Microsoft Office Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Fri, 25 Sep 2020 14:38:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Microsoft Office Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Why Get Microsoft 365 from Les Olson Company? Wed, 12 Aug 2020 17:41:41 +0000 There's no question that Office 365 has become the go-to suite of productivity and collaboration tools for businesses. While your business has many options for how to get Office 365, there are some distinct benefits to purchasing Office 365 through Les Olson Company.

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[cz_image id=”cz_40748″ image=”14512″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_77029″ cz_title=””]There’s no question that Microsoft 365 has become the go-to suite of productivity and collaboration tools for businesses. While your business has many options for how to get Microsoft 365, there are some distinct benefits to purchasing Office 365 through Les Olson Company.


Businesses can purchase Microsoft 365 licenses through Les Olson Company. We’re able to match the pricing offered by purchasing directly from Microsoft. We charge for licenses monthly, but there is an annual commitment. Assuming you’ve met your annual commitment, you can fluctuate licenses at your convenience, or cancel service at any time.


When you purchase your licenses through Les Olson Company, you get the product portfolio that Microsoft intended when they designed the Microsoft 365 portfolio. There are no limitations to portal access, and the Admin Centers have full control for use with a partner or self-administration.


Simplicity is often overlooked as an advantage to your business processes, but when it comes to billing, the less vendors you have to work with, the better. If you’re already a Les Olson Company client, or planning on becoming one, you can receive one bill from Les Olson Company for all of your office technology, including Microsoft 365. With billing through Les Olson Company, we can offer Payment terms, Check, PO, and Credit Card on approved credit accounts so you gain additional flexibility over purchasing through Microsoft or GoDaddy.


You can get started with Microsoft 365 in a few minutes, and can easily link domains from Registrars and hosting companies like GoDaddy without the hassle of signing up through them and having their unnecessary contracts.  In addition, Les Olson Company offers Managed IT Services. This is a great option to help support the administration of Microsoft 365 for businesses that don’t have an in-house IT staff. If your business already gets Microsoft 365 directly from Microsoft, we can switch this in just a few minutes without any interruption in service, allowing greater flexibility and streamlining your office technology.


Our Microsoft 365 Pricing:

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Microsoft 365 Business Basic

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per user/month
(annual commitment)

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Office Apps Included
web and mobile versions only

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Services Included


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Microsoft 365 Apps for Business

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_41848″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:40px;margin-top:30px;”]

per user/month
(annual commitment)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_88081″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:15px;”]

Office Apps Included
Access (PC only)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_81366″]

Services Included


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Microsoft 365 Business Standard

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per user/month
(annual commitment)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_88081″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:15px;”]

Office Apps Included
Access (PC only)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_104734″]

Services Included


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Microsoft 365 Business Premium

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_37464″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:40px;margin-top:30px;”]

per user/month
(annual commitment)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_88081″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:15px;”]

Office Apps Included
Access (PC only)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_55667″]

Services Included


[cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_73051″ cz_title=””]These plans have a 300-user maximum. For larger user needs, an Enterprise plan is required. Other Microsoft 365 plans are available such as O365 Project, Visio, Exchange Online, O365 Enterprise, etc. Please ask your Les Olson Company Information Technology Executive for pricing and product questions.


Should you Purchase Microsoft 365 Through GoDaddy?

GoDaddy is a popular vendor to acquire Microsoft 365 through, however, there are some critical limitations you should be aware of before you decide where to purchase Microsoft 365 licenses. Microsoft 365 is available without a contract, but this is somewhat of an illusion as most businesses sign up under introductory pricing, only to be renewed on a long-term contract (2-3 years). In some cases these contracts are billed upfront for the entire term, which can increase costs if you have fluctuating license needs.


GoDaddy severely limits access to the self-administration features that are normally offered with an Microsoft 365 plan. For example, the Exchange Admin Center is not available via the GoDaddy portal, which limits features and configurations of Exchange. There are situations where a migration would be necessary in order to gain these features. Their portal gives your business fewer options, encouraging the purchases of additional products outside of Microsoft 365 to fill in the gaps.


(There have been numerous complaints of single sign-on issues) related to the GoDaddy portals and token-based authentication conflicts. Key Functions are missing, like SharePoint administration and Exchange Administration. Every time you have to sign in to a Microsoft site, you will be redirected to a new window for GoDaddy Authentication. There are also known issues with having multiple domains linked to one account without purchasing additional licenses per domain. Businesses cannot self-administrate all features, however, it has been reported that working through GoDaddy’s customer service for help with this is difficult. If your business decides to cancel Microsoft 365 through GoDaddy, you will not be able to receive a refund for unused months of the platform.


Les Olson Company is your source for Managed IT Services in Utah and Las Vegas. We’re here to help you get the right Microsoft 365 solution for your business.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”60px”]

[cz_gap height=”60px”][cz_title id=”cz_20122″ cz_title=””]

Get a Consultation on Microsoft 365


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The post Why Get Microsoft 365 from Les Olson Company? appeared first on Les Olson IT.

3 Microsoft Office Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know Mon, 28 Dec 2015 16:56:19 +0000 Lots of us would consider ourselves to be proficient in Microsoft Office. But even the most seasoned and savvy users may be surprised to learn these 3 Microsoft Office tricks that can make life easier:

The post 3 Microsoft Office Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know appeared first on Les Olson IT.

[cz_image id=”cz_105904″ image=”12347″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_24478″ cz_title=””]Lots of us would consider ourselves to be proficient in Microsoft Office. But even the most seasoned and savvy users may be surprised to learn these 3 Microsoft Office tricks that can make life easier:


1. You Can Edit PDF Files in Microsoft Word

Your PDF files probably open by default in Adobe Reader. But what if you want to edit them? You can’t do that with Reader and the Adobe Software you need to make changes to a PDF isn’t exactly cheap. Did you know you can use Microsoft Word to edit PDF files?


Here’s How:

  • Launch Microsoft Word
  • Browse your files and find the PDF document you would like to open by selecting “File” and then “Open” Make sure “All Files” is selected as the file type from the drop-down menu. Otherwise you will probably only see Word documents.
  • Once the file is open, you’ll be able to make your edits. You may lose some of the formatting in the process, but in most cases that’s better than having to start from square one.

2. You Can Collaborate With Co-workers in Real Time

With Microsoft Office, you and a colleague can edit the same document or spreadsheet at the same time. This feature is actually built into Office 2013. It’s a bit of a process, but once it’s configured we think you’ll find that it pays off.


Here’s How:

  • Save your document to One Drive (Any document created with a Microsoft Office product such as Excel, Word or PowerPoint)
  • Once the document is successfully saved, select “File” and then “Share.” Then select send your invitations to those you wish to include
  • Once they receive an invitation, your colleagues should be able to review and edit the document in real time.

You may need to adjust some settings within Microsoft Office in order to achieve this. If you have issues, you can always request assistance from your IT debarment or IT Service Provider.


3. You Can Ignore Annoying Reply-All Email Chains

Have you ever been included in one of those spammy email threads that have nothing to do with you, but people just keep hitting the reply-all button? Once the email thread takes a turn for the worse, you can chose to ignore further emails in that thread with Microsoft Outlook.


Here’s How:

  • Select one of the email messages in the chain you wish to ignore
  • In the top of the Outlook window, click “Ignore”

That’s it! By selecting “Ignore,” future messages in that chain will be sent directly to your Deleted Items folder. Way to cut down on Inbox clutter!


If you use Microsoft Office on a daily basis, these time-saving tips may be just what you need to kick your productivity into high gear! Want to empower your business with better tools? Les Olson Company is a Microsoft Office 365 provider. Learn what Microsoft Office 365 can do for your business.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]

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The post 3 Microsoft Office Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know appeared first on Les Olson IT.
