Use Card Shot on your Sharp Copier

Use Card Shot on Your Sharp Copier

Do you have a pile of business cards you’ve collected just sitting around on your desk? Do you have FOTHROW (Fear of Throwing Them Out)? Keeping those business cards handy can be great when you remember you need that one card from that one person, but rifling through your collection, trying to locate the one you need can be futile.

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Tech companies help businesses fight spread of coronavirus with free remote work tools

Tech Companies Help Fight Coronavirus with Free Remote Work Tools

There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space.

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