software Archives - Les Olson IT Your Office Technology Partner Fri, 25 Sep 2020 14:38:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 software Archives - Les Olson IT 32 32 Why Get Microsoft 365 from Les Olson Company? Wed, 12 Aug 2020 17:41:41 +0000 There's no question that Office 365 has become the go-to suite of productivity and collaboration tools for businesses. While your business has many options for how to get Office 365, there are some distinct benefits to purchasing Office 365 through Les Olson Company.

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[cz_image id=”cz_40748″ image=”14512″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_77029″ cz_title=””]There’s no question that Microsoft 365 has become the go-to suite of productivity and collaboration tools for businesses. While your business has many options for how to get Microsoft 365, there are some distinct benefits to purchasing Office 365 through Les Olson Company.


Businesses can purchase Microsoft 365 licenses through Les Olson Company. We’re able to match the pricing offered by purchasing directly from Microsoft. We charge for licenses monthly, but there is an annual commitment. Assuming you’ve met your annual commitment, you can fluctuate licenses at your convenience, or cancel service at any time.


When you purchase your licenses through Les Olson Company, you get the product portfolio that Microsoft intended when they designed the Microsoft 365 portfolio. There are no limitations to portal access, and the Admin Centers have full control for use with a partner or self-administration.


Simplicity is often overlooked as an advantage to your business processes, but when it comes to billing, the less vendors you have to work with, the better. If you’re already a Les Olson Company client, or planning on becoming one, you can receive one bill from Les Olson Company for all of your office technology, including Microsoft 365. With billing through Les Olson Company, we can offer Payment terms, Check, PO, and Credit Card on approved credit accounts so you gain additional flexibility over purchasing through Microsoft or GoDaddy.


You can get started with Microsoft 365 in a few minutes, and can easily link domains from Registrars and hosting companies like GoDaddy without the hassle of signing up through them and having their unnecessary contracts.  In addition, Les Olson Company offers Managed IT Services. This is a great option to help support the administration of Microsoft 365 for businesses that don’t have an in-house IT staff. If your business already gets Microsoft 365 directly from Microsoft, we can switch this in just a few minutes without any interruption in service, allowing greater flexibility and streamlining your office technology.


Our Microsoft 365 Pricing:

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Microsoft 365 Business Basic

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per user/month
(annual commitment)

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Office Apps Included
web and mobile versions only

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Services Included


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Microsoft 365 Apps for Business

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per user/month
(annual commitment)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_88081″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:15px;”]

Office Apps Included
Access (PC only)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_81366″]

Services Included


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Microsoft 365 Business Standard

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per user/month
(annual commitment)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_88081″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:15px;”]

Office Apps Included
Access (PC only)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_104734″]

Services Included


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Microsoft 365 Business Premium

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_37464″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:40px;margin-top:30px;”]

per user/month
(annual commitment)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_88081″ sk_overall=”margin-bottom:15px;”]

Office Apps Included
Access (PC only)

[/cz_title][cz_title id=”cz_55667″]

Services Included


[cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_73051″ cz_title=””]These plans have a 300-user maximum. For larger user needs, an Enterprise plan is required. Other Microsoft 365 plans are available such as O365 Project, Visio, Exchange Online, O365 Enterprise, etc. Please ask your Les Olson Company Information Technology Executive for pricing and product questions.


Should you Purchase Microsoft 365 Through GoDaddy?

GoDaddy is a popular vendor to acquire Microsoft 365 through, however, there are some critical limitations you should be aware of before you decide where to purchase Microsoft 365 licenses. Microsoft 365 is available without a contract, but this is somewhat of an illusion as most businesses sign up under introductory pricing, only to be renewed on a long-term contract (2-3 years). In some cases these contracts are billed upfront for the entire term, which can increase costs if you have fluctuating license needs.


GoDaddy severely limits access to the self-administration features that are normally offered with an Microsoft 365 plan. For example, the Exchange Admin Center is not available via the GoDaddy portal, which limits features and configurations of Exchange. There are situations where a migration would be necessary in order to gain these features. Their portal gives your business fewer options, encouraging the purchases of additional products outside of Microsoft 365 to fill in the gaps.


(There have been numerous complaints of single sign-on issues) related to the GoDaddy portals and token-based authentication conflicts. Key Functions are missing, like SharePoint administration and Exchange Administration. Every time you have to sign in to a Microsoft site, you will be redirected to a new window for GoDaddy Authentication. There are also known issues with having multiple domains linked to one account without purchasing additional licenses per domain. Businesses cannot self-administrate all features, however, it has been reported that working through GoDaddy’s customer service for help with this is difficult. If your business decides to cancel Microsoft 365 through GoDaddy, you will not be able to receive a refund for unused months of the platform.


Les Olson Company is your source for Managed IT Services in Utah and Las Vegas. We’re here to help you get the right Microsoft 365 solution for your business.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”60px”]

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Get a Consultation on Microsoft 365


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Improving Organizations through Document Management Software Mon, 19 Dec 2016 22:42:19 +0000 Most paper-dependent organizations are so used to handling paper that they do not notice the administrative costs paper-dependent processes bring via document misfiling, faxing, snail mailing, and manually searching for information. Document management software (DMS) is a technology designed to overcome the limitations of the traditional office.

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[cz_image id=”cz_106618″ image=”11652″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_102886″ cz_title=””]Most paper-dependent organizations are so used to handling paper that they do not notice the administrative costs paper-dependent processes bring via document misfiling, faxing, snail mailing, and manually searching for information. Document management software (DMS) is a technology designed to overcome the limitations of the traditional office.


Using document management software (DMS) creates reduced operating expenses and, therefore, business continuity. However, it also creates business continuity through data backup and redundancy should a natural disaster occur and destroy a business’s on-site information.


Aligning DMS Vendor Innovation with Organizational Purpose

Although DMS strategy and software are developed to adapt to business demands, they will also grow independent of organizations’ demands—meeting needs of which organizations are not yet aware.


It’s for this reason that when a DMS vendor adds a new feature to its product spread that organizations should explore how it can benefit them before dismissing it.


In fact, most DMS vendors do not update their software before considering the future needs of its buyer base. That’s why it’s worth exploring how your business can adapt to future challenges through DMS technology.


Why Document Management Turns Information into Strategy

As the marketplace diversifies, DMS development teams will update solutions to not only help businesses manage information effectively, but also to develop information management strategies.


A combination of software and strategy, within the next 5 years, DMS will include a diverse set of road maps for information management strategy—which will greatly empower knowledge workers.


For instance, Infosys, a business technology and consulting firm, notes that one of the biggest changes DMS will face within the next several years is its permeation throughout the organization, particularly beyond the points of mere implementation and use—turning it into a more “complete business solution.”


Why Document Management Software Increases Workflow Transparency

Few business processes are given a visual road map in organizations, making them difficult to implement, remember, and use. However, DMS features like workflow, for instance—create a traceable process road map. This keeps employees accountable for specific tasks and helps system admins identify roadblocks to project completion as they arise.


DMS also centralizes processes for offices with multiple branches, including the external auditors who oversee them. Within the next decade, it is possible that document management software vendors with satellite and remote access will have created an established road map for auditors, which can be replicated across many different industries.


This trend will also shift organization’s awareness, making them focus more on content collaboration rather than the management of transactional content, which will also increase demand for document management software use.


How Document Management Enables Enterprise-grade Tech Sufficiency

As DMS technologies become more sophisticated, so does their ease of use. Given that some DMS vendors sell on an international basis, customer support in the industry demanded an overhaul not too long ago.


The language and cultural barriers to providing effective customer support overseas and across continents has posed significant barriers. However, the increased usability of DMS offerings has reduced the problems associated with this issue, and users of these technologies are becoming increasingly self-sufficient.


The Future of Document Metadata in DMS

Metadata’s role in the DMS market will gain an even stronger foothold as organizations look to retrieve higher volumes of content and information based on what the content contains, not where an employee has stored the content. This makes the content storage and retrieval process simpler and more automated.


For organizations striving to grow considerably within the next five years, metadata-driven DMS with Zonal OCR/Natural Language Processors (NLPs) and other file retrieval add-ons will be the best options as growing organizations accumulate information rapidly and without control.[/cz_title][cz_gap height=”30px” id=”cz_62034″]

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DocuWare Cloud

DocuWare Cloud is a best-in-class document management and workflow automation content services for teams and companies of any size — delivered on a multitenant cloud platform.

The post Improving Organizations through Document Management Software appeared first on Les Olson IT.

What You Need to Know About RMM Fri, 27 Nov 2015 22:54:57 +0000 Remote monitoring and management (RMM), also known as network management or remote service software, is a type of software designed to help our Technicians remotely and proactively monitor client Servers, networks, and computers.

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[cz_image id=”cz_56236″ image=”11915″][/cz_image][cz_gap height=”25px”][cz_title id=”cz_40796″ cz_title=””]Remote monitoring and management (RMM), also known as network management or remote service software, is a type of software designed to help our Technicians remotely and proactively monitor client Servers, networks, and computers.


We deploy this RMM on client workstations, servers, mobile devices (if subscribed to our mobile device management program), and other endpoints. These agents then send us information about health and status so we can stay up to date on what is happening in a client’s network. This RMM approach gives us unique insight and allows us to stay ahead of issues and resolve them remotely or decide if we need to be onsite for full resolution.


When one of these RMM agents detects a problem it creates a ticket for resolution in our Software and alerts one of our technicians so we can track the problem from inception to resolution. Ideally, this allows us to identify and solve issues before our clients even realize there’s a problem.


Through RMM, technicians can remotely install software and updates, administer patches, check for viruses, and monitor overall health. The real question to ask is not “what is RMM” instead you should be asking, “why isn’t my IT provider using the latest tools to manage my network?” In addition to this RMM component, our services include premium antivirus software, antimalware software, and LogMeIn Pro.


Our RMM agent is deployed with our Les Olson Company client communicator. If you’re one of our customers and look at the taskbar of your computer you will find a little Les Olson Company Logo. Once you click here you will get a series of options to receive support. You can initiate a chat with one of our helpdesk technicians, run an antivirus scan if you think you’ve been infected, access key Knowledgebase articles about your environment, and view information about Les Olson Company including the proper contact information if you want to try a different communication method for support. It’s great for that user who is comfortable running an antivirus scan themselves but needs our help for more serious computer issues. And even better than that it is also great for your users that want to be handed off and let us keep their computer healthy. Once the RMM detects an infection it creates a ticket for one of our techs to remove it.[/cz_title]

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The post What You Need to Know About RMM appeared first on Les Olson IT.
