Healthcare Industry Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Thu, 24 Sep 2020 14:52:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthcare Industry Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Control Spread of Illness by Cleaning Office Equipment Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:07:55 +0000 With the threat of Coronavirus looming, many offices are taking extra precautions to sanitize commonly-touched surfaces, like door handles. This is a great step in the right direction, but most businesses are overlooking some of their most touched surfaces - shared computers, displays, copiers, and accessories.

The post Control Spread of Illness by Cleaning Office Equipment appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_63230″ image=”12759″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_69283″ cz_title=””]With the threat of Coronavirus looming, many offices are taking extra precautions to sanitize commonly-touched surfaces, like door handles. This is a great step in the right direction, but most businesses are overlooking some of their most touched surfaces – shared computers, displays, copiers, and accessories.


HP has recently developed a set of recommendations with a team of board-certified infection preventionists to disinfect office equipment and devices to tamp down potential pathogen transmission. These devices in your office are valuable tools for accessing and transmitting data, however disinfecting these devices is now an important component of environmental hygiene for infection prevention. Your organization should come up with a clear plan for routine cleaning and disinfection of the devices and accessories. Clearly communicate who is responsible for these tasks, and provide the appropriate training.


General Guidelines:

  • Presaturated disinfecting wipes are recommended for cleaning, rather than spray-on disinfectants applied to a cloth, to avoid dripping of the solution into the ventilation or other points of ingress, which can damage the equipment.
  • Fibrous materials like paper towels and cloths should not be used for cleaning and disinfection of the equipment to avoid scratching the displays.
  • The use of keyboard covers does not replace the need for cleaning and disinfection.
  • Routine cleaning and disinfection of the computers and displays should start with the top of the display monitor, proceed to accessories, and finish with the cables. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the copiers and printers should start with the top of the control panel and finish with the keyboard. Ensure that disinfecting wipes remain wet during the entire application.
  • Turn off the equipment to avoid electrical shock or damage to the components.
  • Encourage use of equipment with clean hands.


  • If the equipment or device is visibly soiled, it should be cleaned following these steps, prior to disinfection.
  • Perform hand hygiene
  • Remove soil from the device or accessory with disinfecting wipe or a water-dampened cloth (microfiber, chambois, or static-free cloth recommended)
  • Allow device to air dry.


  • Perform hand hygiene.
  • Disinfect all exposed surfaces of the computer and display, including the accessories.
  • Disinfect the surface of the control panel and keyboard of the copier or printer.
    Ensure that the disinfecting wipe remains wet during this entire process, replacing if necessary.
  • Ensure that the surfaces remain treated with the disinfectant for the contact time specified by the manufacturer of the disinfecting wipes.
  • Allow to air dry.
  • Perform hand hygiene.


Routine disinfection of devices and accessories should be performed daily.


Types of Wipes

We hope this information helps you in your efforts to keep everyone in your office healthy. If you have any questions about the right kinds of cloths and cleaning supplies for your office equipment, contact us.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]

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Get HP’s Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

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The post Control Spread of Illness by Cleaning Office Equipment appeared first on Les Olson IT.

Can Managed Print Services in the Healthcare Industry Improve Care? Fri, 19 Jul 2019 17:36:00 +0000 Whether they are fixing our kids’ boo-boo’s, or our own, doctors and others in the healthcare industry have a lot on their plate. With so many things to juggle, every second counts. Managed Print Services, or MPS, can help those in the healthcare industry be more efficient, save money, and ensure that patient care comes first.

The post Can Managed Print Services in the Healthcare Industry Improve Care? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

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Do You Remember What it Was Like to be a Kid? The world was your playground and everything was full of magic and adventure. Unfortunately, while many of us were off battling dragons and defending our castles, accidents would occur. Whether it was a broken bone that was obtained from falling out of a tree (the top of a castle) or a cold that was caught while building the largest snow igloo (ice fortress), we have all had to pause our adventures in order to visit a doctor. These doctors were our heroes, and as we grow older and continue to visit them, they still are.


Whether they are fixing our kids’ boo-boo’s, or our own, doctors and others in the healthcare industry have a lot on their plate. With so many things to juggle, every second counts. Managed Print Services, or MPS, can help those in the healthcare industry be more efficient, save money, and ensure that patient care comes first.

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How Managed Print Service Helps

Managed Print Services (MPS) allows for efficiency, lower costs, and maximized patient care. With many other priorities, businesses in the healthcare industry often don’t realize how unnecessary some of their printer expenses are. Whether it is the cost of old printers, excess use of toner, or excess time spent arranging for repairs, these things add up and add unnecessary expense to a company. Studies have shown that for every one dollar spent putting images on paper, it costs nine dollars to control. This cost can be reduced tremendously with Managed Print Services! MPS ensures that printer fleets in the healthcare industry are providing the best printing at the lowest cost.


Less Headache with Managed Print Services

If you’re in the healthcare industry, you understand that often the responsibilities for printing is dispersed among multiple departments. One department is in charge of hardware purchases, the other consumable purchases, and the last department is in charge of maintenance & repair. This results in an inefficient use of devices and consumables and causes administrative headaches for all involved. By assessing the printing needs of the company, Managed Print Services can soothe these headaches and provide auto replacement of printer cartridges as well as routinely included maintenance.


Preventative Care: Good for Patients and Printers

Those in the healthcare industry understand that preventive care reduces costs and extend lives of patients. This same principle applies to the printer fleets in the health care industry. MPS can help ensure that you, and others in the healthcare industry, are getting administrative documents, test reports, patient notes, and payment records in the most affordable and efficient way possible, helping to extend the life of printer fleets.


HIPAA Compliance

Complying with regulatory requirements, specifically HIPAA, can be frustrating and hard to manage. With MPS, it is managed for you. Managed Print Services ensures that those in the healthcare industry comply with all necessary regulations without having to sacrifice productivity. Managed Print Services can also help those in the healthcare industry meet their sustainability goals by providing more energy-efficient options. This allows those in the healthcare industry to provide top of the line care while being conscious of the environment.


We Care for your Printer Fleet

Healthcare organizations spend 8.56% of annual revenues on print related expenses. If your organization is looking to reduce this number, Managed Print Services is the way to go. We manage everything from the purchasing of printers right down to consumable products. Therefore, you can rest assured that everything is being handled in the most efficient and productive way possible.


Shift the care of your printer fleets to Les Olson Company, so you and others in the healthcare industry can focus on the care of your patients, ensuring that you both can focus on the magic of life.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”35px”]

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How Much Does Your Business Spend On Printing?

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Not completely sure? You’re not alone. Get a free, no-obligation print cost analysis, and gain a clearer picture of what your business is spending on printing. We’ll also help you identify ways to reduce print costs.

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The post Can Managed Print Services in the Healthcare Industry Improve Care? appeared first on Les Olson IT.
