5 Sigs You've Outgrown Your IT Support

5 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your IT Support

Whether you have an in-house IT technician, or outsource your IT services to an external provider, you may find yourself lacking the support you require. There are a number of reasons you can outgrow your current IT solutions, here are 5 signs you’ve outgrown your IT support. If any of this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to look for a new provider.

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Decoding IT Jargon

Decoding IT Jargon

Few industries love their abbreviations and industry-specific jargon more than the Information Technology field. Changes are you’ve heard all these terms thrown around, but probably only had a vague understanding of what they mean. In this article we’ll help decode some of the most used IT terms to help you get a handle on what it all means.

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Managed IT Versus Traditional IT

Managed IT Versus Traditional IT

Think of your absolute favorite babysitter from childhood. What did they do that made them so successful? Every babysitter was different—some were proactive, some were reactive; some made the best mac n’ cheese in the whole world and others may have started small stove fires while trying to heat up some water.

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