t pass muster when it comes to security.


You absolutely don’t want your employees transacting business data and information through personal accounts. You will have no control over how long those accounts exist, what information is retained there, and what’s in the end-user license agreement. You will also be unable to do your due diligence to ensure it meets your security expectations, and/or compliance requirements. If you can centralize your tools, you will set your business up for success and limit your liability.


DON’T Use Email for Document Sharing

Email is now an increasingly important tool for staying engaged with your team. The temptation will be to use email to pass files back and forth. This will work on a limited basis, however we recommend you don’t use email as your file sharing system. This can lead to lost documents, disrupted workflow, and overlooking other important communications.


We understand that you have many challenges right now, and we want you to know that we’re here to help you overcome them. We have the solutions to your work-from-home problems and we’re ready to quickly get your remote work solutions up and running.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”35px”]

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Employee records scattered all over – paper, emails, PDFs, etc.

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Centralized, organized and safe records

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Overwhelming Administrative effort and tedious search of information

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Ready-to-use workflow

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Security gaps, painful auditing processes, unprotected data access

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Audit readiness and compliance with EEOC, HIPAA, PII, GDPR

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Get a Demo or Quote on DocuWare


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The post Managing Documents for Remote Workers appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Coronavirus Phishing Scams on the Rise Tue, 31 Mar 2020 13:58:32 +0000 It's unfortunate, but wherever there's fear and chaos, you'll find people willing to take advantage of it. Such is the case with hackers and scammers looking to enrich themselves by tricking unsuspecting people during the Coronavirus pandemic.

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[cz_image id=”cz_60892″ image=”13009″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_40263″ cz_title=””]It’s unfortunate, but wherever there’s fear and chaos, you’ll find people willing to take advantage of it. Such is the case with hackers and scammers looking to enrich themselves by tricking unsuspecting people during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Scammers use phishing emails to gain access to your network by tricking you into clicking links that allow them to install malware and ransomware. They also try to get you to give up your sensitive information like account numbers, passwords, even Social Security Numbers. All of us would like to believe we’re too smart to fall for phishing attempts, but the truth is that scammers are increasingly clever and convincing. Their emails look legitimate, and it can take more than a second look to tell the fakers apart from the real deal.


The problem is only exacerbated when everyone is hungry for news, information, and solutions to an overwhelming problem. People are much more likely to click on phishing emails now. An example of an email designed to capitalize on fears of Coronavirus is one that appears to be from the World Health Organization. It urges users to click a button and download a document on safety measures. It looks legitimate enough, but actually is a huge red flag. You should avoid clicking any links on emails coming from outside your organization.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_image css_position=”relative;display: table;margin:0 auto” id=”cz_50812″ image=”13011″ sk_css=”box-shadow:2px 2px 10px 0px #323232;”][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_105812″ cz_title=””]Another concerning trend is hackers circulating bogus Coronavirus tracking websites and maps, disguised as reliable resources, but designed to install ransomware and malicious software.


Here are Some Examples of Red Flag Content Relating to Coronavirus:

  • Online sellers claiming they have in-demand products like face masks, medical supplies, and hand sanitizer. They just want you to click the link to their online store.
  • Emails, text messages and phone calls about getting your stimulus check from the government.
  • Emails from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization. Scammers are using their reputable names to get you to click links in their emails. You should get your information directly from these organization’s websites. They will not email you.
  • Online offers for Coronavirus treatments or vaccines.

As a general rule, you should be extremely skeptical of any email that includes links or buttons for you to click, or attachments for you to open. You can’t control what happens once you click that link, so it’s important to be diligent about every email you get. You can hover over a link with your mouse to preview the url. Here is an example of an email from a bad actor, hoping to capitalize on the situation. As you can see, the link in this email looks suspicious, to say the least.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_image id=”cz_55608″ image=”13015″ sk_css=”box-shadow:2px 2px 10px 0px #323232;”][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_54535″ cz_title=””]Remember, there are many official resources for getting the information you need, so when you see that email with Coronavirus in the subject, take a deep breath and consider deleting it.[/cz_title]

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Download Our Infographic

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Creating a Remote Work Environment Mon, 23 Mar 2020 16:56:10 +0000 There's no way around it, the global Coronavirus pandemic has caught businesses off guard. The time for enabling remote work has come much sooner than expected for many organizations that now don't have time to plan and weigh their options.

The post Creating a Remote Work Environment appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_80129″ image=”12834″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”]
[cz_title id=”cz_86558″ cz_title=””]There’s no way around it, the global Coronavirus pandemic has caught businesses off guard. The time for enabling remote work has come much sooner than expected for many organizations that now don’t have time to plan and weigh their options. We know that many legacy programs, old equipment, and manual processes are holding businesses back from being able to run seamlessly when their employees can’t physically be in the office, but we’re here to help guide you through the process. Here are our recommendations for creating a remote work environment.

Laptops & PCs

It won’t come as a surprise, but laptops are in high demand right now. They may be easier to get your hands on than toilet paper, but probably not for long. The benefit of a laptop is the ability to work from anywhere. We recommend having a docking station in the office, and one at home. This way your employees can seamlessly switch back and forth between two office setups. While businesses are struggling to find inventory, we were able to secure some Dynabook Tecra X40-F Laptops to help businesses supply laptops to their employees. These laptops are equipped with 8th Generation Core Intel Processors, touchscreen displays, and a new magnesium alloy body that makes them incredibly lightweight.


Another great option is helping your employees get their home office set up with a PC. Many users are already used to working with a desktop in the office and it may be the easiest way to replicate their at work office experience. We are currently able to offer both Dell OptiPlex Small Form Factor PCs and Dell OptiPlex Micro Form Factor PCs in stock and ready for delivery. A great reason to buy desktops today instead of laptops is their price-performance value. They typically are less expensive than laptops and offer great computing value for the price. They also have a compact footprint that won’t encroach on your employee’s home office space. While they’re small, they don’t compromise on performance. We are also an Authorized HP Partner and still have some availability on our usual lineup of HP Laptops and PCs.

Document Management Software

One of the biggest barriers businesses face now is the inability to access documents outside of their facilities. Whether your documents are still in paper format, or are being digitally saved somewhere you can only access on the network, a good Document Management Solution is a must to get your team on the same page (document pun intended).


We offer DocuWare Cloud, which allows you to store business documents digitally and make them securely available to anyone on your team, anywhere they are. We know that so much of your business workflow relies on documents, so having them unavailable through this crisis simply isn’t an option.

Unified Communication

You rely on phones to keep in touch with your customers, so what do you do when no one is there to answer the phones? With Unified Communication, someone can be there to answer the business line, right from their mobile phone, from the safety of their home. We offer solutions that can help you continue to engage with your customers over the phone, from wherever you are. Not only that, you can also help your remote employees stay in touch with each other through integrated phone, meetings, and team messaging.

Remote Work Tools

We are an Office 365 and G Suite Provider. These are both great options to make sure your employees have the productivity tools they need to do their jobs, while also enabling open lines of communication with group chat, meetings, and video conferencing. Office 365 gives you all the latest versions of things like Outlook email, Word, Excel, etc. G Suite gives you Gmail, Sheets, Docs, and more.

Software Security & Remote Access

Our Software Security & Remote Access bundle gives your business a wealth of tools to weather the storm securely, and with as few issues as possible. It includes Webroot for help stopping malware and zero-day threats with a unique next-gen approach. You also get Cisco Umbrella, your first line of defense against threats on the internet, LogMeIn Pro to help provide remote access to your networked devices, Remote Monitoring and Management, and our Client Communicator.


We are committed to doing everything in our power to make this process smooth for your business as you navigate your options. Let us work with you to come up with a plan that will set your business up for remote work success.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”60px”]

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Get a Consultation on Setting Up Your Remote Work Environment



Dynabook Tecra X40-F 14″ Laptop

Dynabook Tecra X40-F 14" Laptop offers the ideal balance of portability and screen real estate. Featuring an ultra-thin, ultralight design, enhanced by Dynabook’s durable Magnesium alloy Tough-body chassis, this modern laptop is well equipped with the latest 8th Generation Core™ processors from Intel®, long lasting battery life and an optional multi-touch display, making it perfect for the field, the office and everywhere in between.

Dell OptiPlex 5070 Small Form Factor PC

OptiPlex has over 25 years of experience delivering customer-led innovation for desktops by continuously creating faster and smarter solutions. Now featuring versatile, space-saving form factors with customized deployment options and 9th gen Intel® Core™ Processors. The Dell OptiPlex 5070 Small Form Factor PC is conveniently compact. Its sleek and flexible frame is ideal for financial or government offices, delivering full-power features in a smart design that eliminates barriers and gets you to work faster.

The post Creating a Remote Work Environment appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Control Spread of Illness by Cleaning Office Equipment Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:07:55 +0000 With the threat of Coronavirus looming, many offices are taking extra precautions to sanitize commonly-touched surfaces, like door handles. This is a great step in the right direction, but most businesses are overlooking some of their most touched surfaces - shared computers, displays, copiers, and accessories.

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[cz_image id=”cz_63230″ image=”12759″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_69283″ cz_title=””]With the threat of Coronavirus looming, many offices are taking extra precautions to sanitize commonly-touched surfaces, like door handles. This is a great step in the right direction, but most businesses are overlooking some of their most touched surfaces – shared computers, displays, copiers, and accessories.


HP has recently developed a set of recommendations with a team of board-certified infection preventionists to disinfect office equipment and devices to tamp down potential pathogen transmission. These devices in your office are valuable tools for accessing and transmitting data, however disinfecting these devices is now an important component of environmental hygiene for infection prevention. Your organization should come up with a clear plan for routine cleaning and disinfection of the devices and accessories. Clearly communicate who is responsible for these tasks, and provide the appropriate training.


General Guidelines:

  • Presaturated disinfecting wipes are recommended for cleaning, rather than spray-on disinfectants applied to a cloth, to avoid dripping of the solution into the ventilation or other points of ingress, which can damage the equipment.
  • Fibrous materials like paper towels and cloths should not be used for cleaning and disinfection of the equipment to avoid scratching the displays.
  • The use of keyboard covers does not replace the need for cleaning and disinfection.
  • Routine cleaning and disinfection of the computers and displays should start with the top of the display monitor, proceed to accessories, and finish with the cables. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the copiers and printers should start with the top of the control panel and finish with the keyboard. Ensure that disinfecting wipes remain wet during the entire application.
  • Turn off the equipment to avoid electrical shock or damage to the components.
  • Encourage use of equipment with clean hands.


  • If the equipment or device is visibly soiled, it should be cleaned following these steps, prior to disinfection.
  • Perform hand hygiene
  • Remove soil from the device or accessory with disinfecting wipe or a water-dampened cloth (microfiber, chambois, or static-free cloth recommended)
  • Allow device to air dry.


  • Perform hand hygiene.
  • Disinfect all exposed surfaces of the computer and display, including the accessories.
  • Disinfect the surface of the control panel and keyboard of the copier or printer.
    Ensure that the disinfecting wipe remains wet during this entire process, replacing if necessary.
  • Ensure that the surfaces remain treated with the disinfectant for the contact time specified by the manufacturer of the disinfecting wipes.
  • Allow to air dry.
  • Perform hand hygiene.


Routine disinfection of devices and accessories should be performed daily.


Types of Wipes

We hope this information helps you in your efforts to keep everyone in your office healthy. If you have any questions about the right kinds of cloths and cleaning supplies for your office equipment, contact us.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]

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Get HP’s Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

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Tech Companies Help Fight Coronavirus with Free Remote Work Tools Thu, 12 Mar 2020 22:09:57 +0000 There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space.

The post Tech Companies Help Fight Coronavirus with Free Remote Work Tools appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_106460″ image=”12667″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_94100″ cz_title=””]There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space. This goes without saying, but having that plan ready to go BEFORE there’s an emergency situation is critical, so don’t put it off. Now is the time to plan for how your employees will continue to work, even if they are unable to gather in your office. Several major tech companies have announced that they will help fight Coronavirus with free remote work tools.


Hand sanitizer may be in short supply right now, but it’s not hard to get your hands on free tools to help your employees telecommute. Microsoft, Google, LogMeIn, and Cisco have all announced that they will help businesses by providing free tools to support working from home during the Coronavirus outbreak. These tools will allow remote workers to hold virtual meetings and chat with their coworkers while working from the safety of their homes. Let’s go through the solutions available to you, and how you can get them if and when you determine they are needed.


Tool: Microsoft Teams

Duration: Free for Six Months

Microsoft has stated that they want to “Support public health and safety by making remote work even easier.” We think this is quite admirable, and know their Teams tool can do a lot to keep workgroups connected. They are doing this by offering a free six month trial for their “Freemium” edition of Microsoft Teams, and are offering this globally. Microsoft rolled out an update to the free version of Teams on March 10 that removes any user limits, and allows users to schedule conferences and video calls.


What it does:

  • Online Meetings
  • Voice & Video Calling
  • Instant Messaging

Tool: LogMeIn – Emergency Remote Work Kit

Duration: Free for Three Months

LogMeIn has taken a proactive approach to providing assistance during the outbreak, saying “We feel LogMeIn is in a unique position to help our customers, their employees, and our communities during this time. As a result, we are making it a top priority to do all that we can to help our customers focus on the health of their employees and their business, while also helping the critical service providers in our communities who are on the front lines. Starting immediately, we will be offering our critical front-line service providers with free, organization-wide use of many LogMeIn products for 3 months through the availability of Emergency Remote Work Kits.” Their kit is now available to critical front-line service providers, educational institutions, municipalities, and non-profit organizations, in addition to current LogMeIn customers. This make a world of difference for those organizations in the thick of it because it includes a range of helpful solutions for things like video conferencing, meetings, webinars, IT Support, remote device management, and more.


What it does:

  • Meet and Collaborate with GoToMeeting
  • Host Presentations with GoToWebinar
  • Remote Access to Work Computers
  • Provide Web-based Technical Support with RescueAssist

Tool: Cisco Webex Enhanced Free Licenses

Free Cisco Webex accounts used to only allow users to host meetings with a limit of 50 people for 40 minutes. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, they have annouced they are upgrading their free Webex Licenses. Free Webex licenses will now allow users to host meetings with up to 100 participants with no time limit. They have also decided to offer free, 90-day licenses to businesses who are not already Webex customers.


What it does:

  • Video Conferencing
  • Team Messaging & File Sharing

Tool: Google Hangouts Meet

Duration: Free for G Suite Users Until July 1, 2020
Google announced that multiple advanced Hangouts Meet features, typically only available in their Enterprise edition of G Suite, will now be rolled out to all G Suite and G Suite for Education customers across the globe. The added capabilities will allow users to host video conferences with up to 250 participants per call, includes live streaming for up to 100,000 viewers within a domain, and gives users the ability to record their meetings to save to Google Drive.

What it does:

  • Video Calls
  • Live Streaming
  • Screen Sharing & Presentation Features
Each of these solutions will only be free for a limited time, so we recommend waiting to take advantage of these offers until there is a clear threat in your area. We salute these companies for pitching in to help workers get their tasks done amidst some chaotic circumstances that many businesses are under-prepared for. It remains to be seen how this will play out in the United States, but it’s safe to assume this won’t be the last crisis that causes disruptions to the traditional work environment.


With technology changing the way we all work, telecommuting is becoming more common every day. Perhaps recent events will speed up the rate of adoption as businesses recognize the benefits of empowering a mobile workforce. For now we urge business owners to start creating a plan to “future-proof” their work environment.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]

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